
I am a man whom nothing disturbs his soul

إني امرؤ لا شيء يطرب روحه

1. I am a man whom nothing disturbs his soul
And shakes it like flowers and melodies

١. إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ لا شَيءَ يُطرِبُ روحَهُ
وَيَهُزُّها كَالزَهرِ وَالأَلحانِ

2. The melody from a singer or a musical band
And the flower in a field and in an orchard

٢. اللَحنُ مِن قُمرِيَّةٍ أَو مُنشِدٍ
وَالزَهرُ في حَقلٍ وَفي بُستانِ

3. This moves something deep inside my youth
And that shakes my feelings and my being

٣. هَذا يُحَرِّكُ بي دَفينَ صَبابَتي
وَيَهُزُّ ذاكَ مَشاعِري وَكَياني

4. My eyes like to gaze upon images seen
And I love them in my hearing as songs

٤. يَهوى المَلاحَةَ ناظِري صُوَراً تُرى
وَأُحِبُّها في مَسمَعَيَّ أَغاني

5. And I love them as a beautiful, clear light
Shining in the soul and heart

٥. وَأُحِبُّها نوراً جَميلاً صافِياً
مُتأَلِّقاً في النَفسِ وَالوِجدانِ

6. And I love them like an enchantment that flutters with the dew
And undulates in colors like colors

٦. وَأُحِبُّها سِحراً يَرُفُّ مَعَ النَدى
وَيَموجُ في الأَلوانِ كَالأَلوانِ

7. And I love them as memories that roam my mind
Of a brother I loved and a beauty that allured me

٧. وَأُحُبُّها ذِكرى تُطيفُ بِخاطِري
لِأَخٍ هَوَيتُ وَغادَةٍ تَهواني

8. Or a gathering of love in the shade of youth
Indeed, all of life is those two things

٨. أَو مَجلِسٌ لِلحُبِّ في ظِلِّ الصَبا
إِنَّ الحَياةَ جَميعُها هَذانِ

9. Or in imagining homes I long for
So much beauty lies in imagining a place

٩. أَو في خَيالِ مَنازِلٍ أَشتاقُها
كَم مِن جَمالٍ في خَيالِ مَكانِ

10. And I looked at you as if I were
In springtime and in the meadows of Lebanon

١٠. وَلَقَد نَظَرتُ إُِلَيكُم فَكَأَنَّما
أَنا في الرَبيعِ وَفي رُبى لُبنانِ

11. I listen to the breezes telling tales to the meadows
Of what the trees told the eavesdroppers

١١. أَصغي إِلى النَسَماتِ تَروي لِلرُبى
ما قالَتِ الأَشجارُ لِلغُدرانِ

12. And the streams singing to youth
And love in the girls and boys

١٢. وَإِلى السَواقي وَهيَ تَنشُدُ لِلصِبا
وَالحُبِّ في الفَتَياتِ وَالفِتيانِ

13. And the flowers whenever a maiden with
Grace and eloquence passed by them

١٣. وَإِلى الأَزاهِرِ كُلَّما مَرَّت بِها
عَذراءُ ذاتُ مَلاحَةٍ وَبَيانِ

14. Whispering, we don't think anyone
Is better for her than the son of so-and-so

١٤. مُتَهامِساتٍ ما نَظُنُّ فُلانَةً
أَحداً بِها أَولى مِنِ اِبنِ فُلانِ

15. If only love would shower upon those two
What autumn showers upon us

١٥. يا لَيتَ يَنثُرُنا الغَرامُ عَلَيهِما
مِن قَبلُ يَنثُرُنا الخَريفُ الجاني

16. It has gotten used to mingling with people
And has become something of humanity

١٦. أَلِفَت مُجاوَرَةَ الأَنامِ فَأَصبَحَت
وَكَأَنَّها شَيءٌ مِنَ الإِنسانِ

17. So if you look at those two closely
You see around you the oneness of existence

١٧. فَإِذا نَظَرتَ إِلَيهِما مُتأَمِّلاً
شاهَدتَ حَولَكَ وُحدَةَ الأَكوانِ