
The clay forgot for a moment that it was just clay,

نسي الطين ساعة أنه طين

1. The clay forgot for a moment that it was just clay,
So it strutted arrogantly and acted pompously.

١. نَسِيَ الطينُ ساعَةً أَنَّهُ طينٌ
حَقيرٌ فَصالَ تيها وَعَربَد

2. It clothed its body in silk, so it became conceited,
And filled its purse with money, so it rebelled.

٢. وَكَسى الخَزُّ جِسمَهُ فَتَباهى
وَحَوى المالَ كيسُهُ فَتَمَرَّد

3. My brother, do not turn your face from me disdainfully,
I am not just a lump, and you are not a precious gem.

٣. يا أَخي لا تَمِل بِوَجهِكَ عَنّي
ما أَنا فَحمَة وَلا أَنتَ فَرقَد

4. You did not weave the silk you wear,
Nor string the pearls you flaunt.

٤. أَنتَ لَم تَصنَعِ الحَريرَ الَّذي
تَلبَس وَاللُؤلُؤَ الَّذي تَتَقَلَّد

5. When hungry, it's not succulent fruits you eat,
Nor do you drink vintage wines when thirsty.

٥. أَنتَ لا تَأكُلُ النُضارَ إِذا جِع
ت وَلا تَشرَبُ الجُمانَ المُنَضَّد

6. In your coat of wool, you're just like me
In my old clothes, suffering and feeling joy.

٦. أَنتَ في البُردَةِ المُوَشّاةِ مِثلي
في كِسائي الرَديمِ تَشقى وَتُسعَد

7. You have hopes and dreams in the world of light,
While darkness hangs over me.

٧. لَكَ في عالَمِ النَهارِ أَماني
وَرُأى وَالظَلامُ فَوقَكَ مُمتَد

8. But my heart, like yours, has beautiful, tender dreams-
For it is not rigid and hard.

٨. وَلِقَلبي كَما لِقَلبِكَ أَحلا
مٌ حِسانٌ فَإِنَّهُ غَيرُ جَلمَد

9. My dreams are all made of dust,
While yours are made of alabaster.

٩. أَأَمانِيَّ كُلَّها مِن تُرابٍ
وَأَمانيكَ كُلَّها مِن عَسجَد

10. My dreams are bound to fade away,
While you expect yours to last forever.

١٠. وَأَمانِيَّ كُلُّها لِلتَلاشي
وَأَمانيكَ لِلخُلودِ المُؤَكَّد

11. But neither will last, both will vanish,
For what thing endures eternally?

١١. لا فَهَذي وَتِلكَ تَأتي وَتَمضي
كَذَويها وَأَيُّ شَيءٍ يُؤَبَّد

12. You who are so arrogant - when misfortune strikes you,
Won't you complain? Won't you moan?

١٢. أَيُّها المُزدَهي إِذا مَسَّكَ السُقــ
ـمُ أَلا تَشتَكي أَلا تَتَنَهَّد

13. And when your lover abandons you,
Won't memory's call make you burn?

١٣. وَإِذا راعَكَ الحَبيبُ بِهَجرٍ
وَدَعَتكَ الذِكرى أَلا تَتَوَجَّد

14. Like me, your face beams when life is kind,
And in times of sorrow, it withers.

١٤. أَنتَ مِثلي يَبَشُّ وَجهُكَ لِلنُعمى
وَفي حالَةِ المَصيبَةِ يَكمَد

15. My tears are vinegar while yours are honey,
My weeping is cheap, while yours is precious.

١٥. أَدُموعي خِل وَدَمعُكَ شَهدٌ
وَبُكائي زُل وَنَوحُكَ سُؤدُد

16. My smile is a mirage, containing no water,
While your smiles are shimmering pearls.

١٦. وَاِبتِسامي السَرابُ لا رَيَّ فيهِ
وَاِبتِساماتُكَ اللَآلي الخَرَّد

17. The same sun shades us both,
Scorching my eyes while yours go blind.

١٧. فَلَكٌ واحِدٌ يُظِلُّ كِلَينا
حارَ طَرفي بِه وَطَرفُكَ أَرمَد

18. The same moon looms over us,
On cottage and castle both it shines.

١٨. قَمَرٌ واحِدٌ يُطِلُّ عَلَينا
وَعَلى الكوخ وَالبِناءِ المُوَطَّد

19. If to your eyes its light is radiant,
To me, from my hut, it appears black.

١٩. إِن يَكُن مُشرِقاً لِعَينَيكَ إِنّي
لا أَراهُ مِن كُوَّةِ الكوخِ أَسوَد

20. The stars you see, I also see,
When they fade, and when they glow bright.

٢٠. النُجومُ الَّتي تَراها أَراها
حينَ تَخفى وَعِندَما تَتَوَقَّد

21. You are not nearer to them though wealthy,
While I, though deprived, am not far.

٢١. لَستَ أَدنى عَلى غِناكَ إِلَيها
وَأَنا مَعَ خَصاصَتي لَستُ أُبعَد

22. You and I both come from dust, and back to dust
We will return, my friend- So why the aloofness and rebuff?

٢٢. أَنتَ مِثلي مِنَ الثَرى وَإِلَيهِ
فَلِماذا يا صاحِبي التيه وَالصَد

23. As infants we were peers, and as bent old men,
We will be equal, quavering side by side.

٢٣. كُنتَ طِفلاً إِذ كُنتُ طِفلا وَتَغدو
حينَ أَغدو شَيخاً كَبيراً أَدرَد

24. I do not know where I came from, what I was,
Or what I will be tomorrow, O friend!

٢٤. لَستُ أَدري مِن أَينَ جِئت وَلا ما
كُنتُ أَو ما أَكونُ يا صاحِ في غَد

25. Do you know? Then enlighten me! If not,
Why do you assume you are matchless?

٢٥. أَفَتَدري إِذَن فَخَبِّر وَإِلّا
فَلِماذا تَظُنُّ أَنَّكَ أَوحَد

26. Does the palace belong to you, guarded by soldiers,
Surrounded by walls you have built?

٢٦. أَلَكَ القَصرُ دونَهُ الحَرَسُ الشا
كي وَمِن حَولِهِ الجِدارُ المُشَيَّد

27. Then forbid the night to cast its veil upon it,
And mist to wrap round its heights!

٢٧. فَاِمنَعِ اللَيلَ أَن يَمُدَّ رَواقاً
فَوقَه وَالضَبابَ أَن يَتَلَبَّد

28. See how the light enters without asking permission -
It does not even knock, yet is not turned away.

٢٨. وَاِنظُرِ النورَ كَيفَ يَدخُلُ لا يَط
لُبُ أُذناً فَما لَهُ لَيسَ يُطرَد

29. One grave is all that will be your share and mine -
Do you know how much of it will be yours?

٢٩. مرقَدٌ واحِدٌ نَصيبُكَ مِنهُ
أَفَتَدري كَم فيكَ لِلذَرِّ مَرقَد

30. You denied me shelter when storms raged
And I sought refuge, while the sky darkened and grew cold.

٣٠. ذُدتَني عَنه وَالعَواصِفُ تَعدو
في طِلابي وَالجَوُّ أَقتَمَ أَربَد

31. Yet the dog finds shelter there, and food,
While the donkey, like the dog, is given fodder.

٣١. بَينَما الكَلبُ واجِدٌ فيهِ مَأوىً
وَطَعاما وَالهُرُّ كَالكَلبِ يُرفَد

32. So I heard life laughing at me
As I hoped in you, and you refused and rejected me.

٣٢. فَسَمِعتُ الحَياةَ تَضحَكُ مِنّي
أَتَرَجّى مِنك وَتَأبى وَتُجحِد

33. Does that lovely garden belong to you,
With its water, birds and blooming flowers?

٣٣. أَلَكَ الرَوضَةُ الجَميلَةُ فيها
الماء وَالطَير وَالأَزاهِر وَالنَد

34. Then restrain the wind from shaking and twisting
The trees - for it makes them sway.

٣٤. فَاِزجِرِ الريحَ أَن تَهُز وَتَلوي
شَجَرَ الرَوضِ إِنَهُ يَتَأَوَّد

35. And calm the water in the pond, order it
Not to ripple except when you are present.

٣٥. وَاِلجُمِ الماءَ في الغَدير وَمُرهُ
لا يُصَفِّق إِلّا وَأَنتَ بِمَشهَد

36. The birds will not care if you or I listen
When they sing - they will warble on unimpeded.

٣٦. إِنَّ طَيرَ الأَراكِ لَيسَ يُبالي
أَنتَ أَصغَيتَ أَم أَنا إِن غَرَّد

37. And the flowers will not mock my poverty,
Nor fawn over you for your wealth.

٣٧. وَالأَزاهيرُ لَيسَ تَسخَرُ مِن فَق
ري وَلا فيكَ لِلغِنى تَتَوَدَّد

38. Does the river belong to you? It is a path
For the gentle breeze, and home to the birds.

٣٨. أَلَكَ النَهرُ إِنَّهُ لِلنَسيمِ الرَط
بِ دَرب وَلِلعَصافيرِ مَورِد

39. At night the gray hairs bathe in it, seeming
To turn even colder in its chilly water.

٣٩. وَهوَ لِلشُهبِ تَستَحِمُّ بِهِ في الصَي
فِ لَيلاً كَأَنَّها تَتَبَرَّد

40. You claim it is yours - but does it flow
In the veins of trees by your command?

٤٠. تَدَّعيهِ فَهَل بِأَمرِكَ تَجري
في عُروقِ الأَشجارِ أَو يَتَجَعَّد

41. It was here before you came and will remain
After you go, ebbing and flowing as always.

٤١. كانَ مِن قَبلُ أَن تَجيء وَتَمضي
وَهوَ باقٍ في الأَرضِ لِلجَزر وَالمَد

42. Do you own these fields? The bees gather
Nectar from their flowers, freely wandering.

٤٢. أَلَكَ الحَقلُ هَذِهِ النَحلُ تَجني
الشَهدَ مِن زَهرِه وَلا تَتَرَدَّد

43. I see the ants have a vast kingdom
They built with toil, with sweat and labor.

٤٣. وَأَرى لِلنِمالِ مُلكاً كَبيراً
قَد بَنَتهُ بِالكَدحِ فيه وَبِالكَد

44. You are a trespasser in their land, a thief
Who has ravaged it, leaving destruction in your wake.

٤٤. أَنتَ في شَرعِها دَخيلٌ عَلى الحَق
ل وَلِصٌّ جَنى عَلَيها فَأَفسَد

45. If you owned all the fields on earth, by force,
You would not be happier than a meadow butterfly.

٤٥. لَو مَلَكتَ الحُقولَ في الأَرضِ طُرّاً
لَم تَكُن مِن فَراشَةِ الحَقلِ أَسعَد

46. Are you more beautiful than the rose, more fragrant?
Are you more generous, more bountiful?

٤٦. أَجَميلٌ ما أَنتَ أَبهى مِنَ الوَر
دَةِ ذاتِ الشَذى وَلا أَنتَ أَجوَد

47. Or are you mighty? The gnat draws nourishment
From your cheeks, and your hands cannot drive it away.

٤٧. أَم عَزيز وَلِلبَعوضَةِ مِن خَدَّي
كَ قوت وَفي يَدَيكَ المُهَنَّد

48. Or are you wealthy? Never! You swagger only
Because the lowly worm spins for you silk robes.

٤٨. أَم غَنِيٌّ هَيهاتِ تَختالُ لَولا
دودَةُ القَزِّ بِالحَباءِ المُبَجَّد

49. Or are you powerful? Then command sleep
To leave you, and drive old age from your temples.

٤٩. أَم قَوِيٌّ إِذَن مُرِ النَومَ إِذ يَغـ
ـشاك وَاللَيلُ عَن جُفونِكَ يَرتَد

50. Are you all knowing? What is that fancy
Which steals through your mind in the depth of night?

٥٠. وَاِمنَعِ الشَيبَ أَن يَلِمَّ بِفَو
دَيك وَمُر تَلبُثِ النَضارَةُ في الخَد

51. What is this life you discern, then loses sight of?
What is this time you blame, then sing praise of?

٥١. أَعَليمٌ فَما الخَيالُ الَّذي يَطـ
ـرُقُ لَيلاً في أَيِّ دُنيا يولَد

52. O clay! You are not purer or loftier
Than dust I trample or use as a pillow.

٥٢. ما الحَياةُ الَّتي تَبين وَتَخفى
ما الزَمانُ الَّذي يُذَم وَيُحمَد

53. whether you crumble or do not crumble, still
You are but a driven slave, a subjugated thing.

٥٣. أَيُّها الطينُ لَستَ أَنقى وَأَسمى
مِن تُرابٍ تَدوسُ أَو تَتَوَسَّد

54. Any palace you build will someday decay,
Any robe you weave will one day unravel.

٥٤. سُدتَ أَو لَم رَسُد فَما أَنتَ إِلّا
حَيَوانٌ مُسَيَّرٌ مُستَعبَد

55. Do not let your heart become a home for strife -
My heart has become a temple for the beloved.

٥٥. إِنَّ قَصراً سَمَكتُهُ سَوفَ يَندَكُّ
وَثَوباً حَبَكتَهُ سَوفَ يَنقَد

56. I have more right to love than you, am worthier of it
Than a garment which wears out or wealth which dwindles.

٥٦. لا يَكُن لِلخِصامِ قَلبَكَ مَأوىً
إِنَّ قَلبي لِلحَبيبِ أَصبَحَ مَعبَد

٥٧. أَنا أَولى بِالحُبِّ مِنك وَأَحرى
مِن كِساءٍ يَبلى وَمالٍ يَنفَد