1. Do you hope that the sons of reason will attain
A hope from you that you seek in vain?
١. أَتَرجو أَن تَنالَ بَني عِقالٍ
رَجاءٌ مِنكَ تَطلُبُهُ بَعيدُ
2. For you have struck the polished blades of a people
From whose shoulders iron has rolled off in vain.
٢. فَإِنَّكَ قَد قَرَعتَ صَفاةَ قَومٍ
تَفَلَّلَ عَن مَناكِبَها الحَديدُ
3. I saw you, Farazdaq, when you returned after
Disaster struck and threats came to nothing.
٣. رَأَيتُكَ يا فَرَزدَقُ عُدتَ لَمّا
أَتاكَ الوَقعُ واِنقَشَعَ الوَعيدُ