
If our land is crushed by the bomb

إذا سحقت أرضنا القنبله

1. If our land is crushed by the bomb
As the stone crushes the mustard seed

١. إِذا سَحَقَت أَرضَنا القُنبُلَه
كَما يَسحَقُ الحَجَرُ الخَردَلَه

2. And its impact demolishes the towering structures
Turning them into swirling dust

٢. وَقَوَّضَ مَفعولَها الراسِياتِ
فَصارَت غُباراً لَهُ جَلجَلَه

3. And decay spreads in winged creatures
And churns in the vegetation, uprooting it

٣. وَدَبَّ الفَنا في ذَواتِ الجَناحِ
وَغَلغَلَ في النَبتِ فَاِستَأصَلَه

4. And in the animals and the reptiles
In succession to the end of the chain

٤. وَفي الماشِياتِ وَفي الزاحِفا
تِ عَلَيها إِلى آخِرِ السِلسِلَه

5. So no flower gives off fragrance in a garden
And no rooster crows in a dunghill

٥. فَلا زَهرَ يَأرُجُ في رَوضَةٍ
وَلا ديكَ يَصدَحُ في مَزبَلَه

6. And time is lost and its measure
And its end resembles its beginning

٦. وَضاعَ الزَمانُ وَمِقياسُهُ
وَأَشبَهَ آخِرُهُ أَوَّلَه

7. And no living thing remains on its surface
And Azrael has nothing to occupy him

٧. وَلَم يَبقَ حَيٌّ عَلى سَطحِها
وَأَصبَحَ عِزريلُ لا شُغلَ لَه

8. So this is news that horrifies souls
Imagining it before bearing it

٨. فَذَلِكَ خَطبٌ يَهولُ النُفوسَ
تُصَوِّرُهُ قَبلَ أَن تَحمِلَه

9. But it's a matter that consoles everyone
If our land is crushed by the bomb

٩. وَلَكِنَّ أَمراً يَعزي الجَميعَ
إِذا سَحَقَت أَرضَنا القُنبُلَه

10. For death will not be left alive
Except it over this killing field

١٠. فَلَن يُدَعَ المَوتُ حَيّاً يَلو
مُ سِواهُ عَلى هَذِهِ المَقتَلَه