
I have abandoned rhyme, not out of my own boredom,

هجرت القوافي ما بنفسي ملالة

1. I have abandoned rhyme, not out of my own boredom,
Except when the times grow difficult and troublesome.

١. هَجَرتُ القَوافي ما بِنَفسي مَلالَةٌ
سِوايَ إِذا اِشَتَّدَ الزَمانُ مَلولُ

2. But events have led me to speak of the misfortunes
That could make even mountains fall when they descend.

٢. وَلَكِن عَدَتني أَن أَقولَ حَوادِثٌ
إِذا نَزَلَت بِالطَودِ كادَ يَزولُ

3. I've grown to hate poetry, for so many merely pretend
To be sincere though few of them really comprehend.

٣. وَبَغَّضَني الأَشعارَ أَنَّ دُعاتَها
كَثيرٌ وَأَنَّ الصادِقينَ قَليلُ

4. To live in comfort, a young man needs income and riches,
All else deemed by people as extra and worthless.

٤. وَأَنَّ الفَتى في ذي الرُبوعِ عَقارُهُ
وَأَموالَهُ وَالباقِياتُ فُضولُ

5. I fell silent like birds do when the meadows wilt,
And vegetation withers, overwhelmed by death and guilt.

٥. سَكَتُّ سُكوتَ الطَيرِ في الرَوضِ بَعدَما
ذَوى الرَوضُ وَاِجتاحَ النَباتَ ذُبولُ

6. Till I heard a tale about a young man, so fine and elegant,
That inspired me again, for the story was beautiful and excellent.

٦. فَما هَزَّني إِلّا حَديثٌ سَمِعتُهُ
عَنِ الغيدِ كَالغيدِ الحِسانِ جَميلُ

7. So in this account, I'm no poet in truth,
Just repeating what the storytellers recount to the youth:

٧. فَما أَنا في هَذي الحِكايَةِ شاعِرٌ
وَلَكِن كَما قالَ الرُواةُ أَقولُ

8. A young man from a noble line, all his ancestors elite,
Of pure and precious origin, virtuous and discrete.

٨. فَتىً مِن سَراةِ اناسِ كُلُّ جُدودِهِ
سَرِيٌّ كَريمُ النَبعَتَينِ نَبيلُ

9. He spent his life building his honorable name,
Seeking glory, which he gained, and widespread fame.

٩. قَضى في اِبتِناءِ المَكرُماتِ زَمانَهُ
يَنالُ وَيَرجوهُ السِوى فَيُنيلُ

10. But fate suddenly ruined the edifice of his might,
And fortune chipped away till he was battered and slight.

١٠. فَدَكَّ مَباني عِزِّهِ الدَهرُ بَغتَةً
وَقَلَّمَ مِنهُ الظُفرُ فَهوَ كَليلُ

11. He fell just as stars fall from the skies to the earth,
For time and life can take away one's value and worth.

١١. هَوى مِثلَما يَهوي إِلى الأَرضِ كَوكَبٌ
كَذاكَ اللَيالي بِالأَنامِ تَدولُ

12. Once, he ruled mightily, commanding awe,
But now misfortunes assail him, clawing their paws.

١٢. وَكانَ لَهُ في الدَهرِ بَطشٌ وَصَولَةٌ
فَأَمسَت عَلَيهِ الحادِثاتُ تَصولُ

13. He had a thousand friends and companions around,
Yet when tested, among them loyalty could not be found.

١٣. وَكانَ لَهُ أَلفا خَليلٍ وَصاحِبٍ
فَأَعوَزَهُ عِندَ البَلاءِ خَليلُ

14. His friends deserted him, as if he was diseased,
Weak, with no aid against misfortunes to give him release.

١٤. تَفَرَّقَ عَنهُ صَحبُهُ فَكَأَنَّما
بِهِ مَرَضٌ أَعيا الأُساةَ وَبيلٌ

15. Those who had sworn by his name now no longer care,
Like old religion renounced for one more debonair.

١٥. وَأَنكَرَهُ مَن كانَ يَحلِفُ بِاِسمِهِ
كَما يُنكِرُ الدينَ القَديمَ عَميلُ

16. He wanders like a ship adrift on the ocean swell,
Swaying wherever the waves may toss and propel.

١٦. فَأَصبَحَ مِثلَ الفُلكِ في البَحرِ ضائِعاً
يَميلُ مَعَ الأَمواجِ حَيثُ تَميلُ

17. Only remnants of patience in his soul remain
To curb his urge to cry out from the ceaseless pain.

١٧. يَكادُ يَمُدُّ الكَفَّ لَولا بَقِيَّةٌ
مِنَ الصَبرِ في ذاكَ الرِداءِ تَجولُ

18. He hides his grief from others' gloating eyes,
Lest they glee at his fate and mock his cries.

١٨. زَوى نَفسَهُ كَي لا يَرى الناسُ ضُرَّهُ
فَيَشمَتَ قالٍ أَو يُسَرَّ عَذولُ

19. In a house that misery made its abode,
Whose walls, like his ribs, fate had corroded.

١٩. بِدارٍ أَناخَ البُؤسُ فيها رِكابَهُ
وَجُرَّت عَلَيها لِلخَرابِ ذُيولُ

20. Past it the winds howl, mournful tunes bellow,
While stars gaze sadly at its crumbling hollow.

٢٠. مُهَدَّمَةِ الجُدرانِ مِثلَ ضُلوعِهِ
بِها اليَأسُ صَمتٌ وَالسَقامُ مَجولُ

21. When the moon rises bright on the horizon,
For some, it's a beacon; for him, a hollow vision.

٢١. تَمُرُّ عَلَيها الريحُ وَلهى حَزينَةً
وَيَرنو إِلَيها النَجمُ وَهوَ ضَئيلُ

22. For though its light can guide lost souls in the dark,
His tear-drenched eyes discern no hopeful spark.

٢٢. إِذا ما تَجَلَّى البَدرُ في الأُفقِ طالِعاً
رَعاهُ إِلى أَن يَعتَريهِ أُفولُ

23. People sleep; tranquility reigns far and wide.
But anguish and sorrow in him collide.

٢٣. حِبالُ الأَماني عِندَ قَومٍ شُعاعِهِ
وَلَكِنَّهُ في مُقلَتَيهِ نُصولُ

24. He ponders his grief and endless adversity,
Till life seems vain, even if deemed lovely.

٢٤. فَيا عَجَباً حَتّى النُجومُ توضِلُّهُ
وَفي نورِها لِلمُدَلجينَ دَليلُ

25. He takes a knife, intending to end his pure life,
Before it could witness more useless strife.

٢٥. وَهَل تَهتَدي بِالبَدرِ عَينٌ قَريحَةٌ
عَلَيها مِنَ الدَمعِ السَخينِ سُدولُ

26. He brings it closer to his chest, preparing to slice,
And leans to plunge it deep; his heart pays the price.

٢٦. غَفا الناسُ وَاِستَولَت عَلَيهِم سَكينَةٌ
فَما بالُهُ اِستَولى عَلَيهِ ذُهولُ

27. When a specter hurries toward him, urgent in pace,
A gentle voice in the darkness says, laced with grace:

٢٧. تَأَمَّلَ في أَحزانِهِ وَشَقائِهِ
فَهانَ عَلَيهِ العَيشُ وَهوَ جَميلُ

28. "Stop now, for the sorrow you bear will soon be redressed,
When this long night ends, dawn shall glow at its best."

٢٨. فَمَدَّ إِلى السِكّينِ كَفّاً نَقِيَّةً
أَبَت أَن يَراها تَستَغيثُ بَخيلُ

29. A woman it was, one of the noblest in our clan,
For good women's rewards are generous and grand.

٢٩. وَقَرَّبَها مِن صَدرِهِ ثُمَّ هَزَّها
وَكادَ بِها نَحوَ الفُؤادِ يَميلُ

30. She refused sleep to veil her eyes that night,
While hearts grieved; hers remained alert and bright.

٣٠. وَإِذا شَبَحٌ يَستَعجِلُ الخَطوَ نَحَُهُ
وَصَوتٌ لَطيفٌ في الظَلامِ يَقولُ

31. Her face refused to smile in the midst of this plight,
Where agony filled each wounded heart with blight.

٣١. رُوَيدَكَ فَالضَنكُ الَّذي أَنتَ حامِلُ
مَتى زالَ هَذا اللَيلُ سَوفَ يَزولُ

32. To him she tossed bread, then walked away,
With joy shining on her face, lighting up her way.

٣٢. نَعَم هِيَ إِحدى مُحسِناتِ نِسائِنا
أَلا إِنَّ أَجرَ المُحسِناتِ جَزيلُ

33. She told no one, seeking no fame or repute,
Nor beat drums to boast of her vital repute.

٣٣. أَبَت نَفسُها أَن يَكحَلَ النَومُ جَفنَها
وَجَفنُ المُعَنّى بِالسُهادِ كَحيلُ

34. She did good, not to see her name in the news,
Trumpeted to neighbors from town to towns.

٣٤. وَأَن تَتَوَلّى الاِبتِساماتُ ثَغرَها
وَفي الحَيِّ مَكلومُ الفُؤادِ عَليلُ

35. So should the wealthy remember the destitute!
I for the righteous women will vouch and refute

٣٥. فَأَلقَت إِلَيهِ صُرَّةً وَتَراجَعَت
وَفي وَجهِها نورُ السُرورِ يَجولُ

36. That towering mansions devoid of grace
Are but barren edifices, a meaningless space!

٣٦. فَلَم تَتَناقَل صُنعَها أَلسُنُ الوَرى
وَلا قُرِعَت في الخافِقينَ طُبولُ

37. A woman's tears shed for others are most sincere,
Unlike those let flow for fortunes insincere.

٣٧. لا أَحسَنَت كَي تُعلِنَ الصُحُفُ إِسمَها
فَتَعلَمَ جاراتٌ لَها وَقَبيلُ

38. For a nation not honoring its women
Is base and feeble, though appearing supreme.

٣٨. كَذا فَليُواسِ البائِسينَ ذَوُ الغِنى
وَإِنّي لَهُم بِالصالِحاتِ كَفيلُ

39. Days without their light are gloom and darkness profound,
And joys besides theirs are but sorrows abound.

٣٩. فَإَِنَّ القُصورَ الشاهِقاتِ إِذا خَلَت
مِنَ البِرِّ وَالإِحسانِ فَهيَ طُلولُ

40. So nations must empower women within,
For life without their light is drear and grim.

٤٠. وَخَيرُ دُموعِ الباكِياتِ هِيَ الَّتي
مَتى سَلَ دَمعُ البائِسينَ تَسيلُ

٤١. أَلا إِنَّ شَعباً لا تَعِزُّ نِسائَهُ
وَإِن طارَ فَوقَ الفَرقَدَينِ ذَليلُ

٤٢. وَكُلُّ نَهارٍ لا يَكُنَّ شُموسَهُ
فَذَلِكَ لَيلٌ حالِكٌ وَطَويلُ

٤٣. وَكُلُّ سُرورٍ غَيرَهُنَّ كَآبَةٌ
وَكُلُّ نَشاطٍ غَيرَهُنَّ خُمولُ