
My friend, are there any tearful eyes in Damascus

خليلي هل بالشام عين حزينة

1. My friend, are there any tearful eyes in Damascus
That weep for Najd, perhaps I may weep with them,

١. خَليلَيَّ هَل بِالشامِ عَينٌ حَزينَةٌ
تُبَكّي عَلى نَجدٍ لَعَلّي أُعينُها

2. The enemies have seized it except for a dove
Collared as it cries and its mate answers,

٢. قَدَ اِسلَمَها الباكونَ إِلّا حَمامَةً
مُطَوَّقَةً بانَت وَبانَ قَرينُها

3. Another responds from a tamarisk tree,
Bending with its softness almost to the ground.

٣. تُجاوِبُها أُخرى عَلى خَيزُرانَةٍ
يَكادُ يُدَنّيها مِنَ الأَرضِ لينُها