
O you who died with beauty still alive,

يا ميتا فيه جمال الحياة

1. O you who died with beauty still alive,
The grave claimed only your mortal remains.

١. يا مَيِّتاً فيهِ جَمالُ الحَياة
ما حازَ مِنكَ اللَحدُ إِلّا الرُفات

2. You are the youth who stays, by your effects,
You did not die when death itself did die.

٢. أَنتَ الفَتى الباقي بِئاثارِهِ
ما أَنتَ بِالمَرءِ إِذا ماتَ مات

3. How can decay reach out its hand to you
When your fair soul is one of countless throng?

٣. وَكَيفَ يَمتَدُّ إِلَيكَ الرَدى
وَذاتُكَ الحَسناءُ في أَلفِ ذات

4. If dawn's hue disappears from within the rose
The fault lies with the vision, not the rose.

٤. إِذا اِختَفى في الوَردِ لَونُ الضُحى
فَالذَنبُ ذَنبُ الأَعيُنِ الناظِرات

5. The blossoms wither but the fragrance stays,
Man passes on but his good name remains.

٥. يُصَوِّحُ الزَهر وَيَبقى الشَذى
وَيَذهَبُ المَرء وَتَبقى الصِفات

6. O you who sleep to life's delusions lost,
I found that death was hidden in delusions.

٦. يا نائِماً أَغفى عَنِ التُرَّهات
إِنّي وَجَدتُ المَوتَ في التُرَّهات

7. If the past is gone, do we say, "It is gone"?
From where, then, does life keep coming anew?

٧. أَإِن مَضى نَقولُ اِنقَضى
إِذَن فَمِن أَينَ تَجيءُ الحَياة

8. Is not this waking world the world of dreams
While death's mere shadow darkens worldly joy?

٨. أَلَيسَ دُنيا الصَحوِ دُنيا الكَرى
وَمِثلُ ظِلِّ العَيشِ ظُلُّ المَمات

9. Our minds divide all things in categories -
Yet the palm tree was once but a seed.

٩. تُقَسِّمُ الأَشياءَ أَفهامُنا
وَلَيسَتِ النَخلَةُ إِلّا النَواة

10. Tomorrow is yesterday, and yet we say,
In ignorance, "The past is dead and gone."

١٠. وَفي الغَدِ الأَمس وَلَكِنَّنا
لِلجَهلِ قُلنا الدَهرُ ماض وَآت

11. Part of death's secret implies survival,
While dying may mean life for the steadfast soul.

١١. بَعضُ الرَدى فيهِ نَجاةُ الفَتى
وَرُبَّما كانَ الرَدى في النَجاة

12. O you, the village magnified your soul,
Until base souls of tyrants it outgrew.

١٢. يا قُرَوِيّاً عَظُمَت نَفسُهُ
حَتّى تَرَضَّتها نُفوسُ العُتاة

13. The prey in your hut envied your lot,
While cities envied the village you knew.

١٣. وَحَسَدَتهُ الصَيدُ في كوخِهِ
وَحَسَدَت قَريَتَهُ العاصِمات

14. Those high traits shine still brightly amongst us,
As the stars which glitter and glow in the sky.

١٤. تِلكَ السَجايا لَم تزَل بَينَنا
ساطِعَةً كَالأَنجُمِ الزاهِرات

15. Your wisdom's bounty is lasting for us.
While the Mother Tongue lives, your words will not die.

١٥. وَعِلمُكَ الزاخِرُ باقٍ لَنا
ما بَقِيَت في الأَرضِ أُمُّ اللُغات

16. Deep in men's souls, deep in time's record scrolls, Deep midst the pearls of poesy's necklace bright,
Your life still glows.

١٦. في أَنفُسِ الناس وَأَلبابُهُم
وَفي بُطونِ السَيرِ الخالِدات

17. With some, song flows as dew in the rose,
Your spirit in them love songs reciting.

١٧. وَفي تَلاميذِكَ أَهلِ الحِجى
وَالأَدَبِ الجَمِّ الجَميلِ السِمات

18. Others - their words like those gleaned from the lute -
Seem stolen from minstrels in hour of delight.

١٨. مِن شاعِرٍ كَالرَوضِ أَشعارُهُ
تَسمَعُ هَمسَ الحُبِّ فيهِ الفَتاة

19. Others - their styles with rays of light suffused,
Like jewels exquisite, finely fused.

١٩. وَسامِرٍ تَحسَبُ أَقوالَهُ
مَسروقَةً مِن مُقَلِ الغانِيات

20. Some followers' hearts, like the meadows in Spring,
Your wisdom's impress fair flowerets bringing.

٢٠. وَكاتِبٍ تُشرِقُ أَلفاظُهُ
كَالدُرَرِ المُختارَةِ المُنتَقاة

21. Not even death could strike you down, O Oak!
Towering, territories immense you cloaked.

٢١. وَصُحُبٍ أَخلاقُهُم كَالمُنى
يَروُّنَ عَنكَ الحِكَمَ الغالِيات

22. Authority of Arabic's classical tongue,
Ocean deep, Trusted Guide your whole life long.

٢٢. لَم يَختَرِمكِ المَوتُ يا دَوحَةً
باسِقَةً قَد خَلَّفَت باسِقات

23. Now the emphatic D sounds its dirge for you
Present devotees and ages vanished do.

٢٣. يا حِجَّةَ الفُصحى وَدُهقانَها
وَبَحرِها الطامي وَشَيخَ الثُقات

24. In Lebanon is only grief displayed;
No more around Euphrates accolades.

٢٤. الضادُ مِن بَعدِكَ في مَأتَمٍ
حاضِرُها وَالأَعصُرُ الغابِرات

25. If one Mount grieves, grief will all summits shake - On every side sadness and sorrow awake.
Seventy years for its sake your quill wore down

٢٥. فَلَيسَ في لُبنانَ غَيرُ الأَسى
وَلَيسَ غَيرُ الحُزنِ حَولَ الفُرات

26. In the world of books and scrolls of high renown.
People talk on around, but you're in prayer,

٢٦. فَمِن يُعَزّي جَبَلاً واحِداً
عَزّى الرَواسي في جَميعِ الجِهات

27. Like a worshipper deep in his devotions there.
You sang the emphatic D in all its modes -

٢٧. سَلَخنَها سَبعينَ مِن أَجلِها
في عالَمِ الطِرس وَدُنيا الدُواة

28. To water-carriers and drunkards on the roads.
To it you gave back the prime of youth anew,

٢٨. الناسُ مِن حَولِكَ في قَيلِهِم
وَأَنتَ كَالعابِدِ وَقتَ الصَلاة

29. For love works magic in all it seeks to do.
So Arabic's being was thrilled to its roots

٢٩. غَنَّيتَ بِالضاد وَأَسرارِها
عَنِ الغَواني وَالطَلا وَالسُقاة

30. And water of beauty gushed through its words.
Its horizons rang with your name everywhere,

٣٠. أَنتَ الَّذي رَدَّ إِلَيها الصِبا
إِنَّ الهَوى يَجتَرِحُ المُعجِزات

31. In meadow and valley and mountain tops bare.
The camel-drivers murmured it o'er and o'er,

٣١. فَاِختَلَجَت أَوضاعُها بِالمُنى
وَجالَ ماءُ الحُسنِ في المُفرَدات

32. While their camels picked their way slow and sure.
O youth who seek glory, true glory's there

٣٢. وَلَهِجَت بِاِسمِكَ آفاقُها
وَرَدَّدَتهُ في البَوَدي الحُداة

33. In the souls who lived great lives free of all care.
O you who seek riches, better seek the best -

٣٣. وَحَنَّتِ النوقُ إِلى سَمعِهِ
وَطَرِبَت مِن ذِكرِهِ الصافِنات

34. The gifts which the generous know how to invest.
This needy one gave though he suffered privation.

٣٤. فَيا شَباباً يَطلُبونَ العُلى
إِنَّ العُلى لِلأَنفُسِ الماضِيات

35. The best gifts are those of the soul and spirit.
No seeker of bounty his threshold e'er crossed,

٣٥. وَيا فَقيراً يَتَمَنّى الغِنى
هَلّا تَمَنَّيتَ غِنى المَكرُمات

36. He thanked the good Lord for the blessings he lost.
Though the thankless might spurn him and leave him alone,

٣٦. وَيا سَراةً يَبذُلونَ اللُهى
هَذا فَقيرٌ كانَ يُعطي السُراة

37. His gifts travelled on with the men generous known.
So he was like a planet around which do steer,

٣٧. وَِن روحِهِ لا فَيضِ أَموالِهِ
إِنَّ هِباتِ الروحِ أَسمى الهِبات

38. In its orbit, the travellers both far and near.
He was like the rain when it first wets the plain,

٣٨. لا يَقتَضي قاصِدُهُ حَمدَهُ
وَيَشكُرُ العافي الَّذي قالَ هَت

39. Bringing nurture to gravel, to flowers and grain.
Like a spring people used, both the noble and base -

٣٩. وَإِن مَضى العافونَ عَن بابِهِ
سارَت عَطاياهُ وَراءَ العُفاة

40. Puritan calm and corrupted in case.
He was like the sky, limitless, rapt, serene -

٤٠. فَكانَ كَالكَوكَبِ يَمشي عَلى
ضِيائِهِ الرَكب وَذِئبُ الفَلاة

41. Where the pure and profane, all unruffled, are seen.
O planter of gardens, sleep now carefree,

٤١. وَكانَ كَالغَيثِ إِذا ما هَمى
أَصابَ في الأَرضِ الحَصى وَالنَبات

42. For in death ends at last all complaining.
No water is gone which but comes back as stream,

٤٢. وَكانَ كَاليَنبوعِ يَرتادُهُ
ذو الشِيَمِ الحُسنى وَذو السَيِّئات

43. Makes the fields laugh with life, and the gardens green.

٤٣. وَكَالفَضاءِ الرَحبِ في حِلمِهِ
يَضطَرِبُ البازي بِه وَالقُطاة

٤٤. يا صاحِبَ البُستانِ نَم آمِناً
فَإِنَّ في المَوتِ زَوالَ الشُكاة

٤٥. ما غابَ ماءٌ غابَ تَحتَ الثَرى
فَأَطلَعَ النَبت وَأَحيا المَوات