
The frogs croaked when they saw

صاحت الضفضع لما شاهدت

1. The frogs croaked when they saw
Reflections of stars in the water around them

١. صاحَت الضِفضَعُ لَمّا شاهَدَت
حَولَها في الماءِ أَظلالَ النُجوم

2. "O my friends, o my soldiers, gather
The enemies have crossed our borders in the night"

٢. يا رِفاقي يا جُنودي اِحتَشِدوا
عَبَرَ الأَعداءُ في اللَيلِ التُخوم

3. "Repel them and banish the night as well
For it is like them, a vicious despoiler"

٣. فَاِطرُدوهُم وَاِطرُدوا اللَيلَ مَعاً
إِنَّهُ مِثلَهُمُ باغٍ أَثيم

4. A shriek echoed in the darkness
And the riverbank bushes and thorns shook

٤. زَعقَةٌ سارَ صَداها في الدُجى
فَإِذا الشَطُّ شُخوصٌ وَحُسوم

5. In the water's surface, from their voices
Were thunderous fever and gloom in the night

٥. في أَديمِ الماءِ مِن أَصواتِها
رَعدَةُ الحُمّى وَفي اللَيلِ وُجوم

6. Dawn tore the veils of darkness
And erased the symbols from the face of the earth

٦. مَزَّقَ الفَجرُ جَلابيبَ الدُجى
وَمَحا مِن صَفحَةِ الأَرضِ الرُسوم

7. Then she walked among her troop proudly
Like a victorious king among his warriors

٧. فَمَشَت في سِربِها مُختالَةً
كَمَليكٍ ظافِرٍ بَينَ قُروم

8. Then she said, "I bring you good news
We are now safe from a monumental scheme

٨. ثُمَّ قالَت لَكُمُ البُشرى وَلي
قَد نَجَونا الآنَ مِن كَيدٍ عَظيم

9. If we did not defeat the meteors
That attacked us, they would have made us taste annihilation

٩. نَحنُ لَو لَم نَقهُرِ الشُهبَ الَّتي
هاجَمَتنا لِأَذاقَتنا الحُتوم

10. And they would have stayed, after us, in our land
Enjoying pleasures they never found in the clouds

١٠. وَأَقامَت بَعدَنا مِن أَرضِنا
في نَعيمٍ لَم تَجِدهُ في الغُيوم

11. O history, record that we
Are a nation that overpowered even the stars

١١. أَيُّها التاريخُ سَجِّل أَنَّنا
أُمَّةٌ قَد غَلَبَت حَتّى النُجوم