
The moon brought the sun to us

حمل الشمس إلينا قمر

1. The moon brought the sun to us
In a sky where we are stars

١. حَمَلَ الشَمسَ إِلَينا قَمَرٌ
في سَماءٍ نَحنُ فيها أَنجُمُ

2. United by beauty that rules us
And nothing but beauty rules us

٢. شادِنٌ حَكَّمَهُ الحُسنُ بِنا
وَسِوى الحُسنِ بِنا لا يَحكُمُ

3. My hair falls, oh my eyes stay awake
It is a long dark night

٣. أَسبَلَ الشِعرَ فَيا عَيني اِسهَري
إِنَّهُ لَيلٌ طَويلٌ مُظلِمُ

4. And beware my inclination from it
That blackness is but dots

٤. وَاِحذَري يا مُهجَتي مِنهُ فَما
ذَلِكَ الأَسوَدُ إِلّا أَرقَمُ

5. His waist almost resembled my body
Yet his slimness made me ill

٥. كادَ أَن يُشبِهَ جِسمي خَصرَهُ
إِنَّما رِقَّتُهُ بي سَقَمُ

6. The mole hides in his cheek
Have you seen how the lovesick prays?

٦. يَتَلَظّى الخالُ في وَجَنَتِهِ
أَرَأَيتُم كَيفَ يُصلى المُغرَمُ

7. An idol with fire in his cheek and
In his palm its harm kindles

٧. صَنَمٌ في خَدِّهِ النارُ وَفي
كَفِّهِ ضَرَّتُها تَضطَرِمُ

8. A daughter of generosity that nothing mattered in her except
Every love-struck one who loved generosity

٨. بِنتُ كَرمٍ لَم يَهِم فيها سِوى
كُلَّ صَبٍّ هامَ فيهِ الكَرَمُ

9. She was imprisoned in her lowliness
With no sin yet they wronged her

٩. حُبِسَت في دَنِّها مِن قَدَمٍ
ما لَها ذَنبٌ وَلَكِن ظَلَموا

10. They forbade her when they feared for
Themselves so give me what they forbade

١٠. حَرَّموها حينَما خافوا عَلي
ها سِواهُم فَاِسقِني ما حَرَّموا

11. It is a secret that spread amongst people
And when the secret spreads it cannot be hidden

١١. إِنَّها سِرٌّ فَشا بَينَ الوَرى
وَإِذا السِرُّ فَشا لا يُكتَمُ