1. Be gentle with your pouring, O clouds of generosity
And show kindness and gentleness in this gathering
١. رفقا بصبك يا سويكنة النقا
وتعطفي وترفقي في الملتقى
2. And keep me alive with an urgent connection
Rather, shorten the life of estrangement for you is eternity
٢. وأبقى على رمقي بوصل عاجل
بل أقصري عمر الجفا فلك البقا
3. Even though gray hair has appeared in my beard
I have an ambition that ascends the highest peaks
٣. أني وان لاح المشيب بلمتي
لي همة تسمو العالي المرتقى
4. And if gray hair disfigures my youthfulness
My determination has not been able to be created
٤. واذا المشيب أخلق على نضارتي
فالعزم مني لم يطق أن يخلقا
5. I have a lofty ambition
And chivalrous mysticism
٥. لي همة علويه
وفتوة صوفيه
6. And unwavering doctrine
Even if the clouds have stopped pouring I have not stopped
٦. وعقيدة جزميه
اني وان كفّ السحاب فلم أكف
7. My attainment has not ceased to be copious
With neither money nor assured, certain faith
٧. لم وبل نيلي لم يزل مغدودقا
من غير مال بل يقينا جازما
8. In my Lord's bestowal, confident and fulfilled
I speak with gratitude for the blessing of my Sustainer
٨. بنوال ربي واثقا ومحققا
اني بنعمة رازقي متحدّثا
9. Rather, thanking Him for His bestowal and gifts
While I am utterly poor without any wealth
٩. بل شاكراً لنواله وعطائه
وأنا الفقير المحض من غير امترا
10. And He is the Rich who has enriched us with His bounty
We are nothing without His creativity towards us
١٠. وهو الغني قد عمنا بغنائه
نحن العدم لولا اجادته لنا
11. Glory to Him in His honor and eternity
Celebrate in the patios of the Bountiful, His door
١١. سبحانه في عزّه وبقائه
عرس بساحات الكريم وبابه
12. His doors for the hopeful will never close
Take pleasure in the Bountiful, the Hoped
١٢. فأبوابه لذوي الرجا لن تغلقا
لذ بالكريم المرتجا
13. For in Him are the limits of hope
And the Complained to and Desired
١٣. فاليه غايات الرجا
والمشتكى والملتجا
14. Our sins have certainly harmed us and darkened
Our hearts, and the people of piety have won
١٤. فلقد أضرّتنا الذنوب وأظلمت
منا القلوب وفاز أرباب التقى
15. After our certainty in His generosity, we have not feared
And in following His Prophet, never disappointed
١٥. لم نخش بعد يقيننا في جوده
ومع اتباع نبيه أبدا شفا
16. If fear has not befallen you because of His justice
Beware of abandoning hope because of His favor
١٦. ان لم يحلّ الخوف فيك لعدله
إياك أن تدع الرجاء لفضله
17. For they are two wings for the spiritual path so strive
For some is more worthy than your total nothingness
١٧. فهما جناحان السلوك فاجتهد
فالبعض أولى من عدمك لكله
18. If you firmly establish hope and its station
You will not fear the duration of estrangement and humiliation
١٨. ان أنت أحكمت الرجا ومقامه
لم تخش من طول البعاد وذله
19. If the promise is true then the threats will spare you
Believe in His promise and believe in His threat
١٩. ان صحّ وعد فالوعيد سوافكن
بالوعد منه وبالوعيد مصدّقا
20. Believe in His threat
And confirm His promises
٢٠. كن بالوعيد مصدّقا
وبالوعود محققا
21. The Bounteous Lord may forgo His threat
By grace, and no confirmed promise has He broken
٢١. قد يترك الربّ الكريم وعيده
فضلاً ولم يخلف لوعد موثقا
22. Then blessings upon the Prophet and his progeny
For as long as lightning flashes in the skies, shining
٢٢. ثم الصلاة على النبيّ وآله
ما لاح برق بالضيا متألقا