
By God, by God I do persist

فوالله ثم والله إني لدائب

1. By God, by God I do persist
Pondering what wrong I did to you that makes me so surprised

١. فَوَاللَهِ ثَمَّ وَاللَهِ إِنّي لَدائِبٌ
أُفَكِّرُ ما ذَنبي إِلَيكِ فَأَعجَبُ

2. And by God I do not know why you abandoned me
And what matters of mine in you O night I should undertake

٢. وَوَاللَهِ ما أَدري عَلامَ هَجَرتِني
وَأَيَّ أُموري فيكِ يا لَيلَ أَركَبُ

3. Should I sever the cord of connection though death lies beneath it
Or drink a cup from you that cannot be imbibed

٣. أَأَقطَعُ حَبلَ الوَصلِ فَالمَوتُ دونَهُ
أَمَ اَشرَبُ كَأساً مِنكُمُ لَيسَ يُشرَبُ

4. Or should I flee so no neighbor I see
Or what should I do or confess and be overpowered

٤. أَمَ اَهرُبُ حَتّى لا أَرى لي مُجاوِراً
أَمَ اَفعَلُ ماذا أَم أَبوحُ فَأُغلَبُ

5. So which of them O night will you do
The first is abandoned and the second blameworthy

٥. فَأَيُّهُما يا لَيلَ ما تَفعَلينَهُ
فَأَوَّلُ مَهجورٌ وَآخَرُ مُعتَبُ

6. If our souls could meet after our deaths
And without our remains in the earth being buried

٦. فَلَو تَلتَقي أَرواحُنا بَعدَ مَوتِنا
وَمِن دونِ رَمسَينا مِنَ الأَرضِ مَنكِبُ

7. The echo of my inscription would remain even if I were rubble
To the echoing voice of Layla that startles and tremors

٧. لَظَلَّ صَدى رَمسي وَإِن كُنتُ رِمَّةً
لِصَوتِ صَدى لَيلى يَهُشُّ وَيَطرَبُ

8. And if an eye obeyed me it would not cease
To shed a teardrop or blood when poured

٨. وَلَو أَنَّ عَيناً طاوَعَتنِيَ لَم تَزَل
تَرَقرَقُ دَمعاً أَو دَماً حينَ تَسكُبُ