1. What wrongs have they committed, oh pen
By Allah, you contain only sincerity and wisdom
١. ماذا جَنَيتَ عَليهِم أَيُّها القَلَمُ
وَاللَهِ ما فيكَ إِلّا النُصحُ وَالحِكَمُ
2. It saddens me that they imprison you while they
Without you, their feet would not stand firm on earth
٢. إِنّي لَيُحزِنُني أَن يَسجُنوكَ وَهُم
لَولاكَ في الأَرضِ لَم تَثبُت لَهُم قَدَمُ
3. You were created free, like the waves of the sea bursting forth
What are shackles, bonds and muzzles to you?
٣. خُلِقتَ حُرّاً كَمَوجِ البَحرِ مُندَفِعاً
فَما القُيودُ وَما الأَصفادُ وَاللُجَمُ
4. If they imprison the singing bird in a cage
His voice and melody cannot be imprisoned
٤. إِن يَحبِسوا الطائِرَ المَحكِيِّ في قَفَصٍ
فَلَيسَ يُحبَسُ مِنهُ الصَوتُ وَالنَغَمُ
5. Oh Allah, time has dragged on for a nation
Time passes but their pain does not fade
٥. اللَهُ في أُمَّةٍ جرَ الزَمانُ بِها
يَفنى الزَمانُ وَلا يَفنى لَها أَلَمُ
6. As if its Creator singled it out for humiliation
Or time swore its flag would never rise
٦. كَأَنَّما خَصَّها بِالذُلِّ بارِءُها
أَو أَقسَمَ الدَهرُ لا يَعلو لَها عَلَمُ
7. Wronged, though it did no wrong but
Seek rights that they do not recognize
٧. مَهضومَةُ الحَقِّ لا ذَنبَ جَنَتهُ سِوى
أَنَّ الحُقوقَ لَدَيها لَيسَ تَنهَضِمُ
8. Years have passed, all bringing woe
If only its times had been blessed
٨. مَرَّت عَلَيها سُنونٌ كُلُّها نِقَمٌ
ما كانَ أَسعَدَها لَو أَنَّها نِعَمُ
9. They called its grievances injustice, though it was not unjust
Rather they were unjust in what they claimed
٩. عَدوا شِكايَتَها ظُلماً وَما ظَلَمَت
وَإِنَّما ظَلَموها بِالَّذي زَعَموا
10. It did not harm them that it spent nights questioning
Where are the covenants, where is the oath and promise?
١٠. ما ضَرَهُم أَنَّها باتَت تُسائِلُهُم
أَينَ المَواثيقُ أَينَ العَهدُ وَالقَسَمُ
11. Were their ears not full of deafness enough
That they wished to awaken deafness itself?
١١. أَما كَفى أَنَّ في آذانِهِم صَمَماً
حَتّى أَرادوا بِأَن يَنتبَها الصَمَمُ
12. As if they wearied that its spirit still
Clung to time that did not manage to make it despair
١٢. كَأَنَّما سَإِموا أَن لا يَزالَ بِها
روحٌ عَلى الدَهرِ لم يَظفَر بِها السَأَمُ
13. So they bound it, hoping bindings would silence it
But the oppressed cannot be silenced, if only they knew
١٣. فَقَيَّدوها لَعَلَّ القَيدَ يُسكِتُها
وَعَزَّ أَن يَسكُتَ المَظلومُ لَو عَلِموا
14. They burdened pages and pens in an age
Where idols and pens are almost worshipped
١٤. وَأَرهَقوا الصُحُفَ وَالأَقلامَ في زَمَنٍ
يَكادُ يَعبُدُ فيهِ الطِرسُ وَالقَلَمُ
15. If they forbid pages, the anguish within us
Will inscribe each of us as pages in Egypt
١٥. إِن يَمنَعوا الصُحُفَ فينا بَثَّ لَوعَتِنا
فَكُلُّنا صُحُفٌ في مِصرَ تَرتَسِمُ
16. We are a people with a glory we will recall
As long as we have speaking tongues and mouths
١٦. إِنّا لَقَومٍ لَنا مَجدٌ سَنَذكُرُهُ
ما دامَ فينا لِسانٌ ناطِقٌ وَفَمُ
17. How can the path to regaining our loftiness be
When it is coveted by some nations?
١٧. كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى سَلوانِ رِفعَتِنا
وَهيَ الَّتي تَتَمَنّى بَعضَها الأُمَمُ
18. Honor refuses that we accept humiliation in
An era where we saw slaves respected
١٨. يَأبى لَنا العِزُّ أَن نَرضى المَذَلَّةَ في
عَصرٍ رَأَينا بِهِ العَبدانَ تُحتَرُمُ
19. Death is better than life full of bitterness
For life without freedom is naught
١٩. المَوتُ أَجمَلُ مِن عَيشٍ عَلى مَضَضٍ
إِنَّ الحَياةَ بِلا حُرِّيَّةٍ عَدَمُ