
May God break the hands of the daughter of Wail

كسا الله حي تغلب ابنة وائل

1. May God break the hands of the daughter of Wail
Whose slowly growing nails are so cowardly.

١. كَسا اللَهُ حَيَّ تَغلبَ ابنَةِ وائِلٍ
مِنَ اللُؤمِ أَظفارا بَطيئاً نُصولُها

2. When they departed from a house of disgrace, they disputed
Over it, some of them deeming it too little.

٢. إِذا اِرتَحَلوا عَن دار ذُلٍّ تَعاذَلوا
عَلَيها وَرَدّوا بَعضَهُم يَستَقليُها