
The breezes of intimacy have blown, O friend,

هبت نسيمات الوصال يا صاح

1. The breezes of intimacy have blown, O friend,
From the gardens of contentment and joys,

١. هبت نسيمات الوصال يا صاح
من سوح حضرات الرضى والأفراح

2. And the drinking of the mystics was sweetened with comfort
From coffee wherein lies the life of souls,

٢. وطاب شرب العارفين للرّاح
من قهوة فيها حياة الأرواح

3. The coffee whose cups are knowledges,
And none taste it but every mystic,

٣. ذي قهوة كاساتها المعارف
ولا يذقها غير كلّ عارف

4. It has become refreshing for the people of mysticism,
He who has a heart gets drunk with it and rests,

٤. صارت لأهل المعرفه رواشف
يسكر بها من له قليب يرتاح

5. When the lights started to appear from the depths of the world,
The veils were lifted from the lovers,

٥. لما بدا من قعر دنها أنوار
ميطت عن العشاق حجب الاستار

6. And the souls smelled the wine of the secrets,
Through it the inherent knowledge became clear,

٦. واشتمت الأرواح خمر الاسرار
ظهر بها العلم اللدني ايضاح

7. These are the sciences of mysticism and truth,
In the essence of religion and path,

٧. هذه علوم الكشف والحقيقه
في محض زبد الشرع والطريقه

8. Whoever has no law, has no truth,
Corruption is pure, no reform in it,

٨. من لا شريعة له فلا حقيقة
الافساد محض ما به اصلاح

9. So let not the many deceptions deceive you,
Of a people led astray by the ornaments of Satan,

٩. فلا يغرك كثرة التلابيس
من قوم اغوتهم زخارف ابليس

10. The Sufis are not the people of humility,
Except on the paths of guidance and clarification,

١٠. أهل التصوف ما هم أهل تنكيس
الا على طرق الهدى والايضاح

11. This is the truth, so take advantage of it and you will be happy,
And follow the word of Allah, do not hesitate,

١١. هذه حقيقة فاغتنمها تسعد
واتبع كلام اللَه لا تردّد

12. And everything in the two worlds will perish,
Except the word of Allah, the place of profits,

١٢. وكل ما في العالمين ينفد
إلا كلام اللَه سوق الارباح

13. And any knowledge that does not have as its proof,
The saying of the Lord of the Throne or His Messenger,

١٣. وكل علم لم يكن دليله
عن قول ربّ العرش أو رسوله

14. Or the trusted scholars or the just ones,
I am sure of its weakness, so avoid it O friend,

١٤. وعن ثقات العلم أو عدوله
اقطع بضعفه واجتنبه يا صاح

15. The knowledge of Tawheed has no equal,
Everything is His creation,

١٥. العلم في التوحيد لا كمثله
شيء وكلّ الكائنات فعله

16. Hellfire is His justice and Paradise His grace,
He sent Mohammed with the key to success,

١٦. النار عدله والجنان فضله
أرسل محمد للفلاح مفتاح