1. If only He who created the dark eyes
Had created the throbbing hearts as iron
١. لَيتَ الَّذي خَلَقَ العُيونَ السودا
خَلَقَ القُلوبَ الخافِقاتِ حَديدا
2. Were it not for their glances and magic
No lover would have loved, not even an idol
٢. لَولا نَواعِسُها وَلَولا سِحرُها
ما وَدَّ مالِكُ قَلبِهِ لَو صيدا
3. Protect your heart from the arrows of her glances
Or die as love decrees you a martyr
٣. عَوِّذ فُؤادَكَ مِن نِبالِ لِحاظِها
أَو مُت كَما شءَ الغَرامُ شَهيدا
4. If you saw beauty and were not tempted
You would be a man of coarse nature, numb
٤. إِن أَنتَ أَبصَرتَ الجَمال وَلَم تَهِم
كُنتَ اِمرَأً خَشِنَ الطِباعِ بَليدا
5. And if with youth, you sought pleasure
You would seek the unattainable
٥. وَإِذا طَلَبتَ مَعَ الصَبابَةِ لَذَّةً
فَلَقَد طَلبَتَ الضائِعَ المَوجودا
6. Oh my heart, it lies next to me
And I think it is far from my burial site
٦. يا وَيحَ قَلبي إِنَّهُ في جانِبي
وَأَظُنُّهُ نائي المَزارِ بَعيدا
7. Inciting longing for her cheeks
One dislikes living lonely
٧. مُستَوفِزٌ شَوقاً إِلى طَحبابِهِ
المَرءُ يَكرَهُ أَن يَعيشَ وَحيدا
8. God exonerated it with ribs for protection
And its misfortune made the ribs fetters
٨. بَرَأَ الإِلَهُ لَهُ الضُلوعَ وِقايَةً
وَأَرَتهُ شِقوَتُهُ الضُلوعَ قُيودا
9. So when the lightning of wishes flashed for him
His passions raged at him like thunder
٩. فَإِذا هَفا بَرقُ المُنى وَهَفا لَهُ
هاجَت دَفائِنُهُ عَلَيهِ رُعودا
10. I adorned it with patience but when it could not endure
I adorned it with aiming and climbing
١٠. جَشَّمتُهُ صَبراً فَلَمّا لَم يَطُق
جَشَّمتُهُ التَصويب وَالتَصعيدا
11. If I could protect it from love’s tyranny
And if one could resist love’s tyranny, praiseworthy
١١. لَو أَستَطيعُ وَقَيتُهُ بَطشَ الهَوى
وَلَوِ اِستَطاعَ سَلا الهَوى مَحمودا
12. It was a glance that passed by and turned
My heart into fire and made it firewood
١٢. هِيَ نَظرَةٌ عَرَضَت فَصارَت في الحَشا
نارا وَصارَ لَها الفُؤادُ وَقودا
13. And love is a voice, it is the wail of a mourner
At times, and at others it is a song
١٣. وَالحُبُّ صَوتٌ فَهوَ أَنَّةُ نائِحٍ
طَورا وَآوِنَةً يَكونُ نَشيدا
14. It makes the twittering birds eloquent
But when it withdraws, it silences the warbler
١٤. يَهَبُ البَواغِمَ أَلسُناً صَدّاحَةً
فَإِذا تَجَنّى أَسكَتَ الغِرّيدا
15. Why do I task my love to conceal sorrow?
If the wound's breach lasts long, it becomes malignant
١٥. ما لي أُكَلِّفُ مُهجَتي كَتمَ الأَسى
إِن طالَ عَهدُ الجُرحِ صارَ صَديدا
16. And my soul delights in being wretched
And my heart delights in being steadfast
١٦. وَيَلَذُّ نَفسي أَن تَكونَ شَقِيَّةً
وَيَلَذُّ قَلبي أَن يَكونَ عَميدا
17. If you know what love is, then cure me
Or else refrain from rebuke and denial
١٧. إِن كُنتَ تَدري ما الغَرامُ فَداوِني
أَو لا فَخَلِّ العَذل وَالتَفنيدا
18. O Hind, hopes have exhausted my patience
And I am exhausted, fearing no further calamity
١٨. يا هِندُ قَد أَفنى المَطالُ تَصَبُّري
وَفَنَيتُ حَتّى ما أَخافُ مَزيدا
19. What is this whiteness that I see
In my beard, but the dark nights?
١٩. ما هَذِهِ البيضُ الَّتي أَبصَرتُها
في لِمَّتي إِلّا اللَيالي السودا
20. I have not grown old with age
But that which I burdened myself with has bent my back
٢٠. ما شِبتُ مِن كِبَر وَلَكِنَّ الَّذي
حَمَّلتِ نَفسي حَمَّلتُهُ الفودا
21. This is what has worn out my youth and dispelled it
In creation, and furrowed my brow in folds
٢١. هَذا الَّذي أَبلى الشَباب وَرَدَّهُ
خَلقا وَجَعَّدَ جَبهَتي تَجعيدا
22. You taught my eyes to wipe their tears stingily
You taught the stingy man generosity!
٢٢. عَلَّمتِ عَيني أَن تَسُحَّ دُموعُها
بِالبُخلِ عَلَّمتِ البَخيلَ الجودا
23. And you prevented my heart from settling
And it can be cold to calamities
٢٣. وَمَنَعتِ قَلبي أَن يَقَرَّ قَرارَهُ
وَلَقَد يَكونُ عَلى الخُطوبِ جَليدا
24. You seduced me, and protected my eyelid from closing
With sorrows, prostration cannot be endured
٢٤. دَلَّهَتني وَحَمَيتِ جَفني غَمضَهُ
لا يُستَطاعُ مَعَ الهُمومِ هُجودا
25. Do not wonder that the planets are compliant to me
I am the one who taught them compliance
٢٥. لا تَعجَبي أَنَّ الكَواكِبَ سُهَّدٌ
فَأَنا الَّذي عَلَّمتُها التَسهيدا
26. I heard her describe the charms of youth
And it curled up as if the barefoot had stepped on thorns
٢٦. أَسمَعتُها وَصفَ الصَبابَةِ فَاِنثَنَت
وَكَأَنَّما وَطِئَ الحُفاةُ صُرودا
27. Stumbling in the darkness as if
The darkness had turned ashen and black
٢٧. مُتَعَثِّراتٍ بِالظَلامِ كَأَنَّما
حالَ الظَلامُ أَساوِدا وَأُسودا
28. And that she knew your place in the earth
So its flowers have garlanded you
٢٨. وَأَنَّها عَرِفَت مَكانَكَ في الثَرى
صارَت زَواهِرُها عَلَيكِ عُقودا
29. You who make people forget their worries
And the most eloquent orator his usual eloquence
٢٩. أَنتِ الَّتي تُنسي الحَوائِجَ أَهلَها
وَأَخا البَيانِ بَيانَهُ المَعهودا
30. I have never sensed your beauty but it shook me
And I wished beauty was granted eternity
٣٠. ما شِمتُ حُسنَكَ قَطُّ إِلّا راعَني
فَوَدِدتُ لَو رُزِقَ الجَمالُ خُلودا
31. And when I mention you, the mention of you shakes my ribs
With longing as the breeze shook the wet clothes
٣١. وَإِذا ذَكَرتُكِ هَزَّ ذِكرَكِ أَضلُعي
شَوقاً كَما هَزَّ النَسيمُ بُنودا
32. I reckoned the melted pearls were my tears
If only the tears of lovers were molten lead
٣٢. فَحَسِبتُ سِقطَ الطَلِّ ذَوبَ مَحاجِري
لَو كانَ دَمعُ العاشِقينَ نَضيدا
33. And I fancied the fluttering of the boughs were ribs
And their ripe fruit, cherries
٣٣. وَظَنَنتُ خافِقَةَ الغُصونِ أَضالِعاً
وَثِمارَهُنَّ القانِياتِ كُبودا
34. And I see your image with every glance of the eye
And it amazes me that I see it renewed
٣٤. وَأَرى خَيالَكَ كُلَّ تَرفَةِ ناظِرٍ
وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن أَراهُ جَديدا
35. And when I hear a tale of a lover
I fancy myself as the intended man
٣٥. وَإِذا سَمِعتُ حِكايَةً عَن عاشِقٍ
عَرَضاً حَسِبتُني الفَتى المَقصودا
36. Awake and fancying that I am asleep
O Hind, bewilderment has become inertia
٣٦. مُستَيقِظ وَيَظُنُّ أَنّي نائِمٌ
يا هِندُ قَد صارَ الذُهولُ جُمودا
37. And keeping aloof from love can be for me
But the lover was created affectionate
٣٧. وَلَقَد يَكونُ لِيَ السُلُوُّ عَنِ الهَوى
لَكِنَّما خُلِقَ المُحِبُّ وَدودا