1. O You who has the will
And from Him happiness
١. يا من له الإراده
ومنه السعاده
2. Bestow upon us abundance
From You kindness is habitual
٢. اسبل لنا الزياده
منك الجميل عاده
3. Give the depressed his desire
And return his prosperity to him
٣. اعط الكئيب مراده
وردّ له رقاه
4. His love has become sweet to him
In his beloved is his happiness
٤. قد لذّ له وداده
في عشقته سعاده
5. From it his extension
His drink and provision
٥. فمنها امتداده
شرابه وزاده
6. O best of all masters
The servant's separation was prolonged
٦. يا خير كلّ ساده
العبد طال بعاده
7. And upon You his dependence
And the triumph in his return
٧. وعليكم اعتماده
والفوز في معاده
8. My heart almost perished
Since it was disputed by the generous one
٨. قلبي ذهب نكاده
منذ جادله جواده
9. And release for it the restriction
In the unseen and the witnessed
٩. وفك له قياده
في الغيب والشهاده