1. My soul that yesterday grazed
In the forest like a blonde gazelle
١. روحي الَّتي بِالأَمسِ كانَت تَرتَعُ
في الغابِ مِثلَ الظَبيَةِ القَمراءِ
2. Feasting on wild fruit to its fill
Dew sprinkling its fleece
٢. تَقتاتُ بِالثَمَرِ الجَنِيِّ فَتَشبَعُ
وَيَبُلُّ غَلَّتَها رَشاشُ الماءِ
3. It looked at you, now no longer content
With water and shade in the dunes
٣. نَظَرَت إِلَيكِ فَأَصبَحَت لا تَقنَعُ
بِالماءِ وَالأَفياءِ في الغَبراءِ
4. It listens as the dove coos
Its hearing for you, not for the leaves
٤. تُصغي وَتُنصِتُ وَالحَمامَةُ تَسجَعُ
إِصغاؤُها لَكَ لَيسَ لِلوَرقاءِ
5. I called it and towards you it aspires
This yearning was the origin of my torment
٥. نادَيتِها فَلَها إِلَيكِ تَطلَعُ
هَذا التَطَلُّعُ كانَ أَصلَ شَقائي
6. You gave me wings so I could fly but I did not soar
Alas you folded up my skies
٦. جَنَّحتَني كَيما أَطيرَ فَلَم أَطِر
هَيهاتِ إِنَّكِ قَد طَوَيتِ سَمائي
7. Beauty used to captivate me
Until I saw you, now it does not entrance me
٧. قَد كانَ يَسبيني الجَمالُ الرائِعُ
حَتّى لَمَحتُكِ فَهوَ لا يَسبيني
8. Storms of certainty blew through my chest
They ruined the castles of my fancy and suspicions
٨. عَصَفَت بِصَدري لِليَقينِ زَوابِعُ
ثَلَّت عُروشَ تَوَهُّمي وَظُنوني
9. So I grieve what I lost from myself
Truly what is lost is precious
٩. فَأَنا عَلى ما ضاعَ مِنِّيَ جازِعُ
إِنَّ الَّذي قَد ضاعَ جَدُّ ثَمينِ
10. Had it not been for you the soaring imagination would not have died
Are you surprised when I hate my certainty?
١٠. لَولاكِ ما ماتَ الخَيالُ اليافِعُ
أَفَتَعجَبينَ إِذا كَرِهتُ يَقيني
11. This is your doing to me, what shall I do?
Your sea willed that my ship be lost
١١. هَذا صَنيعُكِ بي فَما أَنا صانِعُ
قَد شاءَ بَحرُكِ أَن تَضِلَّ سَفيني
12. You stripped this clay of its whims
And grew beyond a clay vessel
١٢. جَرَّدتِ هَذا الطينَ مِن أَوهامِهِ
وَكَبُرتِ عَن قارورَةٍ مِن طينِ
13. How to reach you, O fire of dwellings
I am in the abyss while you are in the stars
١٣. كَيفَ الوُصولُ إِلَيكِ يا نارَ القِرى
أَنا في الحَضيضِ وَأَنتِ في الجَوزاءِ
14. I have a thousand eyes that pine as you see
But beyond you are a thousand thousand veils
١٤. لي أَلفُ باصِرَةٍ تَحِنُّ كَما تَرى
لَكِنَّ دونَكِ أَلفُ أَلفِ غَطاءِ
15. If only from dust I could tear them by the hand of dust
But they are curtains of light
١٥. لو مِن ثَرىً مَزَّقتُها بِيَدِ الثَرى
لَكِنَّها سُجُفٌ مِنَ الأَضواءِ
16. I asked my heart when it saw and was perplexed
What did you drink that you offered my blood?
١٦. ساءَلتُ قَلبي إِذ رَأى فَتَحَيَّرا
ماذا شَرِبتَ فَمِدتَ قالَ دِمائي
17. Oh, would that it had remained blind like the rest
For I was blissful and was in darkness
١٧. يا لَيتَهُ قَد ظَلَّ أَعمى كَالوَرى
فَلَقَد نَعِمتُ وَكانَ في ظَلماءِ
18. The palm of daylight disturbed my tranquility
O you, give me back my evenings
١٨. قَد شَوَّشَت كَفُّ النَهارِ سَكينَتي
يا هَذِهِ رُدّي إِلَيَّ مَسائي
19. In the evening when your hand touched me
I had a thousand eyes and a thousand wings
١٩. أَمسَيتُ حينَ لَمَستِني بِيَدَيكِ
لي أَلفُ باصِرَةٍ وَأَلفُ جَناحِ
20. And saw the fire of revelation in your eyes
Revelation was the vigor of spirits
٢٠. وَلَمَحتُ نارَ الوَحيِ في عَينَيكِ
وَالوَحيُ كانَ سُلافَةَ الأَرواحِ
21. So I spread my wings and clung to you
Thinking I found my morn
٢١. فَنَشَرتُ أَجنِحَتي وَحُمتُ عَلَيكِ
مُتَوَهِّماً أَنّي وَجَدتُ صَباحي
22. My doom was in yearning for you
The moth's doom in the lamp's mouth
٢٢. قَد كانَ حَتفي في الدُنُوِّ إِلَيكِ
حَتفُ الفَراشَةِ في فَمِ المِصباحِ
23. So I fell trembling at your feet
The fire my cradle and the smoke my shroud
٢٣. فَسَقَطتُ مُرتَعِشاً عَلى قَدَمَيكِ
أَلنارُ مَهدي وَالدُخانُ وِشاحي
24. Oh, would that when your light burned me it folded
For on your glow I felt my wounds
٢٤. يا لَيتَ نورَكِ حينَ أَحرَقَني اِنطَوى
فَعَلى ضِيائِكِ قَد لَمَستُ جِراحي