
So I endure the love of one who does not love me,

فواكبدا من حب من لا يحبني

1. So I endure the love of one who does not love me,
And sighs that know no end.

١. فَواكَبِدا مِن حُبِّ مَن لا يَحُبُّني
وَمِن زَفَراتٍ ما لَهُنَّ فَناءُ

2. Did you see, if I did not give you love willingly,
And refused when you did, obstinately,

٢. أَرَيتِكِ إِن لَم أُعطِكَ الحُبَّ عَن يَدِ
وَلَم يَكُ عِندي إِذ أَبَيتِ إِباءُ

3. That I'd leave you to die? I am dead indeed!
What life remains for fading souls?

٣. أَتارِكَتي لِلمَوتُ إِنّي لَمَيِّتٌ
وَما لِلنُفوسِ الهالِكاتِ بَقاءُ

4. Now the land is Their pasture, while for you
Is a pouring rain, and ruined shelter.

٤. إِذ هِيَ أَمسَت مَنبِتُ الرَبعِ دونَها
وَدونَكِ أَرطىً مُسهِلٌ وَأَلاءُ

5. No union unless the pleasing veils
Of Their tails bring us close.

٥. فَلا وَصلَ إِلّا أَن يُقارِبَ بَينَنا
قَلائِصُ في أَذنابِهِنَّ صَفاءُ

6. With Them we cross the barren wastes, and We
Have no relief but Them alone.

٦. يَجُبنَ بِنا عُرضَ الفَلاةِ وَما لَنا
عَليهِنَّ إِلّا وَحدَهُنَّ شِفاءُ

7. When people say They will come at dawn tomorrow,
They yearn until Their coming at night.

٧. إِذا القَومُ قالوا وِردُهُنَّ ضُحى غَدٍ
تَواهَقنَ حَتّى وِردُهُنَّ عِشاءُ

8. If Their riders were asked, they would not know,
Save that a call would come.

٨. إِذا اِستُخبِرَت رُكبانُها لَم يُخَبَّروا
عَلَيهُنَّ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ نِداءُ