
I gave her in the cup pleasure like her smiles

عاطيتها في الكأس مثل رضابها

1. I gave her in the cup pleasure like her smiles
It flows into the coward's heart making him brave

١. عاطَيتُها في الكَأَسِ مِثلَ رُضابِها
تَسري إِلى قَلبِ الجَبانِ فَيَشجُعُ

2. The bubbles float on the surface of her cups
As if pearls studded with rubies

٢. يَطفو الحَبابُ عَلى أَديمِ كُؤوسِها
فَكَأَنَّ تِبراً بِاللُجَينِ يَرَصَّعُ

3. And as if her cups are gazing eyes
That weep while those lashes are tears

٣. وَكَأَنَّما تِلكَ الكُؤوسُ نَواظِرٌ
تَبكي وَهاتيكَ الفَواقِعُ أَدمُعُ

4. Covered, tempting with her locks the desirous one
He lusts for freshness while she lusts too

٤. مَشمولَةٌ تُغري بِضُفرَتِها البَخيـ
ـلَ بِها فَيَطمَعُ بِالنُضّارِ وَتَطمَعُ

5. Flirtatious, yet veiled
Chaste, yet not forbidden

٥. شَمطاءَ إِلّا أَنَّها مَحجوبَةٌ
عَذراءُ إِلّا أَنَّها لا تُمنَعُ

6. I kept giving her to drink until she surrendered
A heart enslaved by love that bows to none

٦. ما زِلتُ أَسقيها إِلى أَن أَخضَعَت
مِنها فُؤاداً لِلهَوى لا يَخضَعُ

7. She did to me what her glances did to us
Glances that topple with a mere look

٧. فَعَلَت بِها مِثلُ الَّذي فَعَلَت بِنا
أَلحاظُها إِنَّ اللِحظَ لَتَصرَعُ

8. When she sobered up and privacy was gone
She confided in me her rib's secrets

٨. لَمّا اِنتَشَت وَمَضى الخَفاءُ لِشَأنِهِ
باحَت إِلَيَّ بِما تُكِنُّ الأَضلُعُ

9. Modesty left, and she revealed her hidden thoughts
All cheeks in life are but patches

٩. بَرحَ الحَياءُ وَأَعلَنَت أَسرارَها
إِنَّ الحَياةَ لِكُلِّ خَودٍ بُرقُعُ

10. I learned I was deceived by her love
For so long I thought I wasn't fooled

١٠. فَعَلِمتُ أَنّي قَد خُدِعتُ بِحُبِّها
زَمَناً وَكُنتُ أَظُنُّني لا أُخدَعُ

11. I did not know before intoxicating her
That her heart lusts for others, not me

١١. ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ قَبلَ أَن أَسكَرتُها
أَنَّ الفُؤادَ بِحُبِّ غَيرِيَ مولَعُ

12. I left her to her sorrow, fighting her state
What's done cannot be undone

١٢. فَتَرَكتُها نَشوى تُغالِبُ أَمرَها
وَالأَمرُ بَعدَ وُقوعِهِ لا يُدفَعُ

13. And turned away from her, certain that my
Love for her will never return

١٣. وَرَجَعتُ عَنها واثِقاً مِن أَنَّ ما
قَد كانَ مِن حُبّي لَها لا يَرجَعُ

14. I would have wept if weeping benefited me
And regretted if regret were of use

١٤. لَبَكَيتُ لَو أَنَّ البُكاءَ أَفادَني
وَنَدِمتُ لَو أَنَّ النَدامَةَ تَنفَعُ