1. The veiled one unveiled her veil for us
So our souls were intoxicated by her, before her wine
١. أماطت لنا ذات الخمار خمارها
فهامت بها أرواحنا قبل خمرها
2. O, the beauty whose light intoxicates the soul
Not the daughter of grapes in it and her intoxication
٢. فيالك حسن يسكر الروح نوره
فما ابنة الزرجون فيه وسكرها
3. And from wonder she veiled with the light of her splendor
And from the intensity of illumination was her cover
٣. ومن عجب حجبت بنور ضيائها
ومن شدّة الايضاح قد كان سترها
4. So for us there was no between for her but that she
Falls short of everyone's measure due to her worth
٤. فبنا ولا بين لها غير أنها
تقاصر مقدار الجميع لقدرها
5. And from wonder who seeks her besides the absent
But from her mysteries dove her secret
٥. ومن عجب من طالب غير غائب
ولكن من أسرارها غاص سرّها
6. So from here the minds of the first perplexed
And they stood still and did not know her essence
٦. فمن ههنا حارت عقول أولى النها
ووقفت ولم تعلم حقيقة كنهها
7. And they made perception and death one
And that is only when her deficiency appeared
٧. وقد جعلوا الادراك والموت واحدا
وما ذاك الا حين بان قصورها
8. So what serious matter in you would not diminish it
So be vanishing to gain her precious
٨. فايّ خطير فيك لا يفنينه
فكن فانياً تحظى بنيل خطيرها
9. Lo, so know that Layla, I repeat
Praying through her to her to free her captive
٩. ألا فاعلموا ليلى بأني معيدها
توسل بها إليها تفكّ أسيرها
10. For the cure in my sickness was made difficult by her love
As the peer of the excellent was made difficult by her perfection
١٠. فقد عزّ في دائي شفائي بحبها
كما عزّ في حسن الحسان نظيرها
11. And every deed of hers was pleasurable for me in loving her
So for me her sweetness and her bitterness are equal
١١. وقد لذّ لي في حبها كلّ فعلها
فسيان عندي حلوها ومريرها
12. O you who blame her, you are ignorant of her passion
Can the word of the ignorant be heard by her expert?
١٢. فيا عاذلي فيها جهلت هواءها
فهل يستمع قول الجهول خبيرها
13. There is no shame on the shining sun in the morning
If the bat does not see the radiance of her light
١٣. فلا عار للشمس المضيئة في الضحى
إذا لم يرى الخفاش اشراق نورها
14. That is a deficiency in him who does not perceive her
The light of her has been veiled to him by her manifestation
١٤. فذلك نقص فيه لا يدركنها
لقد احتجب من نورها بظهورها
15. And send blessings upon the Guide and say gently
The veiled one unveiled her veil for us
١٥. وصلّ على الهادي واعطف قائلاً
أماطت لنا ذات الخمار خمارها