1. Oh heart, depart from all creation
And journey to the Creator, that you may attain union with Him
١. ألا يا قلب فارحل عن الأكوان جمله
إلى قرب المكوّن عسى تحظى بوصله
2. Contemplate the universe and see how it began
You will find all in need of His bounty and grace
٢. تفكر لي في الكون وانظر كيف أصله
تجده الكلّ محتاج إلى جوده وفضله
3. Contemplate your own origin, lest you become enraptured
Is the origin of existence like nothingness? What do you say?
٣. تفكر كيف أصلك والا صرت مفتون
فهل أصل القدم كالعدم ماذا تقولون
4. My Lord established the universe through the secret of Kun (Be)
All things dissipated and became but His action
٤. أقام الكون ربي بسرّ الكاف والنون
تلاشت جمع الاشيا وصار الكلّ فعله
5. You see all the worlds from the divine effusion
With the diffusion of the Supreme Spirit and splendid lights
٥. ترى جمع العوالم من الفيض الإلهي
بمدّ الروح الأعلى بالأنوار البواهي
6. Its mystery flowed into souls and formed them as they are
Transcendent and Exalted, possessing all generosity
٦. سرى سرّه في الأرواح وكوّنها كما هي
تقدّس بل تعالى وحاز الجود كله
7. Glory to Him who is veiled from us by His Light
Veiled by Light, oh friend, from the intensity of His manifestation
٧. فسبحان الذي احتجب عنا بنوره
حجب بالنور يا صاح من شدّة ظهوره
8. And he who is touched by the rain of His grace and favor
Attains felicity, shaded by His shade
٨. ومن صابه مطر غيث فضله يا سروره
يحوز الفوز منه يظله تحت ظله