
The family of Al Muhalab are people who were granted generosity

آل المهلب قوم خولوا كرما

1. The family of Al Muhalab are people who were granted generosity
No Arab attained it nor did any strive for it

١. آلُ المُهلَّبِ قَومٌ خُوِّلوا كَرَما
ما نَالَهُ عَرَبيُّ وَلا كادا

2. If excellence was told, "Stop at them and leave them be"
Based on what you arbitrated of worldly things, it would not swerve

٢. لَو قيلَ لِلمَجدِ حِد عَنهُم وَخَلِّهم
بِما اِحتَكَمتَ مِنَ الدُنيا لَما حادا

3. Indeed, virtues are spirits that come to have
The family of Al Muhalab, beyond the people, as bodies

٣. إِنَّ المَكارِمَ أَرواحٌ يَكونُ لَها
آلُ المُهَلَّبِ دونَ الناسِ أَجسادا

4. The family of Al Muhal Lab, if I were to praise them
They would be the most virtuous of fathers and forefathers

٤. آلُ المُهَلَّبِ قَومُ إِن مَدَحتُهُم
كانوا الأَكارِمَ آباءً وَأَجدادا

5. Indeed, they meet envious people while feeling wretched
And you do not see the vile people envying them

٥. إِنَّ العَرانينَ تَلقاها مُحَسَّدَةً
وَلا تَرى لِلِئام الناسِ حُسّادا

6. How many envious ones there are who grumble about their merit
None attained the like of their efforts nor did any strive

٦. كَم حاسِدٍ لَهمُ يَعيا بِفَضلِهُمُ
ما نالَ مِثلَ مَساعيهِم وَلا كادا