1. A sorrow seized him in the darkness of night,
So he kept his eyelids from sleep.
١. هَمٌّ أَلَمَّ بِهِ مَعَ الظَلماءِ
فَنَأى بِمُقلَتِهِ عَنِ الإِغفاءِ
2. A soul whom grief settled between his ribs,
And grief is a fire without light.
٢. نَفسٌ أَقامَ الحُزنُ بَينَ ضُلوعِهِ
وَالحُزنُ نارٌ غَيرَ ذاتِ ضِياءِ
3. He herds the stars of the night, though he has no desire for them,
And he sees them reluctantly with sleepy eyes.
٣. يَرعى نُجومَ اللَيلِ لَيسَ بِهِ هَوى
وَيَخالُهُ كَلِفاً بِهِنَّ الرائي
4. In his heart is the fire of anguish, yet
On his cheeks are the tears of despair.
٤. في قَلبِهِ نارُ الخَليلِ وَإِنَّما
في وَجنَتَيهِ أَدمُعُ الخَنساءِ
5. Sever despair has bitten him with its fangs,
In his soul and in his bowels is hunger.
٥. قَد عَضَّهُ اليَأسُ الشَديدُ بِنابِهِ
في نَفسِهِ وَالجوعُ في الأَحشاءِ
6. He cries the cry of a child parted from his mother,
What recourse has the sorrowful but crying?
٦. يَبكي بُكاءَ الطِفلِ فارَقَ أُمِّهِ
ما حيلَةُ المَحزونِ غَيرُ بُكاءِ
7. So he sat keeping vigil in the house, as if
He had no companions in that lonely place.
٧. فَأَقامَ حِلسَ الدارِ وَهوَ كَأَنَّهُ
لِخُلُوِّ تِلكَ الدارِ في بَيداءِ
8. Bewildered, not knowing whether to take his own life
Deliberately, so he might be free of the harm of this world,
٨. حَيرانُ لا يَدري أَيَقتُلُ نَفسَهُ
عَمداً فَيَخلُصَ مِن أَذى الدُنياءِ
9. Or to persist in distress and torment,
Though life cannot be sweet with adversity,
٩. أَم يَستَمِرَّ عَلى الغَضاضَةِ وَالقَذى
وَالعَيشُ لا يَحلو مَعَ الضَرّاءِ
10. He drove away his concerns and continued lamenting his night:
“O night, you have been long during which my troubles multiplied!
١٠. طَرَدَ الكَرى وَأَقامَ يَشكو لَيلَهُ
يا لَيلُ طُلتَ وَطالَ فيكَ عَنائي
11. O night, you have weakened my body with gloom
Until missing him hurts my limbs.
١١. يا لَيلُ قَد أَغرَيتَ جِسمي بِالضَنا
حَتّى لَيُؤلِمَ فَقدُهُ أَعضائي
12. And you have afflicted me, O night, with cares
That rend the ribs – and care is the most difficult malady.
١٢. وَرَمَيتَني يا لَيلُ بِالهَمِّ الَّذي
يَفري الحَشا وَالهَمُّ أَعسَرُ داءِ
13. O night, why do you not have mercy on my condition,
When I see you, though days are my enemies?
١٣. يا لَيلُ ما لَكَ لا تَرِقُّ لِحالَتي
أَتُراكَ وَالأَيّامُ مِن أَعدائي
14. O night, enough of what I have borne of misery
To make even a rock, not I, lament.
١٤. يا لَيلُ حَسبِيَ ما لَقيتُ مِنَ الشَقا
رُحماكَ لَستُ بِصَخرَةٍ صَمّاءِ
15. Disappear, O darkness, from the eyes, perhaps
The dawn will come and bring me solace.
١٥. بِن يا ظَلامُ عَنِ العُيونِ فَرُبَّما
طَلَعَ الصَباحُ وَكانَ فيهِ عَزائي
16. Have mercy on the wretched, for they
Are dead though reckoned among the living.
١٦. وارَحمَتا لِلبائِسينَ فَإِنَّهُم
مَوتى وَتَحسَبُهُم مِنَ الأَحياءِ
17. I have seen their fortunes written in black,
As if dictated by the dark.
١٧. إِنّي وَجَدتُ حُظوظَهُم مُسوَدَّةٌ
فَكَأَنَّما قُدَّت مِنَ الظَلماءِ
18. Never do the people of the age rejoice, nor do they
Have a share like others of good fortune.
١٨. أَبَداً يُسَرُّ بَنو الزَمانِ وَما لَهُم
حَظٌّ كَغَيرِهِم مِنَ السَرّاءِ
19. In their palms is nothing of the world but
To multiply dreams of blessings.
١٩. ما في أَكُفِّهِم مِنَ الدُنيا سِوى
أَن يُكثِروا الأَحلامَ بِالنَعماءِ
20. Their hopes come near to attainment
In their imagination, but remain remote.
٢٠. تَدنو بِهِم آمالُهُم نَحوَ الهَنا
هَيهاتَ يَدنو بِالخَيالِ النائي
21. People gloat in joy, yet to them
Joy is synonymous with disaster.
٢١. بَطَرُ الأَنامِ مِنَ السُرورِ وَعِندَهُم
إِنَّ السُرورَ مُرادِفُ العَنقاءِ
22. I am saddened that their souls should be
The prey of misfortunes and the target of calamities.
٢٢. إِنّي لَأَحزَنُ أَن تَكونَ نُفوسُهُم
غَرَضَ الخُطوبِ وَعُرضَةَ الأَرزاءِ
23. I do not stand today among you to fancy
The coquettish and white-skinned maidens.
٢٣. أَنا ما وَقَفتُ لِكَي أُشَبِّبَ بِالطَلا
ما لي وَلِلتَشبيبِ بِالصَهباءِ
24. Ask me not for praise or description of beauties,
For I have discarded the rabble of poets.
٢٤. لا تَسأَلوني المَدحَ أَو وَصفَ الدُمى
إِنّي نَبَذتُ سَفاسِفَ الشُعَراءِ
25. They sold the water of their dignity for money
And praise, but I protect the water of my dignity.
٢٥. باعوا لِأَجلِ المالِ ماءَ حَيائِهِم
مَدحاً وَبِتُّ أَصونُ ماءَ حَيائي
26. They did not understand that poetry is nothing
But a means to enrichment.
٢٦. لَم يَفهَموا ما الشِعرُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
قَد باتَ واسِطَةً إِلى الإِثراءِ
27. Thus I have met none but the debauched
And seekers of reward.
٢٧. فَلِذاكَ ما لاقَيتُ غَيرَ مُشَبِّبٍ
بِالغانِياتِ وَطالِبٍ لِعَطاءِ
28. Though the world be spacious, it narrowed around them,
So they begged its fair ladies with verse.
٢٨. ضاقَت بِهِ الدُنيا الرَحيبَةُ فَاِنثَنى
بِالشِعرِ يَستَجدي بَني حَوّاءِ
29. Poetry was ruined by them, and they gained no good from it;
Without them, it would be one of the fortunate.
٢٩. شَقِيَ القَريضُ بِهِم وَما سَعِدوا بِهِ
لَولاهُمُ أَضحى مِنَ السُعَداءِ
30. They called us to love and passion, yet their hearts
Are imprinted with hatred and loathing.
٣٠. نادوا عَلَينا بِالمَحَبَّةِ وَالهَوى
وَصُدورُهُم طُبِعَت عَلى البَغضاءِ
31. They have accustomed themselves to hypocrisy,
So the Guardian cursed each hypocrite.
٣١. أَلِفوا الرِياءَ فَصارَ مِن عاداتِهِم
لَعَنَ المُهَيمِنُ شَخصَ كُلِّ مُرائي
32. If they are angry at what I say, often
The literary man is hated by the foolish mob.
٣٢. إِن يَغضَبوا مِمّا أَقولُ فَطالَما
كَرِهَ الأَديبَ جَماعَةُ الغَوغاءِ
33. Or if they deny my literary merit, be not surprised,
For the blind are pained by the rising of brilliance.
٣٣. أَو يُنكِروا أَدَبي فَلا تَتَعَجَّبوا
فَالرَمدُ يُؤلِمُهُم طُلوعُ ذَكاءِ
34. Or whenever a worthy person supports the truth,
The rabble rises against him.
٣٤. أَو كُلَّما نَصَرَ الحَقيقَةَ فاضِلٌ
قامَت عَلَيهِ قِيامَةُ السُفَهاءِ
35. I stand before you today in my stance
Only to lament the state of the wretched.
٣٥. أَنا ما وَقَفتُ اليَومَ فيكُم مَوقِفي
إِلّا لِأَندُبَ حالَةَ التُعَساءِ
36. Perhaps I may stir your hearts with verse,
For hearts are the abode of passions.
٣٦. عَلّي أُحَرِّكُ بِالقَريضِ قُلوبَكُم
إِنَّ القُلوبَ مَواطِنُ الأَهواءِ
37. I yearn for the needy among you,
Who wakes and sleeps fettered by misery.
٣٧. لَهَفي عَلى المُحتاجِ بَينَ رُبوعِكُم
يُمسي وَيُصبِحُ وَهوَ قَيدُ شَقاءِ
38. His night and morning are equal,
So different are morning and evening!
٣٨. أَمسى سَواءً لَيلُهُ وَصَباحُهُ
شَتّانَ بَينَ الصُبحِ وَالإِمساءِ
39. Despair has cut off the thread of his hopes,
And man cannot live without hope.
٣٩. قَطَعَ القُنوطُ عَلَيهِ خَيطَ رَجائِهِ
وَالمَرءُ لا يَحيا بِغَيرِ رَجاءِ
40. I yearn, and if my yearning could avail the miserable,
I would shed my tears over him along with my blood.
٤٠. لَهفي وَلَو أَجدى التَعيسُ تَلَهُّفي
لَسَفَكتُ دَمعي عِندَهُ وَدِمائي
41. Say to the wealthy man arrogant with his money:
Gently! You have been excessive in your conceit!
٤١. قُل لِلغَنِيِّ المُستَعِزِّ بِمالِهِ
مَهلاً لَقَد أَسرَفتَ في الخُيَلاءِ
42. The destitute was created from clay and from
Water, and from clay and water you were created.
٤٢. جُبِلَ الفَقيرُ أَخوكَ مِن طينٍ وَمِن
ماءٍ وَمِن طينٍ جُبِلتَ وَماءِ
43. How cruel that you should enjoy plenty
While he is captive to afflictions and tribulation,
٤٣. فَمِنَ القَساوَةِ أَن تَكونَ مُنَعَّماً
وَيَكونُ رَهنَ مَصائِبٍ وَبَلاءِ
44. That you remain reveling in silk before him
While he passed the night without a garment!
٤٤. وَتَظَلُّ تَرفُلُ بِالحَريرِ أَمامَهُ
في حينِ قَد أَمسى بِغَيرِ كِساءِ
45. Are you miserly in giving him relief,
Yet spend thousands on immorality?
٤٥. أَتَضِنُّ بِالدينارِ في إِسعافِهِ
وَتَجودُ بِالآلافِ في الفَحشاءِ
46. Help your brother, for if you do, you will spare him
The humiliation of begging and the grace of the miserly.
٤٦. اُنصُر أَخاكَ فَإِن فَعَلتَ كَفَيتَهُ
ذُلَّ السُؤالِ وَمِنَّةَ البُخَلاءِ
47. Bring ease to the prosperous, but prosperity benefits not
Unless its people are endowed with generosity.
٤٧. أَذوي اليَسارَ وَما اليَسارُ بِنافِعٍ
إِن لَم يَكُن أَهلوهُ أَهلُ سَخاءِ
48. What ingratitude is this, when your wealth is hostage to misfortune,
And why such pride, when all of you are unto annihilation?
٤٨. كَم ذا الجُحودِ وَمالُكُم رَهنُ البَلا
وَبِمَ الغُرورُ وَكُلُّكُم لِفَناءِ
49. The frail are in need of your vigor;
Do not refrain from aiding the weak.
٤٩. إِنَّ الضَعيفَ بِحاجَةٍ لِنُضارِكُم
لا تَقعُدوا عَن نُصرَةِ الضُعَفاءِ
50. I do not remind the genteel people among you,
For the healthy have no need of medicine.
٥٠. أَنا لا أُذَكِّرُ مِنكُمُ أَهلَ النَدى
لَيسَ الصَحيحُ بِحاجَةٍ لِدَواءِ
51. If the destitute do not recompense you,
Then God will recompense you for the destitute.
٥١. إِن كانَتِ الفُقَراءُ لا تُجزيكُم
فَاللَهُ يُجزيكُم عَنِ الفُقَراءِ