
Do you have from excessive passion what I have

أعندك من فرط الصبابة ما عندي

1. Do you have from excessive passion what I have
So my inner feelings are made known by my outward expressions

١. أعندكِ من فرط الْصبّابة ما عندي
فيُعَلمَ ما أُخفي بظاهرِ ما أُبدي

2. I express a passion that has straitened me intensely
And patience has made me surrender to my limit

٢. أبوحُ بوَجدٍ ضقت ذَرعْاً بوَجده
وأسلَمني صبرٌ بلغَت به جهدي

3. And I was a man in whom worries did not cross his mind
Nor did a misfortune ever bend me a day in my prime

٣. وكنتُ امُرءًا لا ينْزل الهَمُّ خاطري
ولا ينثَني يوماً لنائبةٍ عَضْدي

4. I indulged for a time while temptation was my vehicle
And the path of desire was my necklace and the passion of youth was my cloak

٤. لَهْوتْ زماناً والْغوايةُ مرْكَبي
وسِلْكُ الهوى طُوقي وشَرخُ الْصّبابُرْدي

5. So neither the outline of the sand dunes provoked me, nor fever
Nor did the sound of drums or lutes alarm me

٥. فمَا هاجَني رسمُ الكْثيب ولا الحمى
ولا راعَني بينُ الرَّبابِ ولا هندِ

6. And how often my peers sang while I turned away
If one of them approached me, I inclined to aloofness

٦. وكم رشأ اخوى أغنَّ مهفهفٍ
إذا ما تصدى لي ثنيتُ إلى الْصَدِّ

7. And if I faced hardships, I would counter them
With the hardness of a heart as solid as stone

٧. وكنتُ إذا قاسيتُ خَطباً قرعته
بقسوة قلبٍ قدَّ من حجرٍ صّلْدِ

8. Then time loosened my resolve
And alarmed me among the loved ones with loss

٨. فيها انذا فكَّ الْزمان عزيمَتي
وَرَوعّني بينُ الاحبة بالفقدِ

9. And it abandoned me to lament those who died when they saw
After them the harshness of relatives that increases

٩. وغادَرني أَرْثي لمَن ماتَ ان رأى
لما بَعْده من جَفوَة الأَهل ماْ يعْدي

10. It's as if I am the one lost when it's said he's perished
Or as if I alone felt anguish over him

١٠. كأني أَنا المَفْقود إن قيل هالكٌ
مضى أو كأنّي قد فْجعت به وَحدي

11. Is it right, my brother, that when anyone dies
His gatherings are deprived of mention among friends

١١. أحقاً اخي ان كلُّ من ماتْ عطِّلتْ
مجالسُ من ذَكراه بين ذوي الودِّ

12. Except the brethren have lied, there is no pact between us
If the pact of life and passion does not last

١٢. إلا كذبَ الاخوان لا عهدَ بيننا
إذا لم يَدْمْ عهْدُ الحياة ولا الوجدِ

13. It's enough of sorrow that I fear a slip
And I know there is no escape from it

١٣. كفي حزناً أنا نحاذر خُطَّةً
وفي علْمنا ان ليس عن تلك من بُدِّ

14. I say this and I have a lesson for one who lived long
Whose strength of heart and endurance was touched

١٤. اقول وعندي عبرةٌ لمعمَّرِ
وقدمسَّه مُوهي قٌوى القلب والجلدِ

15. He was afflicted with half a heart that was divided
His resolve torn between endurance and passion

١٥. أصيبَ بشَطْرٍ من فؤادٍ تقَسَّمت
عزيمُته بين التجُّلد والوَجد

16. And he was anguished by the lion cub he valued more
Than the fevered forest of spears and roses

١٦. وفجَّع بالشِّبل الذي عَزَّ دونهُ
حمىً قد حَمْته غابةُ الأسد الوَرِدْ

17. O Abu Umar may Allah not take a loved one far
You felt anguish over him yet the grave is an abode and the distance an honor

١٧. أَبا عُمَرِ لا يُبِعْدُ الله هالكاً
فُجعتَ به والقبرُ منزلُة والبُعدِ

18. It is hard for us to console you, for your affliction is the essence of misery in our easy life
And O resident of the grave, O son of one who lived long

١٨. يعَزَّ علينا ان نُعَزّيك إنما
مُصابك عينُ البؤسِ في عشينا الرّغدِ

19. To you belong purity from the niche and sanctity from the burial
You were solace for hearts that had

١٩. ويا ثاوياً في القَبر يا ابنَ معمرٍ
لك الله من ثاوٍ وقُدَّس من لَحْدِ

20. A burning and malady - you were the cure for clouded eyes
You reached your purpose and wisdom as a child, as though

٢٠. لكْنتَ شفاءً للْقُلوب التَّي بِها
جَوىً وجلاءً كنت للأعين الرُّمدِ

21. You were born with the ethics of glory and integrity
And we cry for you buried as if you were leaning

٢١. بلَغْت المُنى والحلْم طفلاً كأنَّما
غُدّيتَ بأخلاق المَكارمِ والرُّشدِ

22. Towards us in what was of that pact
You are visited without knowing and greeted

٢٢. ونبكيك مدفوناً كأنك مائلٌ
لدينا على ما كان من ذلك العَهدِ

23. By a righteous father, though you know not what he expresses
And you were the coolness of his heart, and yet

٢٣. تزورك ما تدري ويُهْدي تَحّيةً
إليك أبٌ بَرَّ ولم تدّر ما يُبدْي

24. The heat of this passion came from that coolness
He sees a glow of intense sorrow whenever

٢٤. وكنت له بَرْدَ الفؤآد وإنما
اتى حرُّ هذا الوجد من ذلك البردِ

25. The grieving soul sighs over its kindling
He consoles you for remembering him with your abode in the dust

٢٥. يَرى لفحَةً من لاعج الحزن كلّما
تنفّسَ مطْويُّ الضّمير على وَقْدِ

26. You remember his abode in the Garden of Eternity
And unto Allah belongs his patient soul's endurance

٢٦. يُعزّيك عن ذكراه مثواهُ في الثَّرى
تذكره مثواكَ في جُنةِ الْخُلدِ

27. Though it was equipped to face the intensity of passion
Hardships had made him sharp as the blade of a sword drawn from its sheath

٢٧. ولله منه صبُرُ نفسٍ كريمةٍ
وقد زُوّدَت منه على شدَّة الوجدِ

28. Yet they did not push him to blame or prevent him from ways of praise
They struck a lad whom sorrow did not divert

٢٨. لقد أسأرتهُ النّائباتُ حُشاشَةً
فِرنداً كنصْلِ السّيفُ سُلّ من الغِمْدِ

29. From generosity and bringing good news to visitors
And it anguished him with the loss of the noble one by whom

٢٩. على أَنَّها لم تُدنهِ لَمذَمَّة
ولم ينتهِ بالحُزن عن طُرق الحمدِ

30. It saw the loss of a life that does not return
The fate of the lofty flowed as usual with the death of Abu Bakr, and no helper can repel it

٣٠. أصابت فتىً لم يصْرف الهمُّ نفسَه
عن البذل لْلمَعروف والبشرِ لْلوَفدِ

31. The generous noble of pure descent is clouded
Inclining to the heights in lineage and harvest

٣١. وقد فجعته بالنّجيب الذي بهِ
رأت فوتَ عيش لا يؤوول إلى ردِّ

32. His eyes shine when he remembers his uncle
The venerable Mudar or his aunt Ghurra of Azd

٣٢. جَرى القَدَرُ العاديي على مُهجة العُلى
بموت أبي بكر ولا ناصرٌ يُعدي

33. They are the kings of the land, the masters of Arabi
The builders of glory with courage, wisdom and plenty

٣٣. أَغرُّ كريمُ النَّبعَتيْن مُسَوَّدٌ
يّمتُّ إلى العلياء بالنّسبِ الحصْدِ

34. When asked for something they would give generously as though
They shook the anklets or staffs of India

٣٤. زكا طرفاه حين يذكَرُ خاله
سَنا مُضَر أو عَمّهُ غُرَّةُ الازْدِ

35. For each lad of them in any circumstance
The wisdom of old age combined with the intensity of youth

٣٥. اولاك ملوكُ الأَرّْض ساداتُ يعربٍ
بُناة العُلى بالباس والحلْم والرّفدِ

36. They prepared vengeance for the enemies of their glory
And they cured souls of hatred and malice

٣٦. إذا سُئلوا ارتْاحوا سماحاً كأنَّما
هزَزْت كعوبَ الخَطّ أو قُضُبَ الهندِ

37. With each buried arrowhead penetrating the insides of women
Smooth, uncovered, swaying, following

٣٧. لكل فتىً منهم على كل حالةٍ
من السَّلم حلمُ الشّيب في شِدةَّ الُمرد

38. Dark skinned like the sprout of basil, learned
Tall, long-stroked, with shoes gathered

٣٨. أَعدُّوا نكاياتٍ لأَعداء مَجْدهم
ودَاوَوا نفوسا من تُراثٍ ومن حقدِ

39. With a gait barely restrained as if
The thread moved gently in woven garments and armor

٣٩. بكلّ كُميتٍ لاحقٍ شَنجِ النَّسا
أَسيلِ مكان اللّبد مُنجَردٍ نَهد

40. And they have signs when they rise for peace
They are all amid compromise without an adversary

٤٠. وسابغةٍ ماذِيَّة تبَّعيّة
دِلاصٍ كمثل النّهي محكمةِ السّرْدِ

41. Open handed with whatever they give to each visitor
As rain poured towards fertile plains and desert

٤١. وأَسَمْر من نبت الوشيجِ مثقَّفٍ
طويلٍ من الخَطّي ذي أَكعُبٍ مُلدِ

42. Wisdom when war drums blare yet the next day
He is above your expectations at the peak

٤٢. وذي شُطَبٍ ماضي الشَّباة كأنَّما
مَشى الذَّرّ منهُ في الغِرارِ وفي الحَدِّ

43. The chastity of character and manners of souls
Justice and fairness for the free and slave

٤٣. وللسَلم آياتٌ إذا ما انْتَدوا لها
فكلّهم وسطَ النَّديِّ بلا نَدِّ

44. And his assets increased in further growth
Authorized for might and wealthy with treasures

٤٤. سماحٌ بما جادوا على كل وافدٍ
كما انهلَّ صوبُ المُزن في السّهل والنَّجْدِ

45. High minded in wealth, lofty in glory
And the glory of Qureysh - that is a sweet glory

٤٥. وحْلمٌ إذا ما حلَّت السّورة الحُبا
غدا وهو منها فوق ظنك في أُحْدِ

46. They are the lords of the sublime, they established its pillars
With the anklets of glory, silver buckles, and leather shields

٤٦. وعَفّةُ أَخلاق وآدابُ انفسٍ
وعدل وانصافٌ على الحرّ والعبدِ

47. They ruled the land, courage, wisdom and prosperity
And built greatness with resolve and struggle

٤٧. وزادتَهُ فضْلاّ في زيادٍ خُؤلةٌ
مخَوِّلةُ للْعز وَارَيةُ الزنّدِ

48. Abu Umar, may Allah grant you patience so seize
What you hope from its excellent promise

٤٨. سما للْمَعَال سامةٌ وبِجِنْدِفٍ
ومجدِ قريش طابَ ذلك من مجدِ

49. May it suffice you from anguish over Ahmed and Mohammed
And may its rising moon bring you joy

٤٩. أولئكَ أرباب العُلى نصبوا لها
عِماداً بسُمر الخطّ والشُّزَّب والجُرْدِ

50. You both have lived in bounty and attained
The fruits of wishes with fortune and endeavor

٥٠. وسادوا الورى والبأس والحلم والنّدى
وشادوا المعالي بالعزائم والجَدِّ

٥١. أَبا عمرٍ لله صبرُك فاغتَنمْ
به ما تُرجّي فيه من حَسَنِ الوَعْدِ

٥٢. كفاك الأسى عن أحمد ومحَّمدٍ
ويهنيك منهُ طلعةُ القمر السَّعدِ

٥٣. وعُمّرتُما في نعمةٍ وبلغتما
مَنال الأْماني بالسّعادةِ والجَدِّ