
You insult a people who protected your women,

أتشتم أقواما أجاروا نساءكم

1. You insult a people who protected your women,
While you are the son of Yarbou', blamed for tyranny.

١. أَتَشتُمُ أَقواماً أَجاروا نِساءَكُم
وَأَنتَ ابنَ يَربوعٍ عَلى الضَيمِ وارِكُ

2. We protected the son of Yarbou' from tyranny, after
You made them drink a cup of humiliation and tyranny.

٢. أَجَرنا ابنَ يَربوعٍ مِنَ الضَيمِ بَعدَما
سقتكم بِكأسِ الذُلِ وَالضَيمِ مالِكُ

3. The next morning, Malik wanted to make you
Collapse into the abyss, but the gusting winds saved you.

٣. غَداةَ أَرادَت مالِكٌ أَن نُحِلَّكُم
عَلى الخَسفِ ما هَبَّ الرياحُ السَواهِكُ

4. So you sought refuge among the tents, while you
Were like prey lured in by traps.

٤. فَعُذتُم بِأَحواءِ الرِبابِ وَأَنتُمُ
كَفَقعِ التَناهي اِستَدرَجتُهُ السَنابِكُ

5. When crowds gathered in Sajjah, led
By delusions that lead to ruin.

٥. وَبِالعَرضِ إِذ جاءَت جُموعٌ تَجَمَّعَت
بِسَجحَة قادَتها الظُنونُ الهَوالِكُ

6. We left them slain, their backs
Stabbed by fierce, relentless spears.

٦. تَرَكناهُمُ صَرعى كأن ظُهورَهُم
عَلَيها مِنَ الطَعنِ العَبيطِ الدَرانِكُ

7. We defended and terrified your brother, so their
Arms and hands became spoils for you.

٧. فَذُدنا وَأَرهبنا أَخاكُم فَأَصبَحَت
لَكُم مِنهُم أَيدٍ وَأَيدٍ شَوابِكُ

8. As was foretold about Malik by all your gathering
In Sahl al-Hima, a deadly stabbing attack.

٨. كَما قَد نَبا عَن مالِكٍ جُلُّ جَمعِكُم
بِسَهلِ الحِمى وَالهضبِ طَعنٌ مُدارِكُ

9. So how can Taim insult those who protected him?
The horsemen of Taim and their piercing spears.

٩. فَكَيفَ يَسُبُّ التيمَ مِن قَد أَجارَهُ
فَوارِسُ تَيمٍ والرِماحُ الشَوابِكُ

10. They know Taim defended you when you
Joined the glory, despite the biting hounds.

١٠. يُصَدِّقُ دَفعَ التيم عَنكُم إِذا اِنتَموا
إِلى المَجدِ غاراتُ الكُلابِ المَسايكُ

11. I wish to smell Dhu'aba and Dhurra,
For I have the best of Taim, their leader.

١١. نَمتنىَ شُمُّ لِلذُؤابَةِ وَالذُرى
وَلي مِن تَميمٍ رَأسُها وَالحَوارِكُ

12. There is the son of Taim, their prime origin,
While you are the son of Yarbou', who abandons.

١٢. هُناكَ ابنُ تَيمٍ واسِطُ الأَصلِ فيهُمُ
وَأَنتَ ابنَ يَربوعٍ بَديلٌ مُتارِكُ

13. On the day of Irab in the valley, when you were
Defeated, the Yarbou' were pushed back.

١٣. وَيَومَ إِرابَ السَهلِ يَومَ اِستَبتكُمُ
عَلاكُم بَني اليَربوعِ وَردٌ مَواشِكُ

14. The victorious Taghlib went one evening
With your women, whom no veils protected.

١٤. بَنو تَغلِبَ الغَلباءِ راحَت عَشيَّةً
بِنسوَتكم لَم تَحمِهنَ النيازِكُ

15. The Harimiyyun wore your faces as masks
As long as poetry had a weaver.

١٥. وَمِن هَرَميٍّ قَد تَغَشَّت خَزايَةً
وُجوهُكُم ما دامَ لِلشِّعرِ حايكُ

16. You surrendered Sufyan by force to the people,
Despite the cries for help from the suffering women.

١٦. وَأَسَلمتُمُ سُفيانَ لِلقَومِ عَنوَةً
وَلَو لَحِقَ المُستَصرَخاتُ اللَوائِكُ

17. In Al-'Akk, the Kalbi humiliated your women
The next day, as the abandoned ones cried for help.

١٧. وَبالعَكِن الكَلبي أَخزى نِساءَكُم
غَداةَ تُنادي البيضَ مِنها الفَوارِكُ

18. Unrestrained, so that after their tears flowed
They brought them down from their litters.

١٨. سَليطاً بِأَن تَستَنزلوهُنَّ بَعدَما
جَرى وَلهاً مِنها الدُموعُ السَوافِكُ

19. And 'Amr bin 'Amr led you, so thank him
In Dhi Najb, while the people plot and scheme.

١٩. وَعَمرو بنُ عَمرٍو قادَكُم فاِشكُروا لَهُ
بِذي نَجَبٍ وَالقَومُ كابٍ وَبارِكُ

20. In Dhi Najb, if the Malik clan had not pushed
From behind you, your condition would be ruin.

٢٠. بِذي نَجَبٍ لَو لَم تَذُد مِن وَرائِكُم
بَنو مالِكٍ غالتكَ ثَمَّ العَوائِكُ

21. You surrendered the horsemen of Sa'd, and you can see
In your homes the miserable, suffering women.

٢١. فَأَسلَمتُمُ فُرسانَ سَعدٍ وَقَد تُرى
بِدارِكُم المُستَردَفاتُ الهَوالِكُ

22. On the day a battalion ascended for Haufazan,
Ancestors of yours from near Hajar set out.

٢٢. وَيَومَ عَلَت لِلحَوفزانِ كَتيبَةٌ
جَدودَ لَكُم مِن نَحوِ حَجرٍ مَسالِكُ

23. You were the worst of tribes on the day of Buhayr,
Rabble, if not for the Muzayni, skilled in battle.

٢٣. وَيَومَ بَحيرٍ أَنتُمُ شَرُ عُصبَةٍ
عَضاريطُ لَولا المازِنيُّ المعارِكُ

24. On the day of Banu 'Abs in Sharj, your banners
Were united to kill him, and the spears.

٢٤. وَيومَ بَني عَبسٍ بِشَرجٍ تَشاهَدَت
عَلى قَتلِهِ أَعلامُكُم وَالدَكادِكُ

25. 'Abqar, when she summoned you, disgraced
Your dignity with the clothes of menstruating women.

٢٥. وَعَبقَرُ إِذ تَدعوكُمُ جَلَّلَتكُمُ
مِنَ الخِزي ثَوبَ الحائِضاتِ العَوارِكِ

26. Yarbou' will wipe his vile loins
Blackened by the semen of slaves.

٢٦. سَتَمسَحُ يَربوعٌ سِبالاً لَئيمَةً
بِها مِن مَنيِّ العَبدِ أَسوَدُ حالِكُ