
How strange that our loved ones left,

عجبا لأحبتنا رحلوا

1. How strange that our loved ones left,
To which home did they settle?

١. عجباً لأحبَّتنا رحلوا
فبأيّة منْزلة نزَلوا

2. They followed a sanctuary and abandoned protection,
Spilt blood and killed a youth,

٢. حرَماً سلكوا وحمىً تركوا
ودماً سفكوا وفتىً قتَلوا

3. And for what passion did my people emigrate
Lightning struck and coiled were the curls.

٣. ولأيّ هوى هجرت بنوى
برق ولوى وعلت كِلَلُ

4. The curls were raised for my blood that appeared
At dawn, their march was on the sand.

٤. كلل رفعت لدُمىً طَلَعتْ
بضحى اندفعت سيرُها رملُ

5. My camels set out at early dawn and were delighted with them
If only those camels had been slaughtered.

٥. ابل بكرت بِهُمُ وَسَرَتْ
ليتها نُحرت تلكمُ الأبِلُ

6. The cooking pots were packed and the yearning arrived
The abodes were empty and the hills were barren.

٦. رحلت ظُعُنٌ ونأَت شجن
وخلت دِمنٌ وعَفا طلَلُ

7. The encampment settled down anxious and saddened
Bleeding, sorrowful, its east and west desolate.

٧. وثوى كَلِفٌ قلِق دَنِفُ
نَزِفٌ أسفٌ شرق وهِلُ

8. Remembering what Dumya knew
From the days of protection and youthful vigour.

٨. يتذكّر ما عهدته دُمى
من زمان الحمَى والصبّا خضِلُ

9. And his female friends do not abandon him
While his mistresses reconcile with acceptance.

٩. وحبائِبُه لا تُجانبُهُ
وكواعبُه بالرّضى تصِلُ

10. The riding camels arrived and narrated the events
Bearing sorrows, their walk slow.

١٠. وَصَلت عُرُباً فحَكت قُضُباً
حملت كُثُباً مَشيُهُا مَهلُ

11. They cried over the ruins like the eyes of an afflicter
Who found no rest, though kohl was in their eyes.

١١. ورَنَت شبَها بعيون مهاً
لم تجد مَرَهاً وبها كَحَلُ

12. Does and oryx wearing yarn garments
Twisting their necks under scarves.

١٢. وَظَباءُ تُقىً لبسَت سَرقَاً
ولوت نُطُقا تحتها حُلَلُ

13. They turned away from passion busily
And tempted a youth whose only care was to flirt.

١٣. صِدْنَ مُلتفِتاً في الهَوى عَنَتاً
وفَتَّنَ فَتىً همُهُ الغَزَلُ

14. He remained in joy and gathered salty plants
And wished for happiness whose taste was honey.

١٤. ظَلَّ في مَرَحٍ وجنى مُلحٍ
ومُنى فَرحٍ طعمُها عسلُ

15. She pretended illness, turned away and distracted him
While kindness to her was his only concern.

١٥. فَتعَللّها وصَبا وَلها
والحسانُ لها مَعَه شغلُ

16. In confrontation with sweet talk
Resembling each other in their kisses.

١٦. في مواجهةٍ بمفاكهةٍ
متشابهةٍ بينها قُبَلُ

17. Then prudence returned to alarm him
When old age overcame him with forbearance and infirmity.

١٧. ثم راجَعَه حينَ رَوَّعهُ
كِبَرٌ معهُ الحلمُ والعِلَلُ

18. It warned the youth and vigor had perished
While generosity declined and boredom appeared.

١٨. صَاحً بانُ الصِّبا والغرار نَبا
والجَوادُ كَبا وبَدا الملَلُ

19. You used to promise protection if we visited you
While spying eyes would ambush him.

١٩. مَن تُفنّدَه كنتَ تعهدَه
تَتصيّده الأعين النَّجلُ

20. That is why - what an excellent dwelling it was, and how
He refused, undeterred by blame.

٢٠. فلذاكَ نَعمْ كم أَقام وكمْ
قد تمنَّع لم يثنهِ العَذَلُ

21. Before his resolve during his ordeal
When the grey hair on his head blazed.

٢١. قبل همَّتهُ في مُلمَّتهِ
إذ بلُمتّهِ الشّيبُ مشْتَعِلُ

22. His wandering ended, he became sober and intended
To be pious, while madness subsided.

٢٢. وانتهى وارعوى وَضحا وَنوىَ
وَرَعى وطوَى غيّه الوَجلُ

23. When intention improves and becomes sound,
A radiant path to guidance becomes clear.

٢٣. وإذا صَلحَت نيّةٌ وَصحَتْ
نَشوة وضَحت للهدى سُبُلُ

24. Happy is he who takes it, excelling is He who owns it,
While one who abandons it will have heat mirages as a shade.

٢٤. حظّ سالكها فضل مالكها
ولتاركِها من لظىً ظُلَلُ

25. When effort is exerted, a will is found
Wherever the seeker heads with ingenuity.

٢٥. وإذا اجتهدت همّة وُجدت
أينما قصّدت بالفتى الحِيَلُ

26. Every incident toys with you
Save the Eternal whose course is assured.

٢٦. كلُّ حادثة بك عابثةٌ
غير لابثةٍ والدّنا دُوَلُ

27. What living being obtained harm and prosperity
Except in the abode of the Bani Umar, exalted?

٢٧. أي حيّ عُني بالأذى ومُني
فبدارِ بني عمر يَسلُ

28. Nobles who were generous, truly grand
Masters over kings, with the world their follower.

٢٨. سادةٌ كرموا ولقد عُظموا
فالمُلوكَ هُمو والوَرى خَوَلُ

29. They descended from the lofty homes of Sabāʾ
Protected from wildlife and the barren valley.

٢٩. نزلوا في الرِّبى من بيوت سَبا
مَنعتها الظّبا والقنا الذُّبلُ

30. They became successors, inheriting from predecessors
While descending with nobility, its pillar the Hamal star.

٣٠. أصبحوا خَلفاً ورثوا سَلفا
نزلوا شَرفا بُرجُهُ الحملُ

31. When they felt reverent or coveted,
Wealth and Abul Hasan were their aspiration.

٣١. فإذا رهبوا ومتَى رغبوا
فالغنى وأَبو الحَسَن الأمَلُ

32. A sir whose self has gained nobility and fulfilled
And become pure without having matured fully.

٣٢. سيّد شرُفت نفسه ووَفت
وزكَت وَصَفت قبل تكْتَهلُ

33. His principles do not abandon him
While his manners have no defects.

٣٣. وحقائِقه لا تفَارقه
وخلائقهُ ما بها خَلَلُ

34. His qualities do not differ from him
And his beauties have no flaws.

٣٤. ومزاينه لا تباينُه
ومحاسنُه مَا بها عَطَلُ

35. His palm is forever pouring bounty
None who head toward it miss its rain.

٣٥. كَفُّهُ أَبداً مُسْتَهلُّ ندىً
لم يفُت أَحداً صوبُها الهَطِلُ

36. Happy is he who requests him, abundant is his gift
From his fine traits - humans and Jinn.

٣٦. حظَّ سائِلِه جزل نائِلهِ
من شمائِلهِ البشرُ والجَذلُ

37. He has clouds whose rain is gold
Pouring copiously, its rain noble.

٣٧. ولهُ سُحبٌ قَطرها ذهَبٌ
سَيلها لَجَب غيثُها نُبلُ

38. A branch rendered immaculate, his full moon's perfection
Amidst his assembly when he holds court.

٣٨. فرع مَغرسه بدرُ حِندسه
وسطَ مجْلسه حين يحتفلُ

39. If an era grows and you visit Abu
Hasan, it will be amazed and grant favor.

٣٩. إنْ زمانٌ نَبا زُرْتَ ذهلَ أَبا
حسن فحَبا مابه ثِقَلُ

40. O Abul Hasan, auspiciousness from the right
For loftiness suits the high mountain.

٤٠. يا أبا الحسن لك من يمنٍ
في ذرى حسن للعُلى جَبلُ

41. So live long, revive and shed blood,
Be joyous, have children and prolong your duration.

٤١. فابقَ واحيَ ودُمْ واغل وابنِ ورمُ
وبكم ولكمْ طالت الطِّولُ

42. You and your sons have achieved nobility,
Received bounty and remained as long as Suhail.

٤٢. وبنوك رَقوا شرفاً
ولقوا نعماً وبَقوا مابقي زُحَلُ

43. Noble in lineage, righteous in merit
Souls, fathers - you have been perfected.

٤٣. كرموا نسباً وزكوا حسباً
أنفساً واباً ولقد كمَلوا

44. My scattered pearls, though my thoughts are extemporaneous.
I have loved the jewels of the noble caliphs

٤٤. هاكَ من حِبَري وحُلى
دُرَري ماقضت فكرى وهو مرتَجلُ

45. And was stingy to the stingy with it.
Whoever wants my manners, let him be like

٤٥. قد حبوتُ حُلى خلفاءَ
العُلى وبَخِلتُ على من بِه بخَلُ

46. My master Hasan, taking from him perpetually.

٤٦. من يردْ أدبي فليكن كأَبي
حسن سَبي منه مُتّصلُ