1. If I had a heart besides the one burning for your sight,
It would not have added your torment to its agony.
١. لَو كانَ لي غَيرُ قَلبي عِندَ مَرآكِ
لَما أَضافَ إِلى بَلواهُ بَلواكِ
2. Does the trembling in you portend an earthquake in the air?
Or are you a fugitive from the face of a killer?
٢. فيمَ اِرتِجاجُكِ هَل في الجَوِّ زَلزَلَةٌ
أَم أَنتِ هارِبَةٌ مِن وَجهِ فَتّاكِ
3. And how often you circle around the house, lost,
O daughter of the open country, the dwellings of people are not your abode.
٣. وَكَم تَدورينَ حَولَ البَيتِ حائِرَةً
بِنتَ الرُبى لَيسَ مَأوى الناسِ مَأواكِ
4. They said a butterfly of the field has no value,
How impoverished are people in my eyes, and how rich you are!
٤. قالوا فَراشَةُ حَقلٍ لا غَناءَ بِها
ما أَفقَرَ الناسَ في عَيني وَأَغناكِ
5. The brand of a passionate, the gestures of a poetess
Upon the asceticism of devout worshipers and hermits.
٥. سَيماءُ غاوِيَةٍ أَطوارُ شاعِرَةٍ
عَلى زَهادَةِ عُبّادٍ وَنُسّاكِ
6. The arrogance of a queen, and she adorned her train
With one who melted the sun into colors and scarves.
٦. طُغَراءُ مَملَكَةٍ وَشّى حَواشيها
مَن ذَوَّبَ الشَمسَ أَلواناً وَوَشّاكِ
7. I saw the dreams of all the lovers
When you stood before me at my window,
٧. رَأَيتُ أَحلامَ أَهلِ الحُبِّ كُلِّهِمِ
لَمّا مَثَلتِ أَمامني عِندَ شُبّاكي
8. Those sleeping in humiliation and ruin,
And the merchants, nobles and kings.
٨. مِن نائِمينَ عَلى ذُلٍّ وَمَترَبَةٍ
وَمِن تِجارٍ وَأَشرافٍ وَأَملاكِ
9. And my heart told your complaint as a wondrous tale
Even before my ears heard your complaint.
٩. وَقَصَّ شَكواكَ قَلبي قِصَّةً عَجَباً
مِن قَبلُ أَن سَمِعَت أُذنايَ شَكواكِ
10. Is there not in you the confusion of the lovers?
How then do not the lovers understand your whispers?
١٠. أَلَيسَ فيكِ مِنَ العُشّاقِ حيرَتُهُم
فَكَيفَ لا يَفهَمُ العُشّاقُ نَجواكِ
11. I dreamed that the summer days were over
And alas the days made your dream come true.
١١. حَلِمتُ أَنَّ زَمانَ الصَيفِ مُنصَرِمٌ
وَيلاهُ حَقَّقَتِ الأَيّامُ رُؤياكِ
12. So dawn bid it farewell, shivering
And nothing prevented its passing but some of your refusal.
١٢. فَقَد نَعاهُ إِلَيكِ الفَجرُ مُرتَعِشاً
وَلَيسَ مَنعاهُ إِلّا بَعضَ مَنعاكِ
13. The flowers in the field lie scattered
And no bird flies except your wings.
١٣. فَالزَهرُ في الحَقلِ أَشلاءٌ مُبَعثَرَةٌ
وَالطَيرُ لا طائِرٌ إِلّا جَناحاكِ
14. The day reached out to it with a thief's concealing palm
And the night opened in it the eye of a killer;
١٤. مَدَّ النَهارُ إِلَيهِ كَفَّ مُختَلِسٍ
وَفَتَّحَ اللَيلُ فيهِ عَينَ سَفّاكِ
15. Fate willed it to suffer, so stripped it
Of jewels, and willed you suffer, yet left you.
١٥. شاءَ القَضاءُ بِأَن يَشقى فَجَرَّدَهُ
مِنَ الحَلِيِّ وَأَن تَشقي فَأَبقاكِ
16. None of those to be judged remained but you
Nor of the good worshipers except you.
١٦. لَم يَبقَ غَيرُكِ شَيءٌ مِن مَحاسِبِهِ
وَلا مِنَ العابِدينَ الحُسنَ إِلّاكِ
17. People gained from it intimacy, then left
While despair did not gain but your eyelids.
١٧. تَزَوَّدَ الناسُ مِنهُ الأُنسَ وَاِنصَرَفوا
وَما تَزَوَّدَ اليَأسُ جَفناكِ
18. O meadow flying in the sky of meadows
And bird, like the thyme, with that fragrance of yours!
١٨. يا رَوضَةً في سَماءِ الرَوضِ طائِرَةً
وَطائِراً كَالأَقاحي ذا شَذى ذاكِ
19. An era has passed in which I was playing,
Dreaming on a carpet of dreams,
١٩. مَضى مَعَ الصَيفِ عَهدٌ كُنتُ لاهِيَةً
عَلى بِساطٍ مِنَ الأَحلامِ
20. Sleeping at night by the water channels
With the flowers and plants as your bedding.
٢٠. تُمسينَ عِندَ مَجاري الماءِ نائِمَةً
وَلِلأَزاهِرِ وَالأَعشابِ مَغداكِ
21. So whenever your ears heard a water-drawer,
You spurred the slope, craving, your steeds.
٢١. فَكُلَّما سَمِعَت أُذناكِ ساقِيَةً
حَثَثتِ لِلسَفحِ مِن شَوقٍ مَطاياكِ
22. And whenever a buttercup shone on the slope,
You clapped in rapture and your sleeve fluttered.
٢٢. وَكُلَّما نَوَّرَت في السَفحِ زَنبَقَةٌ
صَفَّقتِ مِن طَرَبٍ وَاِهتَزَّ عَطفاكِ
23. Yet you sipped nothing but scent, nor opened
Except to the beautiful beloved, your eyes.
٢٣. فَما رَشَفتِ سِوى عِطرٍ وَلا اِنفَتَحَت
إِلّا عَلى الحَسنِ المَحبوبِ عَيناكِ
24. And how often you kissed the lips of roses lingeringly
And wiped the tears of the crying narcissi,
٢٤. وَكَم لَثَمتِ شِفاهَ الوَردِ هائِمَةً
وَكَم مَسَحتِ دُموعَ النَرجِسِ الباكي
25. And how you swayed in the cradle of light to
The rhythm of the blowing wind or its echoing tune,
٢٥. وَكَم تَرَجَّحتِ في مَهدِ الضِياءِ عَلى
تَوقيعِ لَحنِ الصِبا أَو رَجعِهِ الحاكي
26. And how you ran, enticing the children at dawn
To run with you in the field, amusing them and yourself.
٢٦. وَكَم رَكَضتِ فَأَغرَيتِ الصِغارَ ضُحىً
بِالرَكضِ في الحَقلِ مَلهاهُم وَمَلهاكِ
27. They wished with all their souls to possess you
So they became, with their wish, your prisoners.
٢٧. مَنّوا بِأَسرِهِمِ إِيّاكِ أَنفُسَهُم
فَأَصبَحوا بِتَمَنّيهِم أَساراكِ
28. They dragged their feet until, tired,
You stood mocking them, with feet just as short.
٢٨. جَروا قُصاراهُم حَتّى إِذا تَعِبوا
وَقَفتِ ساخِرَةً مِنهُم قُصاراكِ
29. Without your wings, their prey would not be safe -
They were saved by you, but where is your salvation?
٢٩. لَولا جَناحاكِ لَم تَسلَم طَريدَتُهُم
قَد نَجَيّاكِ وَلَكِن أَينَ مَنجاكِ
30. Your strength bewildered, as your wings dropped.
You have become, in your sanctuary, wandering in misery
٣٠. ها أَنتِ كَالحَقلِ في نَزعٍ وَحَشرَجَةٍ
وَهَت قُواكِ كَما اِستَرخى جَناحاكِ
31. As if yesterday was not your sanctuary.
The butterfly of the field, in my soul, is its gloom
٣١. أَصبَحتِ لِلبُؤسِ في مَغناكِ تائِهَةً
كَأَنَّهُ لَم يَكُن بِالأَمسِ مَغناكِ
32. From what laid it bare and from losing you.
I loved it as a house you play in
٣٢. فَراشَةَ الحَقلِ في روحي كَآبَتُهُ
مِمّا عَراهُ وَمِمّا قَد تَوَلّاكِ
33. And my soul will yearn for it as your grave.
My heart has spent the night in a chaotic world
٣٣. أَحبَبتُهُ وَهوَ دارٌ تَلعَبينَ بِها
وَسَوفَ تَهواهُ نَفسي وَهوَ مَثواكِ
34. Since I noticed the relics of your world.
It settles only in anxiety,
٣٤. قَد باتَ قَلبِيَ في دُنيا مُشَوَّشَةٍ
مُنذُ اِلتَفَتُّ إِلى آثارِ دُنياكِ
35. Like a bird among nets and sticks.
Your terraces, yesterday thriving, are vacant,
٣٥. لا يَستَقِرُّ بِها إِلّا عَلى وَجَلٍ
كَالطَيرِ بَينَ أَحابيلٍ وَأَشراكِ
36. Today no revelry, no flutes, no singing.
A barren land, a lusterless sky,
٣٦. خَلَت أَرائِكُ كانَت أَمسِ آهِلَةً
غَنّاءَ فَاليَومُ لا شادٍ وَلا شادِ
37. Unless it is mist above your thorns.
So enough, tumultuous winds of autumn,
٣٧. أَرضٌ خَلاءٌ وَجَوٌّ غَيرُ ذي أَلَقٍ
بَلى هُناكَ ضَبابٌ فَوقَ أَشواكِ
38. Of raging, much killing has increased in the land.
What will your excuse be if tomorrow God says:
٣٨. فَيا رِياحَ الخَريفِ العاتِياتِ كَفى
عَصفاً فَقَد كَثُرَت في الأَرضِ قَتلاكِ
39. "Was the butterfly one of your victims?"
O melody fading whenever you depart,
٣٩. كَيفَ اِعتِذارُكِ إِن قالَ الإِلَهُ غَداً
هَلِ الفَراشَةُ كانَت مِن ضَحاياكِ
40. If you are absent from my hearing, your meaning does not depart.
How little I expect that God will revive you again
٤٠. يا نَغمَةً تَتَلاشى كُلَّما بَعُدَت
إِن غِبتِ عَن مَسمَعي ما غابَ مَعناكِ
41. With the spring as before except for you.
Then the field will return, blooming in its anklets,
٤١. ما أَقدَرَ اللَهَ أَن يُحَيِّكِ ثانِيَةً
مَعَ الرَبيعِ كَما مِن قَبلُ سِوّاكِ
42. And you will return, overshadowing it, and cast your wraps on it.
٤٢. فَيَرجِعُ الحَقلُ يَزهو في غَلائِلِهِ
وَتَرجِعينَ وَأَغشاهُ فَأَلقاكِ