1. God shepherded Dhuhl when his riders headed
And wherever he wandered in Yemen with his friend
١. رَعى اللهُ ذهْلاً حيث أَمَّت ركائبُهْ
وأَنى ثَوى سارَ في اليُمن صاحِبهْ
2. And watered for him from the master of every night
And day whose clouds water us clashes
٢. وسَقْياً لهُ من سيّدِ كلَّ ليلةٍ
ويومٍ تسْقّينا سجالاً سحائبُه
3. His care for the unseen is in us and with us
His virtues are well-known and his gifts
٣. عنايُته بالغيْب فينا وعنْدنا
فضائلهُ مشهورةٌ ومَواهبُهْ
4. He wanted for God's House pilgrimage and his pilgrimage
For our religion is clear, his virtues are not hidden from us
٤. أَراد لبيْتِ الله حَجّاً وحجُّهُ
لدينا مُبينٌ ليْس تَخْفى مناقبُهْ
5. Every Yemeni is brave and generous
Like Dhuhl when the Azdi turned back his raids
٥. أكلُّ يمانٍ في البسالةِ والنَّدى
كذُهلٍ إذا الأزديُّ عدتْ ضَرائبُهْ
6. Abu Al-Hassan is present in every doctrine
Praised for his glory, his ways are generous
٦. أَبو الحَسن الموجود في كل مَذْهبٍ
من المجدِ محموداً كراماً مذاهبُهْ
7. A young man grew between generosity, forbearance and wisdom
Until his experiences in matters reached their limits
٧. فتي شبَّ بينَ الجود والحلْم والحجَى
إلى أن تناهت في الأمور تجاربُهْ
8. So he became known for his perfected manners
His strange acts have effect in noble deeds
٨. فأصبح معلومَ الكمال مُهذَّباً
مؤثَّرةً في المكرماتِ غرائبُهْ
9. His hands spread and his virtues surpassed
His efforts prevailed and his gains were pure
٩. وعَمَّت اياديه وفاقت صفاتُهُ
وسَادت مساعيه وطابت مكاسبُهْ
10. May God reward Dhuhl with all good and bless
His ascent and his requests were successful
١٠. جزى الله ذُهلاً كلَّ خير وبوركت
عُلاه وفازتْ بالنجاح مطالبُهْ
11. And may his sons live a life they desire
Hoping for beautiful consequences from him
١١. وعاش بنوهُ عيشةً يبْلغُونها
بها امَلاً مستْجمِلاتٍ عواقبُهْ
12. And may the luck of time help them and accept
His good returns and turn away his misfortunes
١٢. وساعَدَهمْ سعْدُ الزّمان وقبَلت
عوائدهُ الحُسنْى وَوَّلَتْ نوائبُهْ
13. And may the Eid of safety and highness do them justice
Every year as its stars rose small
١٣. وعادلهم عيدُ السَّلامة والعُلى
لدى كلّ عام ما استَقَلَت كواكبُهْ