
I blame myself for its greed and effort,

أعير نفسي حرصها واجتهادها

1. I blame myself for its greed and effort,
And I excuse it out of love when poverty subdues it.

١. أعيرّ نفسي حرصَها واجتهادَها
وأعذرها حُباً إِذا الفقرُ آدَها

2. And whatever pride it claims after what I see,
The hands of hopes humiliated and made it submit.

٢. وما تدَّعي من عزة بعد ما أَرى
لأيدي الأماني ذُلّها وانقيادَها

3. Yes, perhaps it found the integrity of a request,
When it found favor with kings and attained its desire.

٣. بلى ربما لاقت نزاهةَ مطلبٍ
إِذا وجدت عند الملوك مُرادَها

4. It was allowed in the family of Nubahan a doctrine,
That sufficed it apart from the support of the righteous.

٤. أَتيح لها في آل نبهانَ مذهبٌ
كفاها لغير الصَّالحين اعتمادَها

5. When the Al Azdi faction chose its aim,
The Bani Nubahan hastened to match its generosity.

٥. إذا الشيعة الأزدية اخترت قَصدها
فَيمّمْ بني نبهان يلْحقْك جودَها

6. And its everlasting master, who endowed it
With the honor that clothed it in robes of splendor.

٦. وسيدّها الباقي لها الشرف الذي
كساها سرابيلَ الفخار وَسادَها

7. By my life! How many favors were counted for him
With the sheen of his palm or the bounty he granted.

٧. لَعمري كم عُدَّت له من صنيعةٍ
بجُلَّى كفاها أَو بنعمى أَفادَها

8. It possessed the hearts of meanings and their essence
Were made white in eloquence and blackened by prose.

٨. تملك من قلب المعاني وعينها
سُويداءهُ في يعربٍ وسوادَها

9. You see in his hands the cheek of generosity whenever
A thirsty palm gestures, and it flows.

٩. تَرى في يَديه عارضَ الجود كلّما
أَشارت إليه كفٌّ ظمآنَ جادَها

10. When hopes drew near in righteousness, perhaps
The bounty would initiate and repeat itself.

١٠. إذا انهلَّت الآمالُ بالبرّ عَلّها
وان ابدأُ النّعمى لراج أَعادَها

11. So its Creator revived it and gave it life for a duration
To the farthest time-limit, prolonging its extension.

١١. فحيّاه باريه وأَحياه مُدةً
إلى الأَمد الأقصى يطيل أمتدادَها