
Is that a palm tree or a tall branch?

أقاح ذاك أم شنب وريق ذاك أم ضرب

1. Is that a palm tree or a tall branch?
Is that a stream or a bond?

١. أَقاحٌ ذاكَ أَم شَنَبُ
وَريقٌ ذاكَ أَم ضَرَبُ

2. Is that a face or a moon?
Is that a cheek or gold?

٢. وَوَجهٌ ذاكَ أَم قَمَرٌ
وَخَدٌّ ذاكَ أَم ذَهَبُ

3. Unacquired beauty,
And some beauty can be acquired.

٣. جَمالٌ غَيرُ مُكتَسَبٍ
وَبَعضُ الحُسنِ يُكتَسَبُ

4. May my circumstances be bereft if I were to blame her.
Is this beauty to be avoided?

٤. ثَكِلتِ الظَرفَ عاذِلَتي
أَهَذا الحُسنُ يُجتَنَبُ

5. I counted her faults but there was nothing
Except circumstance and manners.

٥. عَدَدتُ لَها العُيوبَ وَلَيـ
ـسَ إِلّا الظَرفُ وَالأَدَبُ

6. A young woman between her smile
And her shapely figure, is of noble birth.

٦. فَتاةٌ بَينَ مَبسَمِها
وَبَينَ عُقودِها نَسَبُ

7. Her glances nurtured her beauty,
But her people are Bedouin.

٧. لَواحِظُها نَمَتها الهِندُ
لَكِن أَهلُها عَرَبُ

8. Swaying, when she walked
You would see the boughs stir.

٨. مُرَنَّحَةٌ إِذا خَطَرَت
رَأَيتَ الغُصنَ يَضطَرِبُ

9. She walked past, her hips swaying,
Her waist almost overturned.

٩. مَشَت وَوَنَت رَوادِفُها
فَكادَ الخَصرُ يَنقَضِبُ

10. My critics rejoice whenever
She comes and goes and I become lovesick.

١٠. يُسَرُّ العاذِلونَ إِذا
نَأَت وَيَعودُني الوَصَبُ

11. They clamor if she draws near,
Yet her company brings me delight.

١١. وَيَصطَخِبونَ إِن قَرُبَت
وَعِندي يَحسُنُ الطَرَبُ

12. So I weep whenever they laugh,
And laugh whenever they get angry.

١٢. فَأَبكي كُلَّما ضَحِكوا
وَأَضحَكُ كُلَّما غَضِبوا