1. Oh, if only Layla would agree with every argument
To decide for Layla while I am her companion
١. فَيا لَيتَ لَيلى وَافَقَت كُلَّ حَجَّةٍ
قَضاءً عَلى لَيلى وَأَنّي رَفيقُها
2. So we could meet between two bent palm trees
With a path crowded by the saddles of the riding camels
٢. فَتَجمَعَنا مِن نَخلَتَينِ ثَنِيَّةٌ
يَغَصُّ بِأَعضادِ المَطِيِّ طَريقُها
3. I would meet you at the corner or beside As-Safa
And the market of Makkah would distract people from us
٣. فَأَلقاكِ عِندَ الرُكنِ أَو جانِبَ الصَفا
وَيَشغَلَ عَنّا أَهلَ مَكَّةَ سوقُها
4. I would recite to her to reward the affection and love
And grant a soul whose rights have long been denied
٤. فَأُنشِدُها أَن تَجزِيَ الهَونَ وَالهَوى
وَتَمنَحَ نَفساً طالَ مَطلاً حُقوقُها