1. The sweetness of the lover and its essence
Is the sweetness of the beloved's company
١. سكر المحبّ وما به
سكر سوى أنس الحبيب
2. What a sweetness it is!
We attained wishes and the watcher went away
٢. فيا لها من سكرة
حصل المنا ونأي الرقيب
3. So one who has no share in it will never taste purity
Goodness did not taste good to one whom
٣. فلا يذوق أبداً صفا
من لا له فيها نصيب
4. His Lord did not apportion a share of goodness
Be good, so you may live in comfort
٤. طيبوا فلا طابت له
من ربه من لا يطيب
5. Do not despair of Yusuf
Be hopeful and explore
٥. طيبوا به تستأنسوا
من يوسف لا تيأسوا
6. How many a frail one has reached well-being
that a doctor had despaired of
٦. وتطلعوا وتحسسوا
7. And how often a matter thought remote
came to pass on the heels of its like!
٧. كم مسقم وافا الشقا
وما تعاناه طبيب
8. God does what He desires
Of the possible or the impossible
٨. ولربّ أمر قد نأى
أتى على قدر قريب
9. So no mighty one can overcome Him
Nor can any eminent one resist Him
٩. اللَه يفعل ما يشا
من ممكن أو مستحيل
10. Nor is His openhandedness constrained
By bestowal of bounty, beauty and good
١٠. فلا يغالبه عظيم
ولا يعانده جليل
11. Grasp His love hopefully
For one who hopes in Him will not be disappointed
١١. ولا يضيق بجوده
بذل الجزيل من الجميل
12. He is the Capable, the All-Powerful
And the Forgiver of sins
١٢. أمسك بحبك رجائه
فمن رجاه لا يخيب
13. And the Veiler of defects
There, at His door, lies the haven
١٣. هو القدير القادر
وللخطايا غافر
14. Of one seeking refuge from fear
In your sorrows you have a Compassionate One
١٤. وللمساوى ساتر
15. Whose mercy has become abundant
١٥. ها هو فالزم بابه
فهناك أمن المستريب
١٦. فلكم رحم من ماحل
أضحى برحمته خصيب