
For whom have the gazelles raised their longing eyes?

لمن الظعائن طلع الأحداج

1. For whom have the gazelles raised their longing eyes?
Standing for a cause, and bending with desire,

١. لِمَن الظّعائِنُ طُلَّعَ الأحْداج
وقَفَتْ لشأنٍ وانثَنَت لَمِعاجِ

2. They sang the songs that delight the soul, and presented
In the arts of yearning, to the lovelorn, consolation.

٢. غَنَّت بأطْراب النفوس وعارَضت
بفنونِ شَجوٍ لْلمَتيم شاجِ

3. Deafen then your hearing to the guide calling them
A magic charm, and the voice of his raven giving answer.

٣. فأصّم سَمْعَك رنَّةُ الحادي بها
سَحَراً وصَوتُ غُرابها الشَّحاجُ

4. Then she breathed, alone, sighs that caused
Tears to flow from the eyes in pairs.

٤. فبعثث أنفاساً فُرادى تمتَري
دُرَر الجُفون بأدْمُعٍ أَزْواجِ

5. They raised the curtains, like ships, all together,
Enveloped in fine linen and brocade.

٥. رفَعوا هوادِجَ كالسّفين وكلّةً
محْفوفةً بالوّشْي والدّيباجِ

6. Among them is she who has ensnared my passion
With her beauty and her languid grace.

٦. فيهنَّ مُعيدَةٍ عُلقَ الهوى
بجَمالها ودلالها الخَلاّجِ

7. A crescent moon lighting up the dark night,
And half-asleep eyes with kohl outlined.

٧. وهلال مبيضّ الأسرة باسمٌ
وفتور مكْحول المحاجر ساجِ

8. A mouth as though its mingled saliva
Were the pure extract of sweet wine.

٨. وفمٌ كأَن على مُجاجة ريقه
من ريقة العنقود صَفوَ مزاجِ

9. When you look upon her braids upon
The reddish tree, they are like bunches of unripe dates.

٩. وتُريكَ حين تَرى تَرائبها علىَ
لون السجنجَل مثلُ حُقّي عاجِ

10. And the gait of her trailing dress, whenever
She rises, stoops under its weight.

١٠. وأُناةَ مائِسةِ التّهادي كلّما
قامّت تنوء بِردْفها الرَّجراجِ

11. My patience with youth has gone, for long
Have I frequented the ways of passion.

١١. قَد آن حلْمي بالمَشيب وطالما
أَكثرتُ في طُرقِ الشَباب لجاجيِ

12. And I have drunk from the cup of wine, the best of it,
In a glass, from the hand of the cupbearer, tempered.

١٢. وشَربتُ من صِرف المُدام أُعلُّه
في الكأس من أَرْي المُنى بمزاجِ

13. As though the cupbearer had brought together for us
The doe’s brightness in a glass vessel .

١٣. وكأنّما جُمعت يُدَ السَّاقي لنا
ضوءَ الغزالةِ في إناء زُجاجِ

14. And the wine flask between us was imagined
To be a slaughtered gazelle, seasoned with herbs.

١٤. وتَخال إبريقَ المُدامةِ بيننا
ظَبياً ذَبيحاً سائِلَ الأدواجِ

15. One attacking my rock with his forehead I surprised
With glass.

١٥. ومُباشرٍ بالطَّعن قارعَ صخْرتي
بجَبينه فوجأتهُ بشِجاجِ

16. And one who rivaled me in youth pulled out
For me his lying tongue.

١٦. ومبارزٍ لي بالشِّبابِ يسلُّ لي
منه لسانَ مْزَوِّر سَدَّاجِ

17. I did not consider him my equal, so I protected my honor
From insulting every adversary and attacker.

١٧. لم أرضْهُ كفواً وصُنتُ مُروَتي
عن شَتم كلِّ مقارعٍ ومُهاجي

18. And when I meet a man the cause of whose hatred
Is jealousy, I do not attempt to cure it with treatment.

١٨. وإذا امرؤ صادفتُ علّة بغضِهِ
حَسَداً فلَستُ مزيلَها بِعلاجِ

19. How can I stay among the scheming of the hostile
And the hypocrisy of another who pretends to be a friend?

١٩. كيفَ الإِقامةُ بيْنَ كيدِ مباينٍ
ونفاقِ آخر كالصدّيق مداجيِ

20. I have open country as an escape
From entanglements with the enemy and getting lost.

٢٠. لي عن ملازَمة العدى منْدوحةٌ
في العيس والفَلواتِ والإدلاجِ

21. You were created to console worries, gazelles
Fleeing, like the oryx, from distress.

٢١. خُلقْتِ لتسليةِ الهموم أَيانقٌ
خوصٌ كأمثال القِسي نواجِ

22. They carry travelers over the floods of dawn,
Shining among the sand dunes and emptiness.

٢٢. يَطْفونَ الرُكبان في لجج الضحى
يَنصعن بين مهامهٍ وفجاجِ

23. I have not been satisfied with contentment, nor have I answered
The call of the impoverished, fearing discomfort.

٢٣. لا بالقناعةِ قد رضيتُ ولم أَجُب
عرضَ البسيطة خشيةَ الإلعاجِ

24. But the people of Umar were enough for me in their nobility
Without them I would not have enjoyed comfort.

٢٤. لكن بنو عُمَرٍ كفاني برُّهم
لولاهمُ لم انتَفع بلماجِ

25. Among the wealthy they guaranteed me that I am with Muhammad
And Suhah Nabhan and Ahmad the aspirer.

٢٥. ضمن الغنى ليَ أنني بمحمدٍ
وسحاح نبهان وأحمد راجي

26. They are the victorious generations in their glory
Among the people - their eminence has spread.

٢٦. وهمُ القرونُ الغالبون بعزّهم
للنّاس بينهُم انتشار رجَاجِ

27. The ancients established in generosity a tradition
Which they took and went straight upon the path.

٢٧. سنَّ الأَوائلُ في المكارم سنّةً
أَخذوا بها ومَضوا على المِنهاجِ

28. You would think every bright-faced one among them
Has a moon beaming from beneath his crown.

٢٨. من كلِّ وَضّاحٍ كأنَ جبينهُ
قَمرٌ يلوحُ سَناهُ تحْتَ التّاجِ

29. Enduring the difficulties of the means to ascend,
In the constriction of every hated and feared thing.

٢٩. مُتَجَشّمِ لصعابِ أَسبابِ العُلى
في ضِيق كلّ كَريهةٍ ولاَّجِ

30. Their necks have overcome, as though their clothes
Were worn over coats of mail.

٣٠. غُلبٌ رِقابُهُم كأن ثيابهم
منهم لُبسن على متون حِراجِ

31. They are not disturbed if called to horror
Except to firmness and saddling.

٣١. لا يفزعون إذا دُعوا لكريهةٍ
إلاّ إلى الإلْجام والإسراجِ

32. Patience, when embracing thinness, and the ribs
Deaf to whatever anguish.

٣٢. صُبُرٌ إذا اعتنق الكماة وراهجت
صمُّ السّنابك ايّما إرْهاجِ

33. And the horses beneath armor in the clamor of war
They attack with bared swords and glass.

٣٣. والخيل تحت النّقع في زجل الوغى
يغدون بين أَسنّة وزجاجِ

34. And the eggs above eggs flashing among them
Meteors glittering in a gloomy sky.

٣٤. والبِيض فوق البَيْض يَلْمع بينها
شُهبٌ تألَّقُ في سَماء عُجاجِ

35. And you see the delegations at the basins of their hospitality
Coming in groups to groups.

٣٥. وترى الوفودَ على حياض نوالهم
يَردون أَفواجاً لدى أَفواجِ

36. They come, regarding the thirst of privation, to a coast
A sea of bounty, not brackish.

٣٦. يَردون عَنْ ظَمإ الخَصاصة شاطئاً
بحْراً من المَعْروفِ غَيْر أُجاجِ

37. And the voluntary favor of their hospitality rains upon the barefoot
Pardon, like the raining of clouds bursting.

٣٧. ونَدَىً يَصُوبُ على العُفاةِ نوالُه
عفْواً كصَوب العارِضِ الثّجَّاجِ

38. You have lived, O people of Umar, for the protection of the fearful
And the answer to the fervent supplicant.

٣٨. عِشْتُم بنِي عُمَرٍ لعِصْمَة خائِفٍ
وإجابَةِ المُسْتَصرخ اللَّجَّاجِ

39. The wasteland, indeed its refuge and its rescue
Are through you, the flowing water of its burning torch.

٣٩. إنًّ البَريّةَ حصنها وغياثَها
بكمُ وضوءَ سراجها الوهَّاجِ