
O image of pleasing beauty,

يا صورة راق حسن منظرها

1. O image of pleasing beauty,
Glory to its Creator, its Shaper,

١. يا صورة راقَ حسنُ منظرها
سبحان خلاَّقِها مُصوّرها

2. Who destined within it generosity and kindness,
Wondrous things from its design.

٢. قُدّر فيها السّماحُ والمكرماتُ
الغريباتُ من مُقدّرها

3. One whose mention is Abu Hassan
Reveals through his beauty the excellence of its essence.

٣. ومَن له ذكرُها أبو حَسَنٍ
يُبدي بحُسناهُ فضلَ جوهرِها

4. When kings boast from Yemen,
You, Dhahal, are the eye of its pride.

٤. إذا تَباهى الملوك من يَمنٍ
فأنت يا ذهلُ عين مَفخَرِها

5. You inherited through the Azd and kings
Its loftiness made long-lasting by my aged ancestor.

٥. ورثتَ بالأزْدَ والمُلوك ونبْ
هان عُلاها أبي مُعمّرِها

6. You have succeeded, O Dhahal, in your inheritance
The best of its shares in abundance.

٦. وفزت يا ذهلُ في وراثته
من خير أقسامها بأوفَرِها

7. You are the masters of glory through whom
Pride is taken in its absence and presence.

٧. وأنتم سادةُ العتيك بكم
يُفخَر في غيبها ومَحضرِها

8. In every land you have a herald of dew
Who seeks your hand atop its pulpit.

٨. في كل أرض لكم خطيبُ نَدى
يخطبُ بالمهد فوقَ منبرِها

9. And over the necks of creation you have favors
The likes of which no ears have heard rejected.

٩. وفي رقاب الورى لكُم مِننٌ
ما سَمعَ الناس صوتَ منكرِها

10. And you, O Dhahal, are an example in glory,
As are its riders and its knights.

١٠. وأنت يا ذهلُ في النّدى مَثل
ما بني ركبانها وسُمَّرِها

11. So remain, you and your noble children together,
For the lifetime and months of this world.

١١. فابقَ وأولادك الكرام مَعاً
مَدى سِنيّ الدنيا وأشهرِها