1. With streaks of dishonor, a goblet of passion
Penniless, vile in nature
١. وَعارٍ مِنَ الأَرياشِ كاسٍ مِنَ الهَوى
مِنَ المالِ مُعدامٍ لَئيمِ الخَلائِقِ
2. Do you see if Layla came with true resolve
As I was aroused for her, from Nufail, son of Musahiq
٢. تُرى هَل أَتى لَيلى بِعَزمَةِ صادِقٍ
كَما هاجَ بي مِن نَوفَلِ بنِ مُساحِقِ
3. When you come to him seeking favor
He clutches a heart of scattered pieces
٣. إِذا جِئتَهُ في الناسِ مِنهُ عَلى الرَجا
أَلَمَّ بِقَلبٍ مُستَطارِ الخَوافِقِ
4. Is it because of this love you’ve become as I see
I said "yes", though love is bitter in taste
٤. أَمِن أَجلِ هَذا الحُبِّ صِرتَ كَما أَرى
فَقُلتُ نَعَم وَالحُبُّ مُرُّ المَذائِقِ
5. I will meet the paths of demise, and I
Am content, pleased with the will of my Creator
٥. سَأُفضي إِلى سُبلِ الهَلاكِ وَإِنَّني
لَمُحتَسِبٌ راضٍ مَشيئَةَ خالِقي
6. And he made a promise, whose sweetness was mixed with bitterness
And cast upon it the striking calamities
٦. وَجادَ بِوَعدٍ خالَطَ الشَهدُ طَعمَهُ
وَأَلقى عَلَيهِ موبِقاتِ البَرائِقِ
7. They said, by God, nothing will come between us
Until the white nests remove the disheveled feathers
٧. وَقالوا وَأَيمِ اللَهِ لا صارَ بَينَنا
إِلى أَن تُزيلَ البيضُ شُعثَ المَفارِقِ
8. They said the blood of the madman is violated
And said, "Strike him," though the saying does not concur
٨. وَقالوا دَمُ المَجنونِ في الحَيِّ مُهدَرٌ
وَقالوا اِضرُبوا وَالقَولُ غَيرُ مُوافِقِ
9. God refused, though I hope for nearness, so
With our separation, a flock of wild ducks dispersed
٩. أَبى اللَهُ أَرجو القُربَ إِلّا تَطايَرَت
بِتَفريقِنا بِالبَينِ سِربٌ نَواعِقُ
10. And I do not hope for a day of comfort
In which I rejoice, except I am hit with an obstacle
١٠. وَلا أَرتَجي يَوماً مِنَ الدَهرِ راحَةً
أُسَرُّ بِها إِلا رُميتُ بِعائِقِ
11. When we reached the neighborhood and my body was emaciated
And my heart pained, often fluttering
١١. وَلَمّا بَلَغنا الحَيَّ وَالجِسمُ ناحِلٌ
وَقَلبِيَ مَوجوعٌ كَثيرُ الخَوافِقِ
12. By God, I do not know if my heart is meant
For this, so I surrendered it with true devotion
١٢. فَوَ اللَهِ ما أَدري لَقَلبي مُخَصَّصٌ
بِهَذا فَأَلقاهُ بِتَسليمِ صادِقِ
13. As for love, it was passionate with another, as I saw
So my heart specifically took the calamities from her
١٣. أَما الحُبُّ فَعّالٌ بِغَيري كَما أَرى
فَقَلبِيَ مِنها خَصَّهُ بِالبَوائِقِ
14. I swore by God's covenant, O mother of Malik
That you have a place of attachment in my heart
١٤. حَلَفتُ بِعَهدِ اللَهَ يا أُمَّ مالِكٍ
لِأَنَّكِ مِن قَلبي مَكانَ عَلائِقي
15. The most I got from her favor
Were wishes that clung like a sudden flash of lightning
١٥. وَأَكثَرُ شَيءٍ نِلتُهُ مِن نَوالِها
أَمانيُّ لَم تَعلَق كَبَرقَةِ بارِقِ
16. By God, there is a heart in passion with patience
And by God, there is a heart of longing and devotion
١٦. فَلِلَّهِ قَلبٌ في الهَوى ذو صَبابَةٍ
وَلِلَّهِ قَلبٌ مِن مَشوقٍ وَشائِقِ
17. And I, I love the nearness of Layla and her mention
With a sincere passion, not hypocritical
١٧. وَإِنّي لَأَهوى قُربَ لَيلى وَذِكرَها
هَوى صادِقٍ في الحُبِّ غَيرِ مُنافِقِ
18. I will be patient with what is destined, O mother of Malik
And I know that patience is bitter to the taste
١٨. سَأَصبِرُ لِلمَقدورِ يا أُمَّ مالِكٍ
وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ الصَبرَ مُرُّ المَذائِقِ