
A dove sang atop the branches

تغنت فوق أغصان حمامه

1. A dove sang atop the branches
Reminding me of our meeting, o dove

١. تغنت فوق أغصان حمامه
تذكرني ملاقاتي حمامه

2. While my eyes were sleepless, foregoing sleep
And my tears flowed like the rainclouds

٢. وطرفي ساهر قد عاف نومي
ودمعي هاطل هطل الغمامه

3. My soul is sincerely devoted to the Beloved
So I swear I shall not blame him

٣. وروحي للحبيب فداه صدقا
فأقسم لا أستمع فيه ملامه

4. May God protect him, so radiant
Who mixed wine into his saliva

٤. رعاه اللَه من بدر مضيء
مزج في ريقه خمر المدامه

5. The beloved who protected
His scorpion protected what he ought to

٥. الحبيب الذي حما
عقربه قد حما لما

6. And my essence was filled with grief
And he took pride publicly in blood

٦. واعتلا باطني ظما
وفخر في الملا دما

7. Loyal to pacts and to turbans
A lover whom no rebuker rebukes

٧. فها أنا مشغف الأحشا كئيب
مقيم بالعهود وبالذمامه

8. Nor can anyone restrain his bridle
Oh heart, do not rush and be patient

٨. محبّ لا يزجره عذول
ولا يثنى معنفه زمامه

9. For patience in calamities is praiseworthy
And put your trust in God of great grace

٩. ألا يا قلب لا تعجل واصبر
فان الصبر في العقبى حميد

10. For all creations are His servants
He is the Sultan without peer

١٠. وثق باللَه ذي فضل عظيم
فكل العالمين له عبيد

11. Who shares with none what He wills or wants
So many of the sick became healthy

١١. فهو السلطان ليس له قرين
يشاركه بما شاء أو يريد

12. By His power and professed wellbeing
My intercessor Ahmad - would that my soul be his ransom!

١٢. فكم من مسقم أضحى صحيحاً
بقدرته وأيقن بالسلامه

13. I have no hand with him
He is perfect in generosity

١٣. قد شفيعي أحمدا ليت روحي له فدا
وليس لي عنده يدا

14. A generous one sponsored by the Generous
And intercession was shone unto him on the Day of Judgement

١٤. إنه كامل الندا
كريم قد تكفله كريم

15. So all messengers hasten beneath his banner
In what lofty honor!

١٥. وباح له الشفاعه في القيامه
فكل الرسل تحت لواه تسعى