
O friend, beware of listening to it

يا صاح اياك السماع تأتيه

1. O friend, beware of listening to it
For in Islamic law there is disagreement about it

١. يا صاح اياك السماع تأتيه
فانه في الشرع مختلف فيه

2. It leads one astray so look to where it leads
Does it lead to Allah or to self-absorption?

٢. هو حاديا فانظر إلى أين حا
ديه لِلّه أو للحفظ والتماويه

3. The substitutes resemble each other yet you are idle
And devoid of spiritual states that come

٣. تشابه الأبدال وأنت بطال
وخاليا عن واردات الأحوال

4. Listen to what al-Junayd said
Nothing enters it if one accustoms himself to it

٤. اسمع إلى قول الجنيد ما قال
ما يدخله من عاد نفسه فيه

5. Beware, beware of following your whims
Reject them and follow what conforms to Islamic law

٥. اياك اياك أن تتابع الطبع
ارفضه واتبع ما يوافق الشرع

6. Islamic law is the foundation and spiritual path the branch
Be a follower of its command, avoiding prohibitions

٦. الشرع أصل والطريقة الفرع
كن تابع امره مجتنب مناهيه

7. Be extremely eager to perform acts of obedience
Religion is not loud dancing and chanting

٧. احرص على الطاعات غاية الحرص
ما الدّين بالزعق الشنيع والرقص

8. You think it pride yet its essence is deficiency
If you were asked about the state, you would not know

٨. تظنه عزّا وغايته نقص
لو قيل لك ما الحال لست تدريه

9. Religion is your mindfulness every moment
Then following the way of the community

٩. الدّين هو تقواك كل ساعه
ثم اتباعك سنة الجماعه

10. The Law of the Chosen One and following him
Muhammad, no messenger comes close to him

١٠. شريعة المختار واتباعه
محمد ما مرسل يدانيه