
O heart, how much you have been heedless of

يا قلب كم لك في عما وغفله

1. O heart, how much you have been heedless of
Make your destination to Him before

١. يا قلب كم لك في عما وغفله
اجعل جهة قصدك اليه قبله

2. What has passed of your life, there is no compensation for it
And what you have attained of it, there is no price for it

٢. ما فات من عمرك فلا عوض له
وما حصل لك منه لا ثمن له

3. The hours of your life are all seasons
So do not miss from them the booties

٣. ساعات عمرت كلها مواسم
فلا يفوتك منها الغنائم

4. The traders have won while you were sleeping
Until your bankruptcy came without respite

٤. قد فاز التجار وأنت نائم
حتى أتى افلاسك بغير مهله

5. Beware cutting the distance of life
Without obedience, that is the loss

٥. اياك أن تقطع مسافة العمر
بغير طاعه إن ذلك الخسر

6. You have not prepared for it any question or excuse
When He establishes you in the position of His justice

٦. ما أعددت له من مسألة ومن عذر
إذا أقامك في مقام عدله

7. So do not think that wishes are securities
Adding to your ignorance a second misguidance

٧. فلا تظن أن الرجا أماني
تضيف إلى جهلك ضلال ثاني

8. There is no wish except what you suffer
From work you harvest it in its place

٨. فلا رجا الا ما تعانى
من العمل تحصده في محله