1. My heart was broken if patience did not break
And my soul met destruction if it did not melt like wax
١. عَدِمتُ قَلبي إِذا لَم يَعدُمِ الجَلَدا
وَنالَ نَفسي الرَدى إِن لَم تَذُب كَمَدا
2. Alas, if sighs were useful to a brother complaining
None would seek but them in time of misery as a pillar
٢. آها وَلَو نَفِعَت آهٌ أَخا شَجَنٍ
لَم يَبتَغِ غَيرُها عِندَ الأَسى عُضُدا
3. Alas, if we had no misfortune that pained us
My hand would have never scripted it on any paper
٣. آها وَلَو لَم يَكُن خَطبٌ أَلَمَّ بِنا
ما سَطَّرَتها يَدي في كاغِدٍ أَبَدا
4. A man makes effort and death makes effort
That it leaves no one making effort above the earth
٤. المَرءُ مُجتَهِد وَالمَوتُ مُجتَهِدٌ
أَن لَيسَ يَترُكُ فَوقَ الأَرضِ مُجتَهِدا
5. It equalized the suckling infant with the one whose parting turned his hair gray
And the slave, his master; and the fox, the lion
٥. ساوى الرَضيعَ بِهِ مَن شابَ مَفرِقُهُ
وَالعَبدُ سَيِّدَه وَالثَعلَبُ الأَسَدا
6. It has left excellence with sorrows, alone
He who was unique among people in excellence
٦. قَد غادَرَ الفَضلَ بِالأَحزانِ مُنفَرِداً
مَن كانَ بِالفَضلِ دونَ الناسِ مُنفَرِدا
7. Eloquence died with the death of Al-Yaziji so whoever
Does not weep for this, let him weep for the one who lost
٧. ماتَ البَيانُ بِمَوتِ اليازَجِيِّ فَمَن
لَم يَبكِ هَذا بَكى هَذا الَّذي فَقَدا
8. By Allah, Eve did not give birth to one purer in heart than this deceased, no and will never give birth
Where is the illumination that adorned the countries like
٨. وَاللَهِ ما وَلَدَت حَوّاءُ أَطهَرَ مِن
هَذا الفَقيدِ فُؤاداً لا وَلَن تَلِدا
9. The full moon adorns the darkness of night with its beams
Where is the bell that used to give us pleasure
٩. أَينَ الضِياءُ الَّذي زانَ البِلادَ كَما
يَزينُ البَدرُ في جُنحِ الدُجى الجَلَدا
10. With its ringing in the sleeve of poetry, striking
And where, where are his qualities that were envied
١٠. أَينَ اليَراعُ الَّذي قَد كانَ يُطرِبُنا
صَريرُهُ في أَديمِ الطِرسِ مُنتَقِدا
11. Because of him and because of them he was envied
It is owed to knowledge to cry over him as
١١. وَأَينَ أَينَ سَجاياهُ الَّتي حُسِدَت
مِن أَجلِه وَكَذا مِن أَجلِها حُسِدا
12. A sibling cries over a brother and a parent over a child
I swear by He for whom no pen over poetry paper shook
١٢. حَقٌّ عَلى العِلمِ أَن يَبكي عَلَيهِ كَما
يَبكي الشَقيقُ أَخا وَالوالِدُ الوَلَدا
13. Except that I made my pouring tears as its provision
And I took no brother in life to console me
١٣. أَقسَمتُ ما اِهتَزَّ فَوقَ الطَرسِ لي قَلَمٌ
إِلّا جَعَلتُ لَهُ دَمعي البَتيتُ مَدَدا
14. After the magnificent except the sorrow which was found
١٤. وَلَاِتَّخَذتُ أَخاً في الدَهرِ يُؤنِسُني
بَعدَ الجَليلِ سِوى الحُزنِ الَّذي وَجَدا