
Part of me was folded when the soil folded you from me,

طوى بعض نفسي إذ طواك الثرى عني

1. Part of me was folded when the soil folded you from me,
And here is its other part overflowing my eyelids,

١. طَوى بَعضَ نَفسي إِذ طَواكَ الثَرى عَنّي
وَذا بَعضُها الثاني يَفيضُ بِهِ جَفني

2. Fate has betrayed me in you, so the shelters of my dreams collapsed,
Huts of hay and mud.

٢. أَبي خانَني فيكَ الرَدى فَتَقَوَّضَت
مَقاصيرُ أَحلامي جَبَيتٍ مِنَ التِبنِ

3. My gardens were empty laughters,
So they grew weak and the blossoms wilted in deep grief,

٣. وَكانَت رِياضي حالِياتٍ ضَواحِكاً
فَأَقوَت وَعَفَّ زَهرَها الجَزَعُ المُضني

4. My vines were full of joy,
Then a blind hand spilled the wine and vine.

٤. وَكانَت دِنانِيَ بِالسُرورِ مَليأَةً
فَطاحَت يَدٌ عَمياءُ بِالخُمرِ وَالدَنِّ

5. So I have nothing but the taste of death in my mouth,
And only the sound of mourning women in my ears,

٥. فَلَيسَ سِوى طَعمِ المَنِيَّةِ في فَمي
وَلَيسَ سِوى صَوتِ النَوادِبِ في أُذُني

6. No more beauty in my eyes, and rarely before
Did I open them except to your beauty,

٦. وَلا حَسَنٌ في ناظِرَيَّ وَقَلَّما
فَتَحتَهُما مِن قَبلُ إِلّا عَلى حُسنِ

7. The image of things is not what it was after you,
But grief has marred it by its touch.

٧. وَما صُوَرُ الأَشياءِ بَعدَكَ غَيرَها
وَلَكِنَّما قَد شَوَّهَتها يَدُ الحُزنِ

8. On my shoulders dawn sheds its perfume and agate beads,
While my heart burns and my eyes stay in gloom.

٨. عَلى مَنكبي تِبرُ الضُحى وَعَقيقُهُ
وَقَلبِيَ في نارٍ وَعَينايَ في دُجنِ

9. I let flow my tears openly and drew my blood secretly,
I used to count grief itself as a kind of cowardice.

٩. أَبَحتُ الأَسى دَمعي وَأَنهَبتُهُ دَمي
وَكُنتُ أُعِدُّ الحُزنَ ضَرباً مِنَ الجُبنِ

10. So I wonder how my cheer changed,
Like one wondering at the trembling of a branch in a storm.

١٠. فَمُستَنكِرٌ كَيفَ اِستَحالَت بَشاشَتي
كَمُستَنكِرٍ في عاصِفِ رَعشَةِ الغُصنِ

11. The comforter says: Crying does not suit the man,
But the comforter's words do not help or avail.

١١. يَقولُ المُعِزّي لَيسَ يُحدي البُكا الفَتى
وَقَولُ المُعِزّي لا يُفيدُ وَلا يُغني

12. I wandered in spirit, lost and searching
Beyond the sea, coming nearer and leaning over.

١٢. شَخَصتُ بِروحي حائِراً مُتَطَلِّعاً
إِلى ما وَراءِ البَحرِ أَدنو وَأَستَدني

13. Like a winged creature on whom the flood fell, destroying her nest,
So she flew about distraught, hovering over the brink.

١٣. كَذاتِ جَناحٍ أَدرَكَ السَيلُ عِشَّها
فَطارَت عَلى رَوعٍ تَحومُ عَلى الوَكنِ

14. Alas, would that I had been among the people when
You looked at the visitors asking about me!

١٤. فَواهاً لَو اِنِّيَ كُنتُ في القَومِ عِندَما
نَظَرتَ إِلى العَوّادِ تَسأَلُهُم عَنّي

15. Would that the earth folded its expanse around me
So I were among the weepers at the time of burial,

١٥. وَيا لَيتَما الأَرضُ اِنطَوى لي بِساطُها
فَكُنتُ مَعَ الباكينَ في ساعَةِ الدَفنِ

16. Perhaps to give due measure to my grief -
Although no measure or weight suffices.

١٦. لَعَلّي أَفي تِلكَ الأُبُوَّةَ حَقَّها
وَإِن كانَ لا يوفى بَِكَيلٍ وَلا وَزنِ

17. My greatest glory was that you were a father to me,
And my greatest pride was your saying to me, "This is my son."

١٧. فَأَعظَمُ مَجدي كانَ أَنَّكَ لي أَبٌ
وَأَكبَرُ فَخري كانَ قَولُكَ ذا إِبني

18. I keep saying: would that I could cool my pain -
Then my lament grows when I say "would that".

١٨. أَقولُ لَوَ أَنّي كَي أُبَرِّدَ لَوعَتي
فَيَزدادُ شَجوي كُلَّما قُلتُ لَوَ أَنّي

19. Even farewells of loved ones are denied to the youth -
O Time, this is the utmost injustice and tyranny!

١٩. أَحَتّى وَداعُ الأَهلِ يُحرَمُهُ الفَتى
أَيا دَهرُ هَذا مُنتَهى الحَيفِ وَالغَبنِ

20. When I say "Father", it is as if I am calling, appealing:
"O my refuge and pillar!"

٢٠. أَبي وَإِذا ما قُلتُها فَكَأَنَّني
أُنادي وَأَدعو يا مَلاذي وَيا رُكني

21. When the distressed seeks refuge after you, who will he turn to,
To return happy and laughing?

٢١. لِمَن يَلجَءُ المَكروبُ بَعدَكَ في الحِمى
فَيَرجِعَ رَيّانَ المُنى ضاحِكَ السِنِّ

22. You doffed youth in the ardour of glory, shining,
And old age in you was cleansed of the stain of senility,

٢٢. خَلَعتَ الصِبا في حَومَةِ المَجدِ ناصِعاً
وَنُزِّهَ فيكَ الشَيبُ عَن لَوثَةِ الأَفنِ

23. A mind like the star of summer in the first part of night,
And a judgement like the edge of the sword - or that mind.

٢٣. فَذِهنٌ كَنَجمِ الصَيفِ في أَوَّلِ الدُجى
وَرَأيٌ كَحَدِّ السَيفِ أَو ذَلِكَ الذِهنِ

24. You saw the world without cheerfulness,
Like a waterless land, a voice without melody.

٢٤. وَكُنتَ تَرى الدُنيا بِغَيرِ بَشاشَةٍ
كَأَرضٍ بِلا ماءٍ وَصَوتٍ بِلا لَحنِ

25. You had no harm for yourself alone,
Your laughter and sociability were for neighbour and comrade.

٢٥. فَما بِكَ مِن ضُرٍّ لِنَفسِكَ وَحدَها
وَضِحكُكَ وَالإِناسُ لِلجارِ وَالخِدنِ

26. Bold toward the oppressor, gentle toward the meek,
Quick to answer the caller, generous without reproach,

٢٦. جَريءٌ عَلى الباغي عَيوفٌ عَنِ الخَنا
سَريعٌ إِلى الداعي كَريمٌ بِلا مَنِّ

27. When you talked you were like an eloquent poet,
Subtle of mind, taste and art.

٢٧. وَكُنتَ إِذا حَدَّثتَ حَدَّثَ شاعِرٌ
لَبيبٌ دَقيقُ الفَهمِ وَالذَوقِ وَالفَنِّ

28. No listener felt boredom with you,
And you said nothing without the listener saying "Give me more!"

٢٨. فَما اِستَشعَرَ المُصغي إِلَيكَ مَلالَةً
وَلا قُلتَ إِلّا قالَ مِن طرَبٍ زِدني

29. Despite you, you left the meadows, while we,
Despite ourselves, will join the worms.

٢٩. بِرَغمِكَ فارَقتَ الرُبوعَ وَإِنَّنا
عَلى الرُغمِ مِنّا سَوفَ نَلحَقُ بِالظَعنِ

30. A road travelled before us by millions
From the humblest subject to the king.

٣٠. طَريقٌ مَشى فيها المَلايِيِنُ قَبلَنا
مِنَ المَلِكِ الامي إِلى عَبدِهِ القَنِّ

31. You fancy the world and what is in its expanse is for us,
While it is for us only as the sea is for ships:

٣١. تَظُنُّ لَنا الدنيا وَما في رِحابِها
وَلَيسَت لَنا إِلّا كَما البَحرُ لِلسُفُنِ

32. They move about freely in its waves
Like the prisoner pacing about in prison.

٣٢. تَروحُ وَتَغدو حُرَّةً في عُبابِهِ
كَما يَتَهادى ساكِنُ السِجنِ في السِجنِ

33. I weighed the secret of death against the world's philosophies
And they failed, mere prattling without substance.

٣٣. وَزَنتُ بِسِرِّ المَوتِ فَلسَفَةَ الوَرى
فَشالَت وَكانَت جَعجَعاتٍ بِلا طَحنِ

34. So the truest of mankind in his knowledge of it
Is most ignorant, conjecturing blindly,

٣٤. فَأَصدُقُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ مَعرِفَةً بِهِ
كَأَكثَرَهُم جَهلاً يُرَجِّمُ بِالظَنِّ

35. One like this is confused by it,
Another like that has no safety from it.

٣٥. فَذا مِثلُ هَذا حائِرُ اللُبِّ عِندَهُ
وَذاكَ كَهَذا لَيسَ مِنهُ عَلى أَمنِ

36. O you whose journey remains an obscure riddle
Despite ample detail in explanation and favour!

٣٦. فَيا لَكَ سِفراً لَم يَزَل جِدُّ غامِضٍ
عَلى كَثرَةِ التَفصيلِ في الشَرحِ وَالمِنَنِ

37. O glory of Lebanon, in majesty and awe!
O fortress of pure loyalty in that beauty!

٣٧. أَيا رَمزَ لُبنانٍ جَلالاً وَهَيبَةً
وَحُصنَ الوَفاءِ المَحضِ في ذَلِكَ الحوسنِ

38. Wherever your tomb lies hidden, and whatever town
You built up confers glory however it be built.

٣٨. ضَريحُكَ مَهما يَستَسِرَّ وَبَلدَةٌ
أَقَمتَ بِها تَبني المَحامِدَ ما تَبني

39. Of all the towers rising high I love most
The loveliest in my eyes of all cities

٣٩. أَحَبُّ مِنَ الأَبراجِ طالَت قِبابُها
وَأَجمَلُ في عَينَيَّ مِن أَجمَلِ المُدنِ

40. Is that grave on which I invoke peace - so the memory of it
Suffices me for perfume, I need no perfume.

٤٠. عَلى ذَلِكَ القَبرِ السَلامُ فَذِكرُهُ
أَريجٌ بِهِ نَفسي عَنِ العِطرِ تَستَغني