1. O Ali, a companion came from whom something I do not hope for
No wise companion is ignorant except to harm him
١. يا علي صاحباً جاء منه شيء لست أرجيه
ما صحب عاقل ذا جهل إلا ويؤذيه
2. Everyone who does not think of the consequences of his meanings
His matter becomes weak and his downfall rejoices over him
٢. كلّ من لا يفكر في عواقب معانيه
يضعف أمره ويفرح عنه سقطته شانيه
3. Everyone who does not make religion and reason his guide
Do not accompany him, and beware, my stingy one, befriending him
٣. كلّ من لا يكون الدّين والعقل حاديه
لا تصاحبه واحذر يا ضنيني تؤاخيه
4. Everyone who does not excel in lineage or glory
Do not expect to attain him, for there is no hope in him
٤. كلّ من ليس يرقى في النسب لا معاليه
لا ترجى نواله فانه لا مرتجى فيه
5. Few among people are those you should accompany and spend the night with them
You will not find a companion who keeps your secret and comprehends it
٥. قلّ في الناس من تصحب ومن باتوا ليه
ما تجد صاحباً يحفظ لسرّك ويوعيه
6. Other than a hypocritical companion, beware of his evil fleeing from him
He accompanies you as long as your palm is with your morsel in it
٦. غير صاحب منافق خوف شرّه تداريه
يصحبك ما برح كفك بلقمتك في فيه
7. According as your hand is short, he comes with what he was hiding
I wish he had not seen the secret to tell it
٧. حسبما تقصر ايدك جا بما كان يخفيه
ريته كان ما شاهد من السرّ يحكيه
8. Rather he adds and conveys something his eye has not limited
Where are people whose jealousy has a limit that makes him an enemy?
٨. بل يزيد وينقل شيء ما حدن عينيه
أين في الناس من لاقط له حدّ يعاديه
9. The more a person becomes honored, and wetness increases in him
His enviers increase, and his enemies multiply
٩. كلما عزّ شخص ثم زاد الندى فيه
زاد في الناس حساده وكثرت أعاديه
10. He does not investigate or reveal what covers him
Verily this life lacks loyalty and faithfulness in it
١٠. لا يفتش ولا يظهر على ما تغطيه
ان ذا الدهر معدوم الصفا والوفا فيه
11. It lacks gratitude, but rather its complainers have increased in it
Go along with life in its course, and flow in its streams
١١. قد عدم شاكره بل قد كثر فيه شاكيه
ساير الدهر في سيره واجر في مجاريه
12. And accept from it, O Ali, its bitterness and sweetness
Whoever hears this poetry of ours, I advise him
١٢. واقبلن منه يا علي مرّه وحاليه
من سمع شعرنا هذا فإن شاء أوصيه
13. Do not accompany a fool, and if you do accompany, do not contend with him
If the sweat of his brow was watered with honey
١٣. لا تصاحب سفيهاً وإن صحبت لا تماريه
ان عرق الجدع لو كان بالشهد تسقيه
14. He would remain bitter, regretting at his demise, his pernicious deed
Then what his supplication did not fail was completed, praise be to Allah
١٤. لم يزل مرّ يندم عند مجناه جانيه
ثم تمت بحمد اللَه ما خاب داعيه
15. And I entrust to Allah to correct the evil of my heart and guide it
Then bestow prayers upon Ahmed as long as hands make effort
١٥. وأودع اللَه أن يصلح سوء قلبي ويهديه
ثم صلوا على أحمد ما أعدّت أياديه
16. Count what the night has passed and the wings of its darkness have turned
١٦. عدّ ما الليل سارى وانعكس جنح داجيه