1. Do you not know who misfortunes befall?
Do you not know whose turn miseries take?
١. الم تعلم بمن تقع الخُطوب
وهل تدري النَّوآئبُ من تنوب
2. Yes, it's as if disasters overwhelm us -
Our time runs out and the best fate strikes us.
٢. بَلى وكأنَّما الأَحْداث تَغْشىَ
أجلَتنا وافضَلَنا تصيبُ
3. Misfortunes in the weak are most abhorred,
And in the noblest souls their fall is weird.
٣. خطوبٌ في الضّعِاف أشدُّ نكراً
وفي الأشرف موقعُها غَريبُ
4. To lose a loved one is the greatest woe,
And to miss delights is the strangest blow.
٤. وفقْدان العزيز أعَزَّ خطبا
وَفوتُ المُعْجبات هو العجيبُ
5. We boasted of our grey hairs since we aged,
Wanting our whiteness ever to pervade.
٥. تَعاظمْنا المشيَبَ ومُذْ كبرنا
وَددْنا أن يدومَ لنا المَشيبُ
6. We parted from loved ones and then perceived
A man departs owning no one who's grieved.
٦. وفارقنا الأحبَّة فاعْترفْنا
يَروحُ المرءُ ليس لهُ حبيبُ
7. We've seen these woes as we'd heard them told,
No doubt, deception here cannot take hold.
٧. وَعاينَّا الخُطوبَ كما سمَعنا
فلا شكٌ ولا ظن كَذوبُ
8. While we find joy in life as though we know
No sadness that the unseen days may show.
٨. ونحنُ نُسرّ بالدَّنيا كأنّا
أمنَّا ما تُسِرُّ لنا الغُيوبُ
9. The happiest people have the most assets,
While the most wretched here bear wisdom's weight.
٩. عزيزُ النَّاسِ أكبرهُم نَعيماً
واشقَى النَّاس في الدنيا اللَّبيبُ
10. To watch one's mind, patience is the guide,
While companionship makes harshness subside.
١٠. مَراقبةُ العُقولِ نُهىً وحلمٌ
ويَصفو الوصلُ ماغَفَل الرَّقيبُ
11. A life that leads to fading has no zest,
And harm is its eventual bequest.
١١. وعيشٌ مُنْتهاهُ إلى زوالٍ
وغايتُه الأذَى فَمَتَى يطيبُ
12. The nights escort us on to finite ends,
While boredom and distress have us in bends.
١٢. تَسير بنا إلى الأجل اللَّيالي
ونحن بنا السّآمة واللغوبُ
13. And here am I, though doomed I stay aware
That time is fickle, fleeting without care.
١٣. وها أَنا في المُنى أجْري وادري
بأن الدَّهرَ جَيّآءٌ ذَهوبُ
14. My leisure hours I spend absorbed in play,
As if I'll live forever and a day.
١٤. وفي الأوقات ليَ مُلتاث لهوٍ
كأنيَّ في تناولها مُريبُ
15. One who foresees events can rest assured,
Safe from whatever shocks the deaf have heard.
١٥. ومن يَتوقَّعِ الحدثانَ يأمَنْ
رَوائعَ حينَ يفْجَوءُه الوثُوبُ
16. If nights bring you their kindness, don't forget
Their wrongs once done you that incur a debt.
١٦. إِذا صادفتَ احسانَ الليَّالي
فهلاَّ تنتَهي ولها ذنوبُ
17. If worldly perfection to you seems nigh,
Its faults and failings surely will belie.
١٧. وإن أبَدَتْ لكَ الدَّنيا كَمالاً
فسَوفَ يكون عُقباهُ العُيوبُ
18. Remember days of woe we have survived?
By God, those days brought grievous blows that jived.
١٨. الم ترَ يوم داهيةٍ شَهْدِنا
لعمرك أنه يومُ عصيبُ
19. Some sad event where tears flowed free,
And hearts were limp, racked with agony.
١٩. وحادثةٌ مُفجّعِة عليها
تساعدت المدامعُ والقلوبُ
20. A spirit filled with piercing, bitter pain,
An eye drowned in tears falling like rain.
٢٠. فؤآدٌ حَشوهُ لذعٌ أليمٌ
وجفنٌ مِلؤه دمعٌ سَكوبُ
21. We grieved for one noble soul claimed by death,
Honor was hers, and noble lineage bequeathed.
٢١. فُجِعنا بالكريمةِ في معدٍّ
لها ولقومها الشُرف الحسيبُ
22. A lady of highest virtue, wise and fair,
Whose equal no appraiser could declare.
٢٢. بسيّدة النساءِ تُقىً وحِلماً
وجوداً ما يُعدُّ لها ضريبُ
23. No base trait in her could be traced,
No quest of hers left worthy deeds displaced.
٢٣. وَلَمْ يُعرفْ لها خُلقٌ ذميمٌ
ولم يوجَد لها سعيٌ مَعيبُ
24. Her company made all near her esteemed,
Her requests rewarded, never once denied.
٢٤. مُجاوِرُها عزيزٌ في ذراها
وسآئلُها المَثوبَة لا يخيبُ
25. Alas the splendid pillar of grace is gone,
The sun of glory passed into night drawn.
٢٥. ألا هيَ مُزْنةُ الجُودِ اضْمحلَّت
وشمسُ المجد واراها المغيبُ
26. Her cheer and open hands have slipped away,
And happiness with her has seen its day.
٢٦. تَولَّتْ بالبشاشةِ والأيادي
وغابَتْ بالسُّرور فما تغيبُ
27. Can this lauded town be home without her tread?
Can times of bounty still their wealth be said?
٢٧. أيُسكنُ بعدَها البلدُ المزكَّي
وهل يُسْتَحسَنُ الزَّمن الخصيبُ
28. She benefited all, so each soul could claim
A portion of grief when sorrow laid its claim.
٢٨. أفادَ الكلّ نائلُها فأْضحى
لكلٍ من مُصيبتها نصيبُ
29. And every tear that falls speaks for the deceased,
"My heart is torn, my liver shredded, at least."
٢٩. وقالَ لها من الباكي عَليها
حشى يَنْقدُّ أو كبدٌ تذوبُ
30. It pained her loved ones that they can't behold
Her visage graced with tresses black as coal.
٣٠. وعزَّ على الأحبَّةِ أن يرَوها
يُهالُ على محاسِنها الكثيبُ
31. She lies imprisoned in a lonesome tomb,
As years and eras over her will loom.
٣١. رَهينة وحشةٍ في بَطن لحدٍ
تمرُّ بِها الشَّمَائلُ والجنوبِ
32. Gone from us, though her place is not remote,
She's left, her dwelling-place for us still wrote.
٣٢. مفارقةٌ ومَلْقاها يسيرٌ
ونازحةٌ ومثواها قريبُ
33. She cannot sense her mourners at her grave,
Their calls unheeded, though compassion gave.
٣٣. تُزارَ فما تُحِسُّ بزآئريها
ويَدعوها المجيبُ فلا يُجيبُ
34. We've wept for her and voiced our elegy,
For it is right that we should grieve for she.
٣٤. نُبكِّيها ونندُبها وحقٌ
لنا منها التَّأسُّفُ والنَّحيبُ
35. We know she was a queen of high degree,
A lady whose rule spread o'er land and sea.
٣٥. ونعلم أنها إِحدى ملوك
من الساداتِ غالنهم شَعوبُ
36. Her people made the countries flourish fair,
So foreign there seems all that they did square.
٣٦. هُمُ عَمَروا البلادَ وأوطنوها
فأْمستْ ما بها مِنهمْ غريبُ
37. What wealth filled every home that they made thrive,
Protected by their horses and guards of might!
٣٧. فكم بيتٍ لهم من مال عزّ
حمته الخيلُ والحَرسُ المهيبُ
38. But death took her, despite her rarest traits,
Whom cavalry surrounded, flags at her gates.
٣٨. تعاطتهُ المنيةُ من أشمٍ
تحُفُّ بهِ المجادلُ والدروبُ
39. No aid from kinfolk could make death evade,
No doctor's knowledge render useless aid.
٣٩. وما دفع الأقاربُ والموالي
وما نفع العوائد والطبيبُ
40. Grief enough that we've lost her to the tomb,
No vengeance can be sought to seal its doom.
٤٠. كفى حَزناً أنِ اختُرِمتْ بموتٍ
فلا ثأرٌ تُقامُ به الحروبُ
41. Stalwart men still live whom this loss shook,
The youthful and the old, all heavy it took.
٤١. وقد يأبى ظُلامتها رجالٌ
من الحَيَّين شُبَّانٌ وشيبُ
42. A scion of lords was she, her line secure,
Abu Sa'id was her sire, noble and pure.
٤٢. نجيبة سادةٍ وأبو سَعيد
أبوها وابنُها النَّدبُ النجيبُ
43. And Abu Abdillah stands witness to
Her virtues manifold, e'er shining through.
٤٣. وأصبح شاهداً بالبرّ عنها
أبو عَبد الأله فما يغيبُ
44. Muhammad ibn Mu'ammar upholds the name
Of excellence, as his father staked his claim.
٤٤. وفضل محمد بنِ مُعمرٍ عن
فضائِل خَير والده ينوبُ
45. As his father's virtues I attest to seeing,
Abu Umar's deeds fail not to bring him leading.
٤٥. كما شَهِدت محاسنُه بحسنى
أبي عُمَرِ ونائلُه الرّحيبُ
46. A young man inclined to wealth yet nobler goals,
Seeking lofty ends his effort he extols.
٤٦. فتىً للمال مِتلافٌ بَذولُ
وللعلياءِ طلاَّبٌ كسوبُ
47. Brave, bold, and long of arm, a warrior pup,
Who befriends or opposes without let up.
٤٧. رَبيطُ الجأشِ مقدامٌ جريءٌ
طويلُ الباعِ بسَّامٌ وهوبُ
48. In his famed endeavor fails he never once,
And no fault exists in his deeds evinced.
٤٨. واوفى من يُسالمُ أو يعادي
وأشقى من يُعاقِبُ أو يثيبُ
49. Every land acclaims his merit outright,
Foreign tongues praise him, his glory grows bright.
٤٩. فما في سَعيهِ المشهور عارٌ
ولا في فعله الموجودِ حُوبُ
50. His keen intellect and wisdom are confessed,
To all it's known he's prudent and possessed.
٥٠. يُشيدُ بفضلهِ في كل أرضٍ
لسانٌ بالثناءِ له غريبُ
51. The Azdi rose, glory was their destination,
Their hearts were free of lowly inclination.
٥١. ويَشهد منه الفظاً وفهماً
فيعلمُ أنه الفَطِنُ الَّلبيبُ
52. His father's honor from Attaka flowed,
While hers from Mudar, with glory bestowed.
٥٢. من الأزد الكرامِ علت عُلاهم
وقد طَهُرت من الدَّنسِ الجيوبُ
53. Sadness we felt for Muhammad's grieving spirit,
That Muhammad should feel sorrow made us fear it.
٥٣. نّماهُ من الأبِ العَتكيّ مجدٌ
بمجد الأمّ من مضرِ مشوبُ
54. Although the noble lad shows courage ample,
Bearing sorrows with composure most simple.
٥٤. لعاً لمحمدٍ ولقد أسفْنا
بأنّ محمداً أسفٌ كئيبُ
55. He's circled by concerns, but ne'er shows gloom
To any companion, refuses to fume.
٥٥. على أنَّ الفتى جلدٌ صبورٌ
على البلوى له عودٌ صليبُ
56. He may shake in mirth or joyful emotion,
Like a lithe branch shaking soft in the wind's notion.
٥٦. تُساوِرُهُ الهمومُ فَلا عُبوسٌ
لديه على الجليس ولا قُطوبُ
57. Long may he live to build his parents' name,
So it's known he's a cousin of merited fame.
٥٧. وقد يَهتزُّ جوداً وارتياحاً
كما يهتزُّ بالوَرق القَضيبُ
58. May his beloved ne'er from his side be driven,
Each beauty avoided that his gaze has given.
٥٨. فَعاشَ يشيد مَجدَيْ والدَيهِ
ليُعلم انه نعمَ النسيبُ
59. Muhammad's nature was virtuous and sound,
Destined to reign over all lofty and profound.
٥٩. ولا تَبَعدْ عزيزتُه ودُرَّتْ
عليها كلُّ غادية تصوبُ
٦٠. وكان محمد خلقاً زكياً
يكون له على العلْيا رُبوبُ