1. No yearning of the soul for a forest
Where I and Hind once used to meet
١. لا لَهفَةَ النَفسِ عَلى غابَةٍ
كُنتُ وَهِنداً نَلتَقي فيها
2. I was as the breeze and youth wished me to be
And she was as her fancies willed to be
٢. أَنا كَما شاءَ الهَوء وَالصِبا
وَهيَ كَما شاءَت أَمانيها
3. Her gentle meanings are almost
Drunk in by a beholding mind
٣. تَكادُ مِن لُطفِ مَعانيها
يَشرَبُها خاطِرٌ رائيها
4. I believe in God and His signs
Is not God her creator?
٤. آمَنتُ بِاللَهِ وَآياتِهِ
أَلَيسَ أَنَّ اللَهَ باريها
5. I take the flowers unawares at dawn
Leaning in their corners
٥. نُباغِتُ الأَزهارَ عِندَ الضُحى
مُتَّكِئاتٍ في نَواحيها
6. The narcissus bends its slender neck
And the lily unveils her finery
٦. أَلوى عَلى الزَنبَقِ نِسرينُها
وَالتَفَّ عاريها بِكاسيها
7. Their hues convulsed in the sunlight
As though remembering their bygone days
٧. وَاِختَلَجَت في الشَمسِ أَلوانَها
كَأَنَّها تَذكُرُ ماضيها
8. The waters round them harmonized
And the birds sing their praise
٨. تَآلَفَت فَالماءُ مِن حَولِها
يَرقُصُ وَالطَيرُ تُغَنّيها
9. Who taught the birds their melodies
And the flowers their affinity?
٩. مَن لَقَّنَ الطَيرَ أَناشيدَها
وَعَلَّمَ الزَهرَ تَآخيها
10. O Hind, these are the miracles of love
They are here as they are in it
١٠. يا هِندُ هَذي مُعجِزاتُ الهَوى
وَإِنَّها فين كَما فيها
11. The flowers are not shy to proclaim it
Why then should we conceal it?
١١. لا تَستَحي الزَهرُ بِإِعلانِها
فَما لَنا نَحنُ نُواريها
12. The birds celebrate it in the thickets
Why then should we deny it?
١٢. وَتَهتِفُ الطيرُ بِها في الرُبى
فَما لَنا نَحنُ نُعَمّيها
13. To God belong our days in the forest
Only their passing saddens it
١٣. لِلَّهِ في الغابَةِ أَيّامُنا
ما عابَها إِلّا تَلاشيها
14. Now the shade of its branches covers us
Now the bend of its creeks
١٤. طَوراً عَلَينا ظِلُّ أَدواحِها
وَتارَةً عَطفُ دَواليها
15. Now we toy with its grapes
Now count its unripe figs
١٥. وَارَةً نَلهو بِأَعنابِها
وَتارَةً نُحصي أَقاحيها
16. Its birds fall silent should we complain
As though their song would annoy it
١٦. تَسكُتُ إِذ نَشكو شَحاريرُها
كَأَنَّما التَغريدُ يُؤذيها
17. And if we laugh we hear the echo
Laugh in return from its farthest reaches
١٧. وَإِن تَضاحَكنا سَمِعنا الصَدى
يَضحَكُ مَعَنا في أَقاصيها
18. And if we walk atop its dunes
Its sides shine as they split before us
١٨. وَإِن مَشَينا فَوقَ كُثبانِها
لاحَت فَشاقَتنا أَدانيها
19. And above us, the branches entwined
Tresses, long their dangling
١٩. وَفَوقَنا الأَغصانُ مَعقودَةٌ
ذَوائِبٌ طالَ تَدَلّيها
20. If we shake them in sudden frolic
They cast down their trinkets in alarm
٢٠. إِذا هَزَزناها عَن غُرَّةٍ
أَلقَت مِنَ الذُعرِ لَآليها
21. We walk from cave to brook
Discovering the land, unfolding it
٢١. نَسيرُ مِن كَهفٍ إِلى جَدوَلٍ
نَكتَشِفُ الأَرضَ وَنَطويها
22. The light is perfume in its winding path
The perfume, light on its edges
٢٢. وَالنورُ عِطرٌ في تَعريجِها
وَالعِطرُ نورٌ في حَواشيها
23. And Hind hides so I miss her
And I hide from her so she wants me
٢٣. وَتَختَبي هِندٌ فَأَشتقُها
وَأَختَبي عَنها فَأُغريها
24. How fear has fooled me of looming change
To disturb my soul and unsettle it
٢٤. كَم أَوهَمَتني الخَوفَ مِن طارِئٍ
تَشجي بِذا نَفسي فَتُشجيها
25. I ran to her, afraid for her sake
And what I dreaded came to pass
٢٥. فَرُحتُ أَعدو نَحوَها مُشفِقاً
فَكانَ ما حاذَرتُ تَمويها
26. How strange are my ways and hers!
She plays with me and I oblige her
٢٦. فَاِعجَب لِأَطواري وَأَطوارِها
تَعبَثُ مِنّي وَأُجاريها
27. God, if only the days of love lasted
And Hind's gathering of me lasted
٢٧. اللَهُ لَو دامَ زَمانُ الهَوى
وَدامَ مِن هِندٍ تَجَنّيها
28. My wilderness today would be like my pact with her
And she I loved in it would be too
٢٨. لا غابَتي اليَومَ كَعَهدي بِها
وَلا الَّتي أَحبَبتُها فيها
29. And the hills like the curves of a beautiful woman
And the slopes like their undulations
٢٩. وَلا تِلالٌ كَنُهودِ الدُمى
وَلا سُفوحٌ كَتَراقيها
30. Dew would drip on its grasses
And the unripe figs on its paths
٣٠. وَلا النَدى دَرَّ عَلى عُشبِها
وَلا الأَقاحي في رَوابيها
31. And the dawn strew its ground
With nets of light from on high
٣١. وَلا الضُحى يُلقي عَلى أَرضِها
شِباكَ تِبرٍ مِن أَعاليها
32. Yesterday, longing led me down to its bosom
For the music of its dicing
٣٢. أَهبَطَني أَمسُ إِلى حُضنِها
شَوقي إِلى سَجعِ قَماريها
33. But it did not tear me with its leaves
Nor ring its channels for me
٣٣. فَلَم تُخَمِّشُني بِأَوراقِها
وَلَم تُهَلِّل لي سَواقيها
34. Man has changed its ways
And robbed its birds of their nests
٣٤. قَد بَدَّلَ الإِنسانُ أَطوارَها
وَاِغتَصَبَ الطَيرَ مَآويها
35. He broke its inertia with gunpowder
And uprooted its creeks with axes
٣٥. وَفَتَّ بِالبارودِ جُلمودَها
وَاِجتَثَّ بِالفَأسِ دَواليها
36. And built from its stones a village
Whose people settled and claimed it
٣٦. وَشادَ مِن أَحجارِها قَريَةً
سُكّانُها الناسُ وَأَهلوها
37. O yearning of the soul for a forest
Where I and Hind once used to meet
٣٧. يا لَهفَةَ النَفسِ عَلى غابَةٍ
كُنتُ وَهِنداً نَلتَقي فيها
38. The garden of my dreams and hers
The home of my love and our affinity
٣٨. جَنَّةُ أَحلامي وَأَحلامِها
وَدارُ حُبّي وَتَصابيها
39. We cry in despair over its thorns
Though they drew my blood and drew hers
٣٩. نَبكي مِنَ اليَأسِ عَلى شَوكِها
وَكانَ يُدميني وَيُدميها
40. It used to shelter us with its leaves
Now buildings shelter it
٤٠. كانَت تُغَطّينا بِأَوراقِها
فَصارَتِ الدورُ تُغَطّيها