
The cup remains as darkness falls

بات والكأس في الظلام

1. The cup remains as darkness falls
In talk, with not a word,

١. باتَ وَالكَأسُ في الظَلامِ
في حَديثٍ وَلا كَلام

2. It in its silence sheds a light
While he in silence feels the hurt.

٢. هِيَ في صَمتِها تُضيءُ
وَهَوَ في صَمتِهِ يُضام

3. A poet who spent his youth
In love and loving yet,

٣. شاعِرٌ أَنفَقَ الصِبا
مِن غَرامٍ إِلى غَرام

4. His soul forgot all wisdom
And poverty and wealth.

٤. ذاهِلُ النَفسِ بِالرُأى
عَن حُطامٍ وَذي حُطام

5. Forgot both war and peace,
Forgot the lips whence he had quaffed

٥. وَعَنِ الفَقرِ وَالغِنى
وَعَنِ الحَربِ وَالسَلام

6. The wine that passed between their locks
In sips. Forgot the singing girls

٦. بِالشِفاهِ الَّتي طَفا
بَينَ أَهدابِها الأُوام

7. Who hearkened to him.
To their leader looked for judgment.

٧. بِالغَواني تُطيعُهُ
وَالغَواني لَها اِحتِكام

8. Forgot the fragrance spreading wide,
Forgot the veil and turban's shroud,

٨. بِالشَذى وَهوَ فائِحٌ
وَالشَذى وَهوَ بِالكَمام

9. The clouds that shower with teeming rain,
All light that Life can live among.

٩. بِالسَحابِ الَّذي يَسُحُّ
وَبِالخادِعِ الجَهام

10. Forgot the birds that sing their song,
As flowers bloom in spring's glad dress.

١٠. بِالئغاريدِ وَالبَلابِلِ
وَالنورِ وَالخُزام

11. About is still the universe
While he and space in concord dwell.

١١. حَولَهُ الكَونُِ في وَغىً
وَهوَ وَالكَونُ في وِئام

12. He's now alone. Still flows his sweat
As when he slumbered deep. Awake,

١٢. ما لَهُ الآنَ وَحدَهُ
ساكِنُ العِرقِ كَالنِيام

13. His soul and bones are numbed in sleep.
Mute as his books whose words still gleam,

١٣. ساهِرٌ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
خادِرُ الروحِ وَالعِظام

14. A world without an eye asleep.
Does hunger bite him? In his home

١٤. صامِتٌ مِثلُ كُتبِهِ
وَكَدُنيا بِلا أَنام

15. Is still no food. The wine cup stands
Beside him ever. Still filled up.

١٥. أَتُرى عَضَّهُ الطَُى
لا فَفي بَيتِهِ طَعام

16. Lightning smiles on him, wolves weep by,
The stars circle in the dark,

١٦. لَم تَزَل كَأسُهُ لَدَي
هِ وَفي كَأسِهِ مُدام

17. Dew clothes itself in varied hues
As clouds take on their garb.

١٧. وَلَهُ تَضحَكُ البُروقُ
وَيَبكي الحَيا السَجام

18. The fragrance breathes its perfume forth,
More wine is pressed. The dew still shines,

١٨. وَلَهُ تَرتَعي الكَواكِبُ
في مَسرَحِ الظَلام

19. The doves echo their plaintive moan.
Still lovely is the trysting place,

١٩. وَلَهُ تَلبِسُ الرُبى
بُرُدَ النورِ وَالغَمام

20. Still noble is the horseman bold.
All, all is his, no other shares.

٢٠. وَلَهُ يَعبَقُ الشَذى
وَلَهُ تُعصَرُ المُدام

21. Unlawful would it be to take.
Indifferent is he, though it seems

٢١. وَلَهُ يَلمَعُ النَدى
وَلَهُ يَسجَعُ الحَمام

22. He cares for nothing else. Does he
Now wear a mask upon his face?

٢٢. وَلَهُ الغادَةُ المَليحَةُ
وَالفارِسُ الهُمام

23. Like statues round him wrought of brass
Or carved from marble gleaming pure,

٢٣. كُلُّها كُلُّها لَهُ
وَعَلى غَيرِهِ حَرام

24. No sorrow and no happiness,
No weeping and no smiling grace.

٢٤. وَهوَ ساهٍ كَأَنَّما
بِسِواها لَهُ مَرام

25. A night whose bitterness would last
A thousand years. Though beauty stays

٢٥. وَجهُهُ غَيرُ وَجهِهِ
أَم عَلى وَجهِهِ لِثام

26. The ecstasy of song has died.
For him the world's a grave, the whole

٢٦. كَالتَماثيلِ حَولَهُ
مِن نُحاسٍ وَمِن رُخام

27. A ruin and debris scattered wide.

٢٧. لا اِكتِئابٌ وَلا رِضى
لا بُكاءٌ وَلا اِبتِسام

٢٨. لَيلَةٌ ما أَمَرَّها
لَيلَةُ اليَأسِ أَلفُ عام

٢٩. بَقِيَ الحُسنُ إِنَّما
ماتَ في الشعِرِ الهُيام

٣٠. فَإِذا الكَونُ عِندَهُ
جَدَثٌ كُلُّهُ رِمام