
The lovelorn have woken though love caused them no waking,

صحت العواذل والمتيم ما صحا

1. The lovelorn have woken though love caused them no waking,
And longing in the love-smitten is increased, so they wander free.

١. صحَتِ العَواذلُ والمُتيَّمُ ما صحا
وازْداد شوقُ المُستهام فَبَرَّحا

2. Love's secrets then appeared, and multiplied,
The skinny camels, like ships, kneel en masse.

٢. وبَدَتْ خَفيّاتُ الهَوى ثم اغْتَدَت
حِزَقُ الظَّعائنِ كالسَّفائنِ جُمَحَّا

3. With kohl-darkened eyelids raised, and white
Young Gazelles deposited, shining bright.

٣. رُفعَتْ بموّشِي الخدورِ وأَودعت
بيضاً ربائبَ كالأهلّةِ وضُحَّا

4. From every languid, heavy-lidded beauty,
Sweeter than sweetest nectar and salt.

٤. من كلِّ فاتِرَة الجُفونِ عزيزةٍ
أحلى من الرّشأ الأَغَنّ وامْلحا

5. Those who forbid have kept us from farewells, and your
Tears were almost shed pouring in floods.

٥. منعَ الوشُاةُ بنا الوداعَ وأَوشكت
عَبراتُ عينك أنْ تفيض فَتَسْفَحا

6. We'd sacrifice ourselves for them, from any spite,
When the camel-rider takes them, roaming the stony ground.

٦. نحْن الفداءُ لهنَّ من ظُعُنٍ إذا
راح المطيُّ بها تجُوب الصَّحصَحا

7. Destiny has torn us apart, and love has made
In hearts a home, and a stage on which to prance.

٧. قَضَتَ النَّوى بالبين واتَّخَذَ الهوى
للبيضِ مأوىً في القُلوبِ ومَسرحا

8. How can I stay still, a love-sick,
Restless man, when my loved ones are sent away?

٨. كيفَ القَرارُ وما اصطبارُ متيّمٍ
قلقٍ إذا أَمْسى الأحبَّةُ نُزَّحا

9. How good was our life before we were parted
And time had not cast us and the clan of Umra far.

٩. ما كانَ أَحسَن عيشَنا والبينُ لم
يَطْرَح بنا وبآلِ عمْرَة مَطْرَحا

10. The deer's playgrounds lit by fever's lightning
Contain does, spotted beauties briskly bounding.

١٠. ومسارح الغزلان من بُرْق الحمى
تلْقى الظباءَ بها رباربَ سُخَّا

11. Of every free, white-skinned gazelle, smooth
And finer than the softest silk brocade.

١١. من كلِّ عاطِلَةٍ بجبيدٍ جَدايةٍ
أَدْماءَ مُزْجِيّةٍ أَغنَّ موشَّحا

12. My friend, I wish, perhaps by wishing
I'll find some comfort for my wishing's sake.

١٢. يا صاحبَيَّ تَمنيَّا فلَعلَّني
أَجِدُ التَعَلُّلَ بالتَّمَني أَرْوّحا

13. And I'm charged with guarding the herd, whenever
The wild doves in the bushes coo their call.

١٣. وأَنا المُوكَّلُ بالصَّبابةِ كُلَّما
دَعَتِ الحَمائم في الأصائلِ نُوَّحا

14. The wind that blows my agony, I wish for its breeze to blow,
The lightning that shows my pain, I wish for it to flash and show.

١٤. والرّيحُ شَجْوي أَن يَهُبَّ نسيمُها
والبَرْقُ دائي أَن يَلوحَ فيُلْمَحا

15. Were the distance between us but an isthmus I could cross,
I'd traverse it in a night, despite its perils, to my love I'd go.

١٥. نأتِ المسافةُ بيننا فَلوْ انَّني
غَيلانُ كلَّفَها لَمِيَّةَ صَيْدَحا

16. I'd wrap myself in the darkness of night,
And see by day the poison herbs as my comfort.

١٦. فأكونَ ليْلي بالدَّجى متلفّعاً
وأَرى نَهاراً بالسُّموم مُلَوّحا

17. Like a man who has consoled his spirit's worries,
And fulfilled his needs, and gained rest and relief.

١٧. مثلَ اْمرىءٍ سَلَّى هُموم فؤادِه
وقَضى اللبُّانَةَ واغْتدى وتَرَوّحا

18. And reaching pastures has benefited him, wandering
And finding the ways of noble men has eased him.

١٨. وأَفاده من سُبُلَ القَنا مُتَطَلَّباً
وأَصابَ في طُرقِ الفَتى متَندَّحا

19. But I am indecisive, my soul did not incline
To travel away, an ambition my heart does not know.

١٩. لكنّني قلِقُ العَزيمةِ لم تَجد
نفْسي إلى جهَة التَغرُّب مَطْمَحا

20. I remained asking from the Bani Nabhan
Favours from some, and favours quickly granted by others.

٢٠. وأَقْمتُ مُرْتضِعاً مَطالبَ من بني
نَبْهانَ مُنْتَجةً وأُخرى لُقَّحا

21. I lodged among them in strongholds established,
In which they had pitched the heights made lofty.

٢١. وحَلَلْتُ بينَهُم معاقلَ بُذَّخاً
قد أَنشأو فيها غمائمَ دُلَّحا

22. Muhammad Son of Abul Hussein has appeared to us
Radiant of hand, or the sun of dawn glittering bright?

٢٢. أَمحمّدُ بنَ أَبي الحُسَين بَدَا لنا
مُتَبَلِّجا في الدَّستِ أَم شَمْسُ الضُّحى

23. This is Abul Abdillah, his state is like
A cloud, but I see him more generous by far.

٢٣. هذا أَبو عَبْدِ الاله وحَالُهُ
مثل الغمامةِ بل أَراه أَسْمَحا

24. I saw him crowned with a radiant light, garlanded,
Belt-bound, and robed, and finely embroidered.

٢٤. عايَنْتُ ابيَضَ بالبهاءِ مُتّوَّجا
ومُطَوّقاً ومُنَطَّقاً ومُوشّحاً

25. The rain clouds of his rest poured down showers
That filled the valleys, his flood and the ponds.

٢٥. جادتْ سَحائبُ راحتتْه بوابلٍ
ملأَ المسايلَ سيُلهُ والأَبطحَا

26. In his presence is the pasture of requests, grazed
When the meadows grow green, bleating goats bound.

٢٦. ولَدَيه مُنْتَجعُ المُطالبِ يُرتْعى
كلأً إذا نبَت المَراعي صَوّحا

27. And when a man is deprived of success due to need,
He fulfills his needs and grants him success.

٢٧. وإِذا امروءٌ حُرم النَّجاحَ لِحَاجَةٍ
أَزْجى حوائِجَهُ إليه فأنْجَحا

28. Delegations find in his presence a glowing face,
An outstretched hand, and a chest made spacious.

٢٨. تَجدُ الوفودُ لدَيهِ وجْهاً مشرقاً
ويداً مُنْوَّلَةً وصَدراً أَفْيَحا

29. The visiting delegations found your noble self
More hospitable, bounteous for descent and rest.

٢٩. لمحمد بن أَبي الحسَين مَحَاسنٌ
كالنُّور بلّلَهُ النَّدى فَتَفتّحا

30. Your traits of generosity and freshness
Left the riders of delegations deprived of rest.

٣٠. وعوائدٌ عَتكِيّة وخَلائق
كالمسك شيبت بالمحامد نُفَّحا

31. The enemy was outshone and choked with anguish at you,
While your justice delighted the loyal friend.

٣١. شَرَفاً بني نبهانَ بالحَسب الذي
أَمسى لكم في العالمين وأَصْبحا

32. You gained glorious honour undisputed,
And preserved the clear lineage with truth.

٣٢. شَهِدَت سعاداتُ البلاد بفَضْلكم
وبمجدكم نَطق الزَّمان فأفصَحا

33. You were generous, honoured and revered,
So none could criticise or cast doubt.

٣٣. وَجَدَ الوفودُ الزائرونَ جَنابكم
أَندى وأَجدى للْنُزولِ وافْسَحا

34. Your exaltedness protected the glorious Ghassan
With strength and rationality, so time could not impact.

٣٤. وصفاتكم بالمكرماتِ وبالنَّدى
تَركت ركابَ الوَفد حَسرى طُلّحا

35. To protect the Azd, their prestigious ancestors,
For their prophet they were most honourable and loyal.

٣٥. شَرِقَ العَدُّو وغَصَّ منْكُم بالشَّجا
وأَطابّ برّكم الوَليُّ وأَفلحا

36. They are like lions over falcons, grey-haired yet
Mounting the solid-hoofed steeds.

٣٦. أَحْرَزْتُم الشَرفَ الرّفيع مُسَلّماً
وحويّتم الحَسَبَ الصَّريح مُصحَّحا

37. Muhammad Son of Abul Hussein, the clear truth
About your merit has come openly declared.

٣٧. وكرُمتُم وعُزَزْتم وَجَلّلْتُمُ
من أَنْ يَعيبَ مُعارضٌ أَو يَقْدَحا

38. You are the true one named in every good deed,
And it is right you are praised and your worth proclaimed.

٣٨. وَحَمت عُلاكُم العَتيكُ بعزَّةٍ
وشَكيمةٍ للْدَهر من أَنْ يجْمَحَا

39. You are the one who spends his wealth freely,
And considers giving your virtue and comfort.

٣٩. لحمايَةِ الأَزْدِ الغطارفِة الأُلى
لنبيّهم كانوا أَعَزَّ وأَنصْحا

40. Clemancy is your habit towards sinners, as though
You choose to be wronged and quietly forgive.

٤٠. مثل الأسُود على الصُقور تَرَاهُمُ
شِيباً وقد ركبوا الجيادَ القُرَّحَا

41. If I weighed you against the righteous in virtue
You would be lighter, and outweigh the scale.

٤١. أَمحمد ابنَ أَبي الحسَين لقد أَتى
عن فضْلكَ الحَقُّ المُبينَ مُصرّحا

42. A rival to you in generosity and excellence,
When he saw you atop the pinnacle, withdrew.

٤٢. أنت الحقيقُ بكُل ذكرٍ صالحٍ
ويَحق أنْ يُثْنى عَلَيكَ وَتُمدَحا

43. He mistook you for the shining moon, perceiving
The beauty of your face, he glorified and extolled.

٤٣. أنت الذي في الجَد يُنفقُ مالَه
وتَعدُّ نفسَكَ بالفَضيلةِ أريحَا

44. May your abode remain, safe and secure,
A prosperous and brimming land that you hold.

٤٤. والصَّفْحُ دأْبُكَ للْجُناة كأنَّما
تخْتارُ أنْ يُجنْى علَيكَ وتَصفَحا

45. And may you remain granted from things whatever
Most appealed to you and was best for you.

٤٥. وإِذا وَزَنتُكَ بالبريَّةِ في النَّدى
وبَسالةً خَفّت وكُنْتَ الأَرْجَحَا

٤٦. ومُنافسٍ لكَ في المكارِم والعُلى
لما رآكَ على السّماكِ تَزَحْزَحَا

٤٧. ويَظَنّكَ القَمَرَ المُنير مُعاينٌ
فإِذا تَبَيّنَ حُسنَ وجْهكَ سبّحَا

٤٨. لا زالَ ربعُك بالسّلامة آمناً
وذَراكَ مَعْمُوراً وحَوْضُكَ مُطْفَحَا

٤٩. وبقيْتَ ممْنوحاً من الأشياء ما
وافقْتَهُ اشْهى إِليكَ وأَصلحَا