
By Him who established Thabir in its place,

أما والذي أرسى ثبيرا مكانه

1. By Him who established Thabir in its place,
Above which the clouds rise and assemble,

١. أَما وَالَّذي أَرسى ثَبيراً مَكانَهُ
عَلَيهِ السَحابُ فَوقَهُ يَتَنَصَّبُ

2. And she who traversed the sandy tracts, bent with sorrow,
Like the eyelid of the polished sword, wearing and flexible,

٢. وَما سَلَكَ الموماةَ مِن كُلِّ حَسرَةٍ
طَليحٍ كَجَفنِ السَيفِ تَهوي فَتُركَبُ

3. Truly I have lived a time with Layla whom I love,
Dearer than death, though some lovers are given to lies.

٣. لَقَد عِشتُ مِن لَيلى زَماناً أُحِبُّها
أَخا المَوتَ إِذ بَعضُ المُحِبّينَ يَكذُبُ