
O Lord, the speaker and the best words

يا رب قائلة والقول أجمله

1. O Lord, the speaker and the best words
Were never from a singer, even if lying

١. يا رُبَّ قائِلَة وَالقَولُ أَجمَلُهُ
ما كانَ مِن غادَةٍ حَتّى وَلَو كَذَبا

2. To what you despise among you, the singers
They in existence are nobler ranked than you

٢. إِلى ما تَحتَقِرُ الغاداتُ بَينَكُمُ
وَهُنَّ في الكَونِ أَرقى مِنكُم رُتَبا

3. Be for you reason in every honor
And you were in the misery of woman the reason

٣. كُنَّ لَكَم سَبَباً في كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ
وَكُنتُم في شَقاءِ المَرأَةِ السَبَبا

4. You claimed they are dormant prohibitions
And if they wanted, they would make the land gold

٤. زَعَمتُم أَنَّهُنَّ خامِلاتِ نُهىً
وَلَو أَرَدنَ لَصَيَّرنَ الثَرى ذَهَبا

5. So I said if the opinion of a singer was not
The anger and clamor in men would rage

٥. فَقُلتُ لَو لَم يَكُن ذا رَأيُ غانِيَةٍ
لَهاجَ عِندَ الرِجالِ السُخط وَالصَخَبا

6. You did not do us justice though we hoped
That you would not do us justice, so no wonder

٦. لَم تُنصِفينا وَقَد كُنّا نُؤَمِّلُ أَن
لا تُنصِفينا لِهَذا لا نَرى عَجَبا

7. Alas, a beauty rules justly when she judges
For injustice is the nature of singers that prevailed

٧. هَيهاتِ تَعدِلُ حَسناءَ إِذا حَكَمَت
فَالظُلمُ طَبعٌ عَلى الغاداتِ قَد غَلَبا

8. Man fights the world and subdues it
And time flees terrified when it rages

٨. يُحارِبُ الرَجُلُ الدُنيا فَيُخضِعَها
وَيَفزَعُ الدَهرُ مَذعوراً إِذا غَضِبا

9. It roars so predators tremble in fear
But if a beauty roars, it remains trembling

٩. يَرنو فَتَضطَرِبُ الآسادُ خائِفَةً
فَإِن رَنَت ذاتُ حُسنٍ ظَلَّ مُضطَرِبا

10. If you wish, in his depths I made cold
And if you wish, in his depths I made flames

١٠. فَإِن تَشَء أَودَعتُ أَحشائُهُ بَرَداً
وَإِن تَشَء أَودَعتُ أَحشائَهُ لَهَبا

11. The nights pass in worry and fatigue
Beware of complaining of their fatigue

١١. تَفنى اللَيالي في هَم وَفي تَعَبٍ
حَذارَ أَن تَشتَكي مِن دَهرِها تَعَبا

12. If he knew these gray hairs bother her
He would spend evening frightening their greys

١٢. وَلَو دَرى أَنَّ هَذي الشُهبُ تُزعِجُها
أَمسى يَروعُ في أَفلاكِها الشُهُبا

13. He suffers so the wearer of jewelry awakens smoothly
And carries the worries from her, happily enchanted

١٣. يَشقى لِتُصبِحَ ذاتُ الحَليِ ناعِمَةً
وَيَحمِلُ الهَمَّ عَنها راضِياً طَرِبا

14. What did the singers breathe in him
Except the torment in his eyes that is delightful

١٤. فَما الَّذي نَفَحَتهُ الغانِياتُ بِهِ
سِوى العَذابِ الَّذي في عَينَيهِ عَذُبا

15. This is man, O virtuous one, so who
Does him justice, no doubt does manners justice

١٥. هَذا هُوَ المَرءُ يا ذاتَ العَفافِ فَمَن
يُنصِفهُ لا شَكَّ فيهِ يُنصِفُ الأَدَبا

16. You blamed him and he has no sin except
That he does not accept to disobey her

١٦. عَنَّفتِه وَهوَ لا ذَنبَ جَناهُ سِوى
أَن لَيسَ يَرضى بِأَن يَغدو لَها ذَنَبا