1. The place where revelation descended, the rise of the prophets
How have you become the place where misfortunes alight?
١. مَهبَطَ الوَحيِ مَطلَعَ الأَنبِياءِ
كَيفَ أَمسَيتِ مَهبِطَ الأَرزاءِ
2. In people's eyes there is a prophecy about you
There would have been nothing in their eyes had you not been stricken
٢. في عُيونِ الأَنامِ عَنكِ نُبوٌّ
لَم يَكُن في العُيونِ لَو لَم تُسائي
3. You are like the free woman who was overturned by fate
And ended up being a slave girl
٣. أَنتِ كَالحُرَّةِ الَّتي اِنقَلَبَ الدَهـ
ـرُ عَلَيها فَأَصبَحَت في الإِماءِ
4. You are like the embroidered cloak, worn out by the years
And the washing, having nothing left to warm with
٤. أَنتِ كَالبُردَةِ المُوَشّاةِ أَبلى الطـ
ـطَيُّ وَالنَشرُ ما بِها مِن رُواءِ
5. You are like the singing slave girl
Stripped of her green leaves
٥. أَنتِ مِثلُ الخَميلَةِ الغَنّاءِ
عُرِّيَت مِن أَوراقِها الخَضراءِ
6. You are like the lion whom time has blunted his claws
And the length of time has bent over him
٦. أَنتِ كَاللَيثِ قَلَّمَ الدَهرُ ظُفرَي
هِ وَأَحنى عَلَيهِ طولُ الثَواءِ
7. You are like the poet who found glory
In an assembly of the rabble
٧. أَنتِ كَالشاعِرِ الَّذي أَلِفَ الوِح
دَةِ في مَحفَلٍ مِنَ الغَوغاءِ
8. You are like the tyrant indulging in extravagance
In a spectacle in front of the enemies
٨. أَنتِ مِثلُ الجَبّارِ يَرسُفُ في الأَغ
لالِ في مَشهَدٍ مِنَ الأَعداءِ
9. If you wanted, you would have been in a better state
Or are you not able to want?
٩. لَو تَشائينَ كُنتِ أَرفَهَ حالاً
أَوَ لَستِ قَديرَةً أَن تَشائي
10. I still have a lot of hope
And even if I cannot see any hope
١٠. أَنا ما زِلتُ ذا رَجاءٍ كَثيرٍ
وَلَئِن كُنتُ لا أَرى ذا رَجاءِ
11. Those who have left you have cried in despair
And those staying in you cry in fear of departing
١١. قَد بَكى التارِكوكِ مِنكِ قُنوطاً
فَبَكى الساكِنوكِ خَوفَ التَنائي
12. The wailers around you have become so many
I felt I needed condoling
١٢. كَثُرَ النائِحونَ حَولَكِ حَتّى
خِلتُ أَنّي في حاجَةٍ لِلعَزاءِ
13. They shed their tears while I held back my tears
Only the despairing are worthy of weeping
١٣. بَذَلوا دَمعَهُم وَصُنتُ دُموعي
إِنَّما اليائِسونَ أَهلُ البُكاءِ
14. If tears were of any use, the tears of poets
Would have brought to life every departed soul
١٤. لَو تُفيدُ الدُموعُ شَيئاً لَأَحيَت
كُلِّ عافٍ مَدامِعُ الشُعَراءِ
15. You need someone like Moses
You do not need Jeremiahs
١٥. أَنتِ في حاجَةٍ إِلى مِثلِ موسى
لَستِ في حاجَةٍ إِلى أَرمِياءِ
16. How dear you are to us, glance of the East
That you become the prey of insults
١٦. مُقلَةَ الشَرقِ كَم عَزيزٌ عَلَينا
أَن تَكوني رَمِيَّةَ الأَقذاءِ
17. Misfortunes have scattered your people across the land
And they were like stars in the rainy constellation
١٧. شَرَّدَت أَهلَكِ النَوائِبُ في الأَر
ضِ وَكانوا كَأَنجُمِ الجَوزاءِ
18. And when life constricts someone extremely
He rides death in pursuit of survival
١٨. وَإِذا المَرءُ ضاقَ بِالعَيشِ ذَرعاً
رَكِبَ المَوتَ في سَبيلِ البَقاءِ
19. An exile does not care if his loved ones see him
Among strangers
١٩. لا يُبالي مُغَرِّبٌ في ذَويهِ
أَن يَراهُ ذَووهُ في الغُرَباءِ
20. Peace upon our fathers' land because of you
And may God water the souls of the fathers
٢٠. أَرضَ آبائِنا عَلَيكِ سَلامٌ
وَسَقى اللَهُ أَنفُسَ الآباءِ
21. We did not abandon you when we abandoned you willingly
Do not think children capable of undutifulness
٢١. ما هَجَرناكِ إِذ هَجَرناكِ طَوعاً
لا تَظُنّي العُقوقَ في الأَبناءِ
22. Immortality becomes boring and life is bliss
Would you accept immortality in misery?
٢٢. يُسأَمُ الخُلدُ وَالحَياةُ نَعيمٌ
أَفَتَرضى الخُلودَ في البَأساءِ
23. This is our land, a place where
Every raging wind marches over it
٢٣. هَذِهِ أَرضُنا بَلاقِعُ تَمشي
فَوقَها كُلُّ عاصِفٍ هَوجاءِ
24. These are our houses, dwellings for insects
And they used to be dwellings for butterflies
٢٤. هَذِهِ دورُنا مَنازِلُ لِلبو
مِ وَكانَت مَنازِلَ الوَرقاءِ
25. The years have turned them into thorns
Instead of flowers, and into wild beasts instead of Eve's children
٢٥. بَدَّلَتها السُنونُ شَوكاً مِنَ الزَهـ
ـرِ وَبِالوَحشِ مِن بَني حَوّاءِ
26. No calamity has the dawn carried
Except that the night spread it out to us
٢٦. ما طَوَت كارِثاً يَدُ الصُبحِ إِلّا
نَشَرَتهُ لَنا يَدُ الإِمساءِ
27. We roam the land lost as if we were
The people of Moses on the pitch black night
٢٧. نَحنُ في الأَرضِ تائِهونَ كَأَنّا
قَومُ موسى في اللَيلَةِ اللَيلاءِ
28. Misfortunes toss us in the deserts sometimes
And sometimes in water
٢٨. تَتَرامى بِنا الرَكائِبُ في البَي
داءِ طَوراً وَتارَةً في الماءِ
29. Weak and despised as if we were
Of darkness while people were of brilliance
٢٩. ضُعَفاءٌ مُحَقَّرونَ كَأَنّا
مِن ظَلامٍ وَالناسُ مِن لَألاءِ
30. And the exile of the powerful is honor and pride
While the exile of the weak is the start of perishment
٣٠. وَاِغتِرابُ القَوِيِّ عِزٌّ وَفَخرٌ
وَاِغتِرابُ الضَعيفِ بَدءُ الفَناءِ
31. The whites reproached us for not being non-Arabs
And the Abyssinians with white markens
٣١. عابَنا البيضُ أَنَّنا غَيرُ عُجُمٍ
وَالعِبَدّى بِالسِحنَةِ البَيضاءِ
32. Woe to my people whom time has tempted
Every people even the black-skinned
٣٢. وَيحَ قَومي قَد أَطمَعَ الدَهرُ فيهِم
كُلَّ قَومٍ حَتّى بَني السَوداءِ
33. Whenever an enemy bypasses us it turns to see us among the enemies
The pens have fascinated us when they sang
٣٣. فَإِذا فاتَنا عَدُوٌّ تَجَنّى
فَأَرانا الأَحبابَ في الأَعداءِ
34. Of equality between us and brotherhood
We got drunk on them, but when we sobered
٣٤. أَطرَبَتنا الأَقلامُ لَمّا تَغَنَّت
بِالمُساواةِ بَينَنا وَالإِخاءِ
35. We found nothing of them but names
We are in a state whose strength has waned
٣٥. فَسَكِرنا بِها فَلَمّا صَحَونا
ما وَجَدنا مِنها سِوى أَسماءِ
36. Like the juicy buried in dust
Or like the fetus who died while her carrier
٣٦. نَحنُ في دَولَةٍ تَلاشَت قُواها
كَالنُضارِ المَدفونِ في الغَبراءِ
37. Was alive, roaming around in the innards
How strange that the origin became a branch
٣٧. أَو كَمِثلِ الجَنينِ ماتَت بِهِ الحا
مِلُ حَيّاً يَجولُ في الأَحشاءِ
38. And the morn, how it took place in the darkness
The injustices of the Turks were not enough for us
٣٨. عَجَباً كَيفَ أَصبَحَ الأَصلُ فَرعاً
وَالضُحى كَيفَ حَلَّ في الظَلماءِ
39. Until they swarmed like locusts or an epidemic
They were expelled from their lands so they wanted
٣٩. ما كَفَتنا مَظالِمُ التُركِ حَتّى
زَحَفوا كَالجَرادِ أَو كَالوَباءِ
40. To expel us from our beautiful lands
Why do we get distracted with disasters preoccupying us
٤٠. طُرِدوا مِن رُبوعِهِم فَأَرادوا
طَردَنا مِن رُبوعِنا الحَسناءِ
41. As if we were in prosperity
Our freemen were wronged and our sacrosancts were violated
٤١. ما لَنا وَالخُطوبُ تَأخُذُ مِنّا
نَتَلَهّى كَأَنَّنا في رَخاءِ
42. And we kept silent and silence is for cowards
A renaissance that unveils the humiliation from us
٤٢. ضِيمَ أَحرارُنا وَريعَ حِمانا
وَسَكَتنا وَالصَمتُ لِلجُبَناءِ
43. For our sleep in misery has been long
A renaissance that turns the eyes toward us
٤٣. نَهضَةً تَكشِفُ المَذَلَّةَ عَنّا
فَلَقَد طالَ نَومُنا في الشَقاءِ
44. Fear of affliction is the worst affliction
A renaissance whose reverberation the cosmos will carry
٤٤. نَهضَةً تَلفِتُ العُيونَ إِلَينا
إِنَّ خَوفَ البَلاءِ شَرُّ بَلاءِ
45. To the wildernesses in the first news
A renaissance where souls will fulfill their purpose
٤٥. نَهضَةً يَحمِلُ الأَثيرُ صَداها
لِلبَرايا في أَوَّلِ الأَنباءِ
46. For they long for tremors
The kingship is a temple in which we are the heart
٤٦. نَهضَةً تَبلُغُ النُفوسُ مُناها
فَهيَ مُشتاقَةٌ إِلى الهَيجاءِ
47. And the heart is the master of organs
The traitors claimed that what we seek
٤٧. إِنَّ ذا المُلكَ هَيكَلٌ نَحنُ فيهِ الـ
ـقَلبُ وَالقَلبُ سَيِّدُ الأَعضاءِ
48. Is to reach the nooses
They will know that we Arabs are a people
٤٨. زَعَمَ الخائِنونَ أَنّا بِما نَبغيـ
ـهِ نَبغي الوُصولَ لِلعَنقاءِ
49. Who care for none but the Lord of the sky
A day when plains grow none but people
٤٩. سَوفَ يَدرونَ أَنَّما العُربُ قَومٌ
لا يُبالونَ غَيرَ رَبِّ السَماءِ
50. And none but brown tongues
A day you walk on mountains of corpses
٥٠. يَومَ لا تُنبِتُ السُهولُ سِوى النا
سِ وَغَيرَ الأَسِنَّةِ السَمراءِ
51. You walk in seas of blood
A day when the hypocrites among us feel
٥١. يَومَ تَمشي عَلى جِبالٍ مِنَ الأَش
لاءِ تَمشي في أَبحُرٍ مِن دِماءِ
52. That the losers are the people of pretense
A day when the plains grow none but people
٥٢. يَومَ يَستَشعِرُ المُراؤونَ مِنّا
إِنَّما الخاسِرونَ أَهلُ الرِياءِ