1. A specter touched him gently, so I greeted him
When he gifted me with his vision and adorned me
١. طيف ألمّ به وَهْنناً فحيَّاهُ
لما حباهُ برؤياه وزيَّاهُ
2. He came to him, so grief departed from him, yet he
Did not confide in him when he drew near and gladdened him
٢. سَرى إليه فسرّى الهمّ عنه فما
اسرّه عند أسراه ومسراهُ
3. Marvel at him - how could I lack modesty
When he guided, directed, and showed him the path
٣. إِعجبْ به كيف أني غَير محتشمٍ
ومن هداه وهَدّاه وأهداهُ
4. After he had been averse to the determined seeker
Until his eyes shone when he sympathized with him
٤. من بعد ما كان عنّ المستهامُ بهِ
حتى استهلَّت لما عاناه عَيناهُ
5. He is a gazelle to him, coquettish when he sings to him
For beauty has revealed and adorned him
٥. ظبيٌ له من دلال إذ يغنّجه
وانّما الحسن جلاّه وأجْلاهُ
6. I visit him while he is visited, and advise him
And he doubts, so I fear and shield him
٦. أزوره وهوَ مُزورٌّ وأنصحهُ
ويستريب فأخشاه وأغشاهُ
7. Every day he insists on an epic
With which he prays to the one who supported and allied with him
٧. في كلّ يوم له إصرار ملحمةٍ
يُصلي بها من توَلاّه ووَالاهُ
8. He stirred him when slander spread violently
I moved him and embedded wisdom in him
٨. ورّجه حين مرَّ الظعن مستعراً
أزُجَّه وقَناه فيه أقْناهُ
9. He shepherds hearts but does not shepherd his lover
So if he allured with his singing and sang to him
٩. يَرعى القلوب ولا يرعى لعاشقه
فإن ألَبَّ بمغناهُ وأغناهُ
10. He promised me regarding him, that if they looked
And saw how the fire spoke when they spoke
١٠. وعد بي فيه لي لو أنهمْ نَظروا
وكيف نارٌ لما فاهوا بما فاهوا
11. Then I said, "Do not blame me for his passion"
A lover destroys even if he greets and revives him
١١. فقلتُ لا تعذِلوني من تعصُّبهِ
يُودي المحبُّ وإن حيّاهُ أحياهُ
12. If the wise man neighbors liberation, it perplexes him
Or if the bare rock's wounds are exposed, it wounds him
١٢. لو جاور الفَطِنُ التحرير حارَ له
أو لاحَ للصِّخر خلاه لَخَلاَّهُ
13. And how much the tortured heart endured
Of the sweet poison, had he not befriended and allied with him
١٣. وكم تعرَّض للقلب المعذَّب من
مستعذَب الدلّ لولاهُ لوالاهُ
14. My friend, guide me to his theater
For the heart is a young lion for its spectacle and pasture
١٤. يا صاحبي اهْدياني نحو مسرحهِ
فالقلبُ صَبٌّ لمرآه ومَرعاهُ
15. Ask gently the one who permitted
Breaking pacts and forgetting him, so he hardened him
١٥. وسائلاهُ بلطفٍ مَن أَباحَ لهُ
نقَض العهود وأنساه فأقساهُ
16. And entreat him for the maiden heart, hopefully
He will revive what he once lovingly harbored
١٦. واستْعطِفاه لمبتول الفُؤاد لقىً
عَساهُ يُنعِشُ ما تَحبوه حَوْباهُ
17. If he is harsh with me, thank his hand
And if he draws swords at me, sheathe them
١٧. وإن سَخت لي يَداهُ فاشكُرا يَدهُ
وإن سَطَت لي حَدَّاه فحُدَاهُ
18. And how many have sought refuge with him from the days of their life
Whom security embraced when they sought refuge with him
١٨. وكم إليه لجَا من دهره رَجلٌ
فعمّه الأمنُ إذ ألجاه ألجاهُ
19. His son Yahya lives honoring his place
To exceed his sins that he drafted
١٩. وعاش يحيى أبو الفضل ابنُه وقي
محلَّه لتخطاه خَطايَاهُ
20. Cultured in opinion and banners, commissioned
For his abundance, he was the one who attained and reached him
٢٠. مهذّب الراي والرَّايات منتدبٌ
لوفره كان من ناواه نَاءاهُ
21. He is the purest elegance, secret of his essence
While people after are only facades and facades
٢١. هو النُّضار المُصفَّى سرُّ جوهرِه
والنَّاسُ من بعدُ أشباهٌ وأشباهُ
22. A perfume I smell, but when you ask him
He does not offer his cheek and revive him
٢٢. طَوْد أشمُّ فأمَّا حين تسأله
فما أرقَ محياه وأحياهُ
23. He pardons you and pardons if you are deficient and if
You are rude in secret, he forgets and forgets him
٢٣. يُعطيك عفوا ويَعفو إن هَفوت وإن
جشمته السّر أنساه وأنساهُ
24. Not with stones when jesters gather as he is accustomed
To ease and free him, imprison and capture him
٢٤. لا بالصّخور إذا طاف العُفاة كما
تعودت يُسر يُسراهُ أساراهُ
25. The kingdom is strengthened when he takes on its trust
And the citizens delight in the care of his shepherding
٢٥. توطّد الملك إذا وليّ أمانته
واستبشرت حسن مَرعاه رعاياه
26. And he took on the matter when its reins were tied to him
The undertaking of a fulfiller, preparing and equipping him
٢٦. وقام بالأمر إذ نيطت عُراه به
قيام مُضطلع أعداه أعِداهُ
27. And justice he declared until its path shone
And it was a pillar which exceeded and returned to him
٢٧. وأعلن العدل حتى أمَّ منهجَه
وكان قدماً تعدّاه وعاداهُ
28. And the faith he renewed until its guide appeared
To the reciters, cleansing and cleansing him
٢٨. وجدّد الدّين حتى لاح معلمُه
لْلمُنشدين وَطّراه وأَطراهُ
29. So the faith, the kingdom, and Islam in their entirety
Aspire through his efforts - and Allah, by Allah!
٢٩. فالدّين والملك والإسلام قاطبة
رامون عن سعيه واللهِ واللهُ
30. O son of kings, listen to a praise I have composed
For a servant of yours who created and adorned it
٣٠. يا ابن الملوك استمع مدحاً أَتيت بهِ
لخادم لك انشاه ووشَّاهُ
31. It praises you, and delight has surrounded its circumstances,
Praise of one satisfied with what his Master granted him
٣١. يُثني عليك وقد حفت لُهاك به
ثناء راضٍ بما أولاه مولاه
32. It gifts you from me with cultured morals
And overflows like musk, scenting and scenting him
٣٢. عليك مني بأخلاق مهذّبة
وفاح كالمسك ريّاه وريّاهُ
33. And all goodness from you, so who would suffice
The sufficient adviser, employing and employing him?
٣٣. وكافة منك بالحُسنَى فمن جبر
الكافي المناصح واستكفاه كفاهُ
34. A towering pillar eternally enjoying
Blessings, describing and detailing him
٣٤. ودم منيع الحمى مستمتعاً أَبداً
من النَّعيم باصفاه واصفاهُ
35. An undefiled destination, the House of God, a pilgrim
Erasing sins with his steps, his missteps
٣٥. ما أَم وجهة بيت الله معتمر
يمحو بخطو مطاياه خطاياه