1. I fell ill, and my friends' spirits saddened,
With grief for me, would that I could ransom them!
١. مَرِضتُ فَأَرواحُ الصِحابِ كَئيبَةٌ
بِها ما بِنَفسي لَيتَ لَها فِدى
2. They appear before me whenever sorrow closes my eyes,
In groups, in pairs, and alone.
٢. تَرُفُّ حِيالي كُلَّما أَغمَضَ الكَرى
جُفوني جَماعات وَمَثنى وَمَوحِدا
3. Sometimes I see them wandering as though they were
Asleep, having strayed upon the earth and slept,
٣. تَراءى فَآناً كَالبُدورِ سَوافِراً
وَآوِنَةً مِثلَ الجُمانِ مُنَضَّدا
4. And sometimes I see them in fear as though
They dread the darkness will disperse them.
٤. وَطَوراً أَراها حائِراتٍ كَأَنَّها
فَراقِدُ قَد ضَيَّعنَ في الأَرضِ فَرقَدا
5. Greetings to them, greetings!
My senses rush eagerly to them
٥. وَطَوراً أَراها جازِعاتٍ كَأَنَّما
تَخافُ مَعَ الظَلماءِ أَن تَتَبَدَّدا
6. As the lost man rejoiced seeing the light and was guided,
And I give my hearing wherever they whisper
٦. أَهينُّ إِلَيها رائِحات وَعُوَّدا
سَلامٌ عَليها رَإِحات وَعُوَّدا
7. As the eager ear takes in the lone voice.
And sorrow overcomes me when they depart
٧. تَهُشُّ إِلَيها مُقبِلاتٍ جَوارِحي
كَما طَرِبَ الساري رَأى النورَ فَاِهتَدى
8. As flowers are sad when the dew abandons them.
I hated the night ending fearing their end,
٨. وَأُلقي إِلَيها السَمعَ ما طالَ هَمسُها
كَذَلِكَ يَستَرعي الأَذانُ المُوَحَّدا
9. And I accustomed my eyes to sleep until they grew accustomed.
And if they stole to my bedside while I was awake
٩. وَيَغلِبُ نَفسي الحُزنُ عِندَ رَحيلِها
كَما تَحزَنُ الأَزهارُ زايَلَها النَدى
10. I would protect my sorrowing eyes and live tearful,
And if their imaginations had not been accustomed to the like from me
١٠. كَرِهتُ زَوالَ اللَيلِ خَوفَ زَوالِها
وَعَوَّدتُ طَرفي النَومَ حَتّى تَعَوَّدا
11. Their fancies would have been fettered.
Oh would that I were a specter free to come and go,
١١. وَلَو أَنَّها في الصَحوِ تَطرُقُ مَضجَعي
حَميتُ الكَرى جَفني وَعِشتُ مُسَهَّدا
12. And would that they could fetter themselves!
I wasted away until I almost denied my own image
١٢. وَلَو لَم تَكُن تَعتادُ مِنِّيَ مِثلَها
خَيالاتِها هَمَّت بِأَن تَتَقَيَّدا
13. And I fear that because of the intensity of my illness I will moan.
My nightly sojourn is like a frightened fox,
١٣. فَيا لَيتَني طَيفٌ أَروح وَأَغتَدي
وَيا لَيتَها تَستَطيعُ أَن تَتَقَيَّدا
14. And I fancy myself beyond description and range.
It is as though the threads of the cradle were scorpions
١٤. نَحِلتُ إِلى أَن كِدتُ أُنكِرُ صورَتي
وَأَخشى لِفَرطِ السُقمِ أَن أَتَنَهَّدا
15. And my pillow had become solid.
The fever has come in full strength
١٥. مَبيتي عَلى مِثلِ الوَثيرِ لَيانَةً
وَأَحسَبُني فَوقَ الأَسِنَّة وَالمَدى
16. To straighten my twisting ribs.
It depicts to me the figure of imagination as reality
١٦. كَأَنَّ خُيوطَ المَهدِ صارَت عَقارِباً
كَأَنَّ وِسادي قَد تَحَوَّلَ جامِدا
17. And I take one person to be many.
It has shaken me though keeping still, nor did
١٧. لَقَد توشِكُ الحُمّى إِذ جَدَّ جَدُّها
تُقَوِّمُ مِن أَضلاعِيَ المُتَأَوِّدا
18. The turning of fate shake me when it turned.
When I prop my head in my hands
١٨. تُصَوِّرُ لي طَيفَ الخَيالِ حَقيقَةً
وَأَحسَبُ شَخصاً واحِداً مُتَعَدِّدا
19. It casts me off with that which enfeebles the hands.
Its burning penetrated my thin body
١٩. لَقَد ضَعضَعَتني وَهِيَ سِر وَلَم يَكُن
يُضَعضِعُني صرِفُ الزَمانِ إِذا عَدا
20. So that had I not cast off my clothes it would have ignited.
I saw that which people do not see in sleep
٢٠. إِذا ما أَنا أَسنَدتُ رَأسي إِلى يَدي
رَمتني مِنها بِالَّذي يوهِنُ اليَدا
21. And I toured the lands East and West in slumber.
The diver says, "If you had endured but an hour you would have pearls,"
٢١. تَغَلغَلَ في جِسمي النَحيلِ أُوارُها
فَلَو لَم أُقَدَّ الثَوبَ عَنهُ تَوَقَّدا
22. Would that I could endure to have pearls!
Whispering goes on around me and they point the finger and accuse;
٢٢. رَأَيتُ الَّذي لَم يُبصِرِ الناسَ نائِماً
وَطُفتُ الدُنى شَرقا وَغَرباً مُوَسَّدا
23. Some of the ignorant disparage and deride.
I am hurt only by the gloating of a company
٢٣. يَقولُ النُطاسي لَو تَبَلَّدتَ ساعَةً
تَبَلَّدتُ لَو أَنّي أُطيقُ التَبَلُّدا
24. In whom I hoped for aid in adversity.
I did them no wrong! Nay, they did wrong, for I thought them
٢٤. تَهامَسَ حَولي العائِدون وَرَجَّموا
وَعَنَّفَ بَعضُ الجاهِلين وَفَنَّدا
25. Of gentle nature and without rancor.
A people loved privation because I tasted it
٢٥. فَما ساءَني إِلّا شَماتَةُ مَعشَرٍ
رَجَوتُ بِهِم عِندَ الشَدائِدِ مُسعِدا
26. And loved it so it would be envied and rivaled.
And some wished that destruction would hurry me
٢٦. أَسَأتُ إِلَيهِم بَل أَساؤوا فَإِنَّني
ظَنَنتُهُم شَراوِيَ خُلقا وَمَحتِدا
27. As though I hoped to be immortalized by them!
They are not guaranteed against death, but
٢٧. أَحَبَّ الضَنى قَومٌ لِأَنّي ذُقتُهُ
وَأَحبَبتُهُ كَيما يُحِب وَيُحسَدا
28. He whose night is sleepless wishes the sun to set.
If the night wearies him in contending with the dawn
٢٨. وَوَدَّ أُناسٌ لَو يُعاجِلُني الرَدى
كَأَنِّيَ أَرجو فيهِم أَن أُخَلَّدا
29. He wishes that the morn would dawn black.
Yet I, though sickness eats my marrow,
٢٩. وَما ضَمِنوا أَن لا يَموتوا وَإِنَّما
يَوَدُّ زَوالَ الشَمسِ مَن كانَ أَرمَدا
30. See disgrace - the greatest disgrace - in envying the rival!
For what is in the body must inevitably pass away
٣٠. إِذا اللَيلَ أَعياهُ مُساجَلَةَ الضُحى
تَمَنَّي لَو أَنَّ الصُبحَ أَصبَحَ أَسوَدا
31. While what is in the nature cannot cease forever.
If the rabble gather around me and are vulgar
٣١. عَلى أَنَّني وَالداءُ يَأكُلُ مُهجَتي
أَرى العارَ كُلَّ العارِ أَن أَحسُدَ العِدى
32. How many vilified Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad!
It is no wonder if an ignoramus hates the free
٣٢. فَإِنَّ الَّذي بِالجِسمِ لا بُدَّ زائِلُ
وَلَكِنَّ ما بِالطَبعِ يَنفَكُّ سَرمَدا
33. When the owl is angered by the warbling of the songbird.
In suppressing the foe and his evil
٣٣. لَئِن أَجلَبَ الغَوغاءُ حَولي وَأَفحَشوا
فَكَم شَتَموا موسى وَعيسى وَأَحمَدا
34. I tread the smooth, paved road,
But I pardon, and anger has a rein
٣٤. وَلا عَجَبٌ أَن يُبغِضَ الحُرَّ جاهِلٌ
مَتى عَشِقَ البومُ الهَزارَ المُغَرِّدا
35. With which I train my enemies in clemency and bounty.
Oh, how much rancor harbored doubt in itself
٣٥. وَإِنِّيَ في كَبتِ العُداة وَكَيدِهِم
كَمَن يَسلُكُ الدَربَ القَصيرَ المُعَبَّدا
36. But when it saw me it saw the sea raging!
So it began to fear me though I was silent
٣٦. وَلَكِنَّني أَعفو وَلِلغَيظِ سَورَةٌ
أُعَلِّمُ أَعدائي المُروأَة وَالنَدى
37. As it used to fear me when I was chanting,
And my name terrifies it if mentioned in its hearing
٣٧. أَلا رُبَّ غِرٍّ خامَرَ الشَكُّ نَفسَهُ
فَلَمّا رَآني أَبصَرَ البَحرَ مُزبَدا
38. As the hyena dreads the strongly redoubled letter.
He who gained the sword bare of blade
٣٨. فَأَصبَحَ يَخشاني وَقَد بِتُّ ساكِتاً
كَما كانَ يَخشاني وَقَد كُنتُ مُنشِدا
39. Fears to cast his glance at the sheathed sword.
I love the noble free man who bears no malice,
٣٩. وَيَرهَبُ إِسمي أَن يَطيفَ بِسَمعِهِ
كَما تَتَّقي الدَرداءَ حَرفاً مُشَدَّدا
40. And disdain the abject vile of spirit however intimate.
And between my ribs is a heart that has not
٤٠. وَمَن نالَ مِنهُ السَيف وَهوَ مُجَرَّدٌ
تَهَيَّبَ أَن يَرنو إِلى السَيفِ مُغمَدا
41. Rebelled against the daughters of fate except with rebellion.
And if she I love prolonged her coquetry
٤١. أُحِبُّ الأَبِيَّ الحُرَّ لا وُدَّ عِندَهُ
وَأَقلى الذَليلَ النَفسِ مَهما تَوَدَّدا
42. I would forbid her love to go beyond bounds with me.
Let fate vie with fate with me, for I
٤٢. وَبَينَ ضُلوعي قُلَّبٌ ما تَمَرَّدَت
عَلَيهِ بَناتُ الدَهرِ إِلّا تَمَرَّدا
43. Have left sport and lovemaking to those who want them.
٤٣. وَلَو أَنَّ مَن أَهوى أَطالَ دَلالَهُ
مَنَعتُ هَواهُ أَن يَجوزَ بِيَ المَدى
٤٤. لِتَرمِ العَوادي بِيَ العَوادي فَإِنَّني
تَرَكتُ لِمَن يَهواهُما اللَهو وَالدَدا